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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We have to find her

We have to find her Çeviri İspanyolca

460 parallel translation
Well, we have to find her, Mr. Crandall.
Tenemos que encontrarla, Sr. Crandall.
We have to find her.
Tenemos que encontrarla.
- We have to find her!
- ¿ Dónde podría estar?
We have to find her. Quickly.
Hay que encontrarla, y pronto.
So... we have to find her?
Entoncestenemos que encontrarla?
We have to find her and we have to kill her.
tenemos que encontrarla. TENEMOS QUE MATARLA!
We have to find her now.
Tenemos que encontrarla.
Dylan, we have to find her.
Tenemos que encontrarla. Hace frío afuera.
- We have to find her! We've gotta get her back! - Wait a minute.
Debemos encontrarlo.
We have to find her.
Pero tenemos que encontrar a Naima.
We have to find her somehow.
- Debemos encontrarla.
- We have to find her.
- Tenemos que encontrarla.
We have to find her, Xena.
Tenemos que encontrarla, Xena.
We still have to find her.
Aún tenemos que encontrarla.
( around $ 4,600 ) We have to find her in 5 hours.
Necesitamos encontrarla en 5 horas.
First of all, we'll have to find her.
- Primero debemos encontrarla.
Tell her that we're sorry. But according to our investigator's report we find that Mr. Green doesn't have a steady income.
Dígale que Io sentimos pero según nuestras investigaciones... el Sr. Green no tiene unos ingresos fijos.
Then that's all we have to help us find her.
Así pues, es todo lo que tenemos que pueda ayudarnos a encontrarla.
We have to find out her secrets for him.
Quiere que lo descubramos nosotros por él.
We enjoyed her as long as she was with us, and now, somehow, we have to find a way to live without her.
La quisimos mientras estuvo con nosotros, y ahora debemos aprender a vivir sin ella.
- We'll have to find her.
- Hay que buscarla.
We have to find another husband for her and you are the obvious choice
hay que encontrarle otro marido y tú eres la mejor opción.
Well, I think we have to respect her desire to find something new even if we... even if we don't agree with the subject.
Creo que debemos respetar su deseo de hallar algo nuevo, aún cuando no estemos de acuerdo con la materia.
If they find her, we'll have to run away.
Si la encuentran, tendremos que huir.
We have to find a way to break her, so she'll talk.
Tenemos que conseguir que se derrumbe. Y hablará.
I gave my eyes that look, with her hair loose medium and my tongue between my lips, going for him, savage brute! Ah, well I could still find someone to give me what I want so much, that is to have something hard inside. We no longer have the same chances we had before!
puse aquella mirada con el pelo un poco despeinado y la lengua asomando hacia él el muy bruto gracias a Dios que tengo a alguien que me da lo que necesito que da vida a mi corazón ya no hay nada que hacer no es como antes
I find it embarrassing the way your mother calls no matter where you are. Why did you have to tell her we were here?
Qué manía, tu madre, llamarte a todas partes.
Mother, you have to find her and make sure she doesn't act like we did once...
Madre, tienes que encontrarla y asegurarte de que no actúa como nosotros hicimos una vez...
- We'll have to find her.
Tenemos que encontrarla.
Now we have to follow the billionaire and find her before they meet!
Ahora tenemos que seguir al millonario y encontrarla antes de que se reúnan.
We have to go out and find her, get her to this concert, and forget these other godamn commitments.
Debemos traerla y olvidar los demás compromisos.
We'll have to find some for her.
Tenemos que encontrar algo para ella.
I have to know who the girl is and where we can find her.
Tengo que saber quién es la chica y donde podemos encontrarla.
Christopher, if he / she suckles this here, we have to find it we have to count him / her.
Christopher, si mama esta aqui, tenemos que encontrarla tenemos que contarle.
We have to find where she died to release her soul.
Debemos encontrar donde murió para liberar su alma
We would have a formulation able to find... that best describes how you would remember her? prefer
Me pregunto si hay una frase que podamos acordar... que recoja como le gustaría recordarla la mejor....
Oh, by the way, we tried to reach Allison... but we couldn't find the right number... and I'm pretty sure her parents have unlisted phones.
Oh, por cierto, Nosotros tratamos de buscar a Allison... pero no logramos conseguir su numero... Y estoy segura que sus padres te tienen en sus telefonos.
Listen.... we will have to find her a little.
Escucha.... tendremos que encontrarla.
We have to go and find her and tell her how we feel about all this.
Debemos encontrarla y decirle lo que pensamos de esto.
I'll have to tend to her injuries before any brain scan. But until we find the transfer method Vantika used I'm not even sure what to look for.
Tengo que curar sus heridas antes de hacerle un escáner cerebral pero hasta que no encontremos el método de transferencia que Vantika usó.
If this is our man, and he follows the pattern of the other murders, then we have three days to find her alive.
Si éste es nuestro hombre y sigue el patrón de los otros asesinatos entonces tenemos tres días para encontrarla con vida.
And if we can find her, she might have the ability to send us home.
Si logramos encontrarla, quizá pueda mandarnos de vuelta a casa.
We have to find presents for her.
Hay que encontrarle regalos antes de que llegue.
You have a wife who thinks it's impossible to find a couple where you like him, I like her, they like us and we like them.
Tu esposa cree que es raro encontrar una pareja que nos agrademos mutuamente.
We'll split up. You will go to every romantic place the two of you have, and I will go I don't know, someplace brilliant, and we'll find her.
Nos separaremos y tú irás a cada lugar romántico donde hayan estado y yo iré no sé, a algún lugar brillante, y la encontraremos.
And all we have to do is find her first.
Lo único que hay que hacer es encontrarla.
We have to find a way to calm her down.
Hemos de encontrar el modo de calmarla.
That's what she says, but I think we have to find a way to verify her story.
Eso es lo que ella dice pero debemos buscar la forma de verificar su historia.
Debemos unirnos y intentar encontrarla.
'Cause we couldn't find a record of any children who claim to have ever seen her or played with her, not even on your own block.
- La educamos en casa. - ¿ Tenía amigos? Porque no encontramos ningún niño que dijera haberla visto o jugado con ella, ni siquiera en su calle.
Now we just have to find her.
Ahora sólo hay que encontrarla.

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