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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / Try not to talk

Try not to talk Çeviri İspanyolca

195 parallel translation
Try not to talk.
Trate de no hablar.
Remember, try not to talk.
- Trate de no hablar.
Just try not to talk so much and keep the trolly out of the road.
Menos cháchara y quita ese carro del camino.
And try not to talk.
e intentando no hablar.
Try not to talk too much.
No deberías hablar tanto, papá.
And try not to talk so much, okay?
Y procura no hablar más de la cuenta. ¿ De acuerdo?
You're a very public-spirited citizen, but please try not to talk now till we get you to a hospital.
Es un ciudadano muy responsable... pero trate de no hablar hasta llegar al hospital.
Well try not to talk to anyone.
Bueno, no trate de hablar con nadie.
- Try not to talk.
- Intente no hablar.
let's try not to talk about it.
intentemos no hablar de ello.
I try not to talk in front of adults.
Intento no hablar frente a los adultos.
- No, Henry. Try not to talk.
- No trates de hablar.
- Try not to talk.
- Trata de no hablar.
Try not to talk to anyone.
Evita hablar con la gente.
Try not to talk too much.
Intenta no hablar mucho.
- Try not to talk.
- Intenta no hablar.
Dinah, try not to talk, okay?
Dinah, intenta no hablar, ¿ sí?
Try not to talk.
Intenta no hablar.
Please, Dinah, try not to talk anymore, okay?
Por favor, Dinah, intenta no hablar más, ¿ sí?
Try not to talk too much.
Trate de no hablar mucho.
I will try not to talk above your head.
Procuraré explicarme para que lo entienda.
Try not to talk right now, okay?
Tú intenta no hablar, ¿ vale?
Ford... try not to talk.
Ford, trata de no hablar.
Try not to talk.
No hable.
Try not to talk-o.
Trata de no hablar.
Try not to talk to me.
Trata de no hablarme.
Can we just try not to talk about Max for just this once, just tonight?
¿ Podemos intentar no hablar de Max sólo por esta vez, sólo por esta noche? - ¿ Es posible?
Try to make her give you the key. These men are supposed to be bandits from Mexico, they're not to talk.
Se supone que estos hombres son bandidos mexicanos, no deben hablar.
I'm not. There's talk some fellow may try to get Corbeau away from us.
Todos somos ciegos para ciertas cosas.
Do not try to talk your way out.
No trates de usar sus palabras.
Now I'll try and help you find yourself if you'll just pretend I'm not here and talk to me.
Yo le ayudaré a encontrarse si se olvida de que estoy aquí y habla conmigo.
I'll try not to doze off if you want to talk to me, Dr Sutton.
Intentaré no quedarme dormido mientras hablo con usted, Dr. Sutton.
Mind you, I'm not out here to try and talk you out of anything.
Tengan presente que no intento convencerles de nada.
Will you try not to use "piece of cake" talk for a moment?
¿ Podríamos hablar en serio un momento?
I'm not here to try to sell anything, and I'm not gonna peddle anything. But when I tell a client... I can get him space in Hunsecker's column... it's not talk.
No he venido a vender nada a domicilio, pero cuando le digo que puedo meterle en la columna de Hunsecker, no son sólo palabras.
Why not try to talk to the President?
¿ Por qué no intentas hablar con el Presidente?
Not when you come to me and you try and talk to me.
No cuando vienes conmigo y tratas de hablarme.
Well, he's got enough sense not to come back here but if you get in touch with him, try and talk him into going back because it'll be a whole lot easier on him.
No es tan tonto como para volver aquí pero si contacta con ustedes, convénzanle para que vuelva porque eso le facilitará las cosas.
If you want to talk with me, including walkie-talkie. But try not to do it.
Si necesitas hablar conmigo, Enciende la radio, pero trata de no hacerlo.
Do not try to talk.
No intentes hablar.
We were going to talk, you promised not to try anything
Ibamos a conversar, prometiste que no intentarías nada
If this is what you really want, I'm not gonna try to talk you out of it.
Si esto es lo que quieres, no trataré de convencerte.
And could you please try not to toss and talk in your sleep?
Es tarde. ¿ Y podrías dejar de moverte y hablar mientras duermes?
Ah, ah, try not to talk.
No intente decir nada.
Don't talk to anyone, don't touch anything, don't do anything, don't interact with anyone and try not to look at anything.
No hables con nadie. No toques nada. No hagas nada.
In an effort to salvage what little time we have left, let me smear this goo on you, and then I will build us a cosy little fire and we'll snuggle up with a blanket and talk about New York and all the great times we've had over the years, and we'll try not to mention the dreaded M word for the whole weekend, OK?
Con idea de aprovechar el poco tiempo que nos queda, te untaré este mejunje luego encenderé la chimenea, nos acurrucaremos con una manta hablaremos de Nueva York y de todas las cosas que hemos hecho e intentaremos no mencionar la maldita palabra con M durante el fin de semana.
Me debes prometer que cuando charlemos, harás un esfuerzo para escuchar cuando no estés diciendo nada.
I'm not here to try on party hats. You wanna talk or not?
No estoy aquí para vestirme de fiesta. ¿ Quieres hablar o no?
Now this is a wonderful opportunity, so I want you to talk to your parents about whether or not you would like to try this.
Ésta es una gran oportunidad. Hablen con sus padres, y decidan si quieren hacerlo de verdad.
Don't try to waste time I'm not going to talk to you
Basta, no diré nada más.
This is not an invitation for you to try to talk me out of it.
Y que venga no es una invitación para que me hables al respecto.

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