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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We're getting divorced

We're getting divorced Çeviri İspanyolca

86 parallel translation
We're getting divorced.
Nos estamos divorciando.
- We're getting divorced.
- Nos vamos a divorciar.
- We're getting divorced, actually.
- A decir verdad, nos vamos a divorciar.
Now everyone realizes we're married, we're getting divorced.
Ahora que todos saben que estamos casados, nos estamos divorciando.
- We're not getting divorced.
- No nos divorciaremos.
We're getting divorced.
Vamos a divorciarnos.
We " re not getting divorced.
No nos vamos a divorciar.
And we're always gonna love each other and be in each other's lives... and we're never getting married, so we can't get divorced.
- Siempre nos amaremos... y participaremos en nuestras vidas. Nunca nos casaremos, así que no podemos divorciarnos.
John, we're getting divorced.
Vamos a divorciarnos.
We're getting divorced.
Nos divorciamos
We tried to ignore it for awhile, you know, went snorkeling, but by the time we hit land, we were separated, and now we're getting divorced.
Tratamos de ignorarlo durante un rato haciendo submarinismo... Pero en cuanto tocamos, nos separamos y ahora, nos divorciamos
We're getting divorced!
¡ Estamos divorciados!
We're not getting divorced.
¡ No! No nos divorciaremos.
Bree, we just told the kids we're getting divorced.
Bree, le acabamos de decir a los chicos que nos divorciamos.
We're still getting divorced and I won't let you push me around any more.
Porque seguimos divorciándonos y no tengo por qué seguir aguantando tus presiones.
- I think we're getting divorced.
Creo que vamos a divorciarnos.
- We're not getting divorced.
No nos vamos a divorciar.
So now, I have to tell Tobias we're getting divorced, you know, break the news to Maeby, plus fit an eyebrow pluck in there all before the weekend.
Así que ahora, tengo que decirle a Tobías que nos estamos divorciando, ya sabes, decírselo a Maeby, y depilarme las cejas y todo esto antes del fin de semana.
Guys, guys, we're getting divorced.
- ¿ Qué? Chicos, chicos, nos divorciaremos.
We're getting divorced... but Lydia disappeared.
Ya presenté el pedido de divorcio. Sólo que Lydia desapareció.
No, we're not getting divorced, not even on paper.
No, no vamos a divorciarnos, ni siquiera en el papel.
We're getting divorced, Eli, and I'm taking you to the cleaners.
Nos divorciaremos, Eli, y te voy a dejar pelado.
Okay, we're getting divorced.
OK, nos estamos divorciando
We're getting divorced.
Nos divorciaremos.
You're evaluating our entire beings based on the way that we behave at the moment we're getting divorced?
¿ Está evaluando a nuestros seres basados en cómo nos comportamos cuando nos divorciamos?
- We're getting divorced.
- Estamos divorciándonos.
- Are you saying we're getting divorced?
- ¿ Estás hablando de divorcio?
We're getting divorced, I guess.
Estamos divorciados, creo.
I was just a day like any other day, and then, the next thing I know, we're getting divorced.
Era un día como otro cualquiera, y entonces, lo siguiente que sé es que nos vamos a divorciar.
Which is a little tricky because we're getting divorced.
Es algo complicado porque nos estamos divorciando.
"We know you're getting divorced, " but we wanted to celebrate the milestone that you didn't reach anyway "?
"Sabemos que te estás divorciando pero queríamos celebrar el hito que no alcanzaste"?
But we're getting divorced.
Pero nos estamos divorciado.
We're not getting divorced.
No nos vamos a divorciar.
I don't think we're getting divorced.
No creo que nos vayamos a divorciar.
We're getting divorced.
Nos vamos a divorciar.
It would be our 18th anniversary, except we're getting divorced, so we're not celebrating anniversaries.
Iba a ser mi 18º aniversario, excepto porque estamos divorciados, así que no celebramos aniversarios.
Call Father and tell him we're getting divorced.
Llama a Padre ahora y dile que quieres divorciarte inmediatamente.
Well, I guess it's a good thing we're getting divorced.
Bueno, supongo que está bien que nos divorciemos.
Even though we're getting divorced, I still can't help worrying about him.
Aunque nos estemos divorciando, no puedo evitar preocuparme por él.
Hey, just because we're getting divorced, doesn't mean I don't care about you.
Oye, solo porque nos estamos divorciando, no quiere decir que no me importes.
We're getting divorced because of the lawsuit?
¿ Nos vamos a divorciar por la demanda?
We're getting divorced.
- Nos estamos divorciando.
- We're getting divorced!
- ¡ Nos vamos a divorciar!
We're getting divorced,
Nos estamos divorciando.
Hey, just because we're getting divorced doesn't mean I
Solo porque estemos divorciándonos no quiere decir que
- So we're not getting divorced.
- Así que no vamos a divorciarnos.
It'd be nice. How many birthdays do you think she's got left? You haven't told her we're getting divorced.
Sería agradable. ¿ Cuántos cumpleaños crees que le quedan?
Why should we be above board when we're getting divorced?
¿ Por qué debemos estar abordo cuando nos estamos divorciando?
We're getting divorced.
- De acuerdo.
We're getting divorced today and we thought we should do something that bonded us together.
Hoy nos vamos a divorciar. Pensamos que debíamos hacer algo que nos uniera.
We're not getting divorced!
¡ No nos estamos divorciando!

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