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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We know you're in there

We know you're in there Çeviri İspanyolca

315 parallel translation
We know you're in there.
Sabemos que está ahí.
We know you're in there, jim fisk! Come out, you yellow-bellied crook!
¡ Sabemos que está ahí dentro, Jim Fisk!
I'll tell you where we're going in plain language so you'll know where we are when we get there.
Os lo diré en otras palabras, así sabréis donde vais cuando estéis allí.
You know, Ed, there are some people who think we're pretty slow in cleaning this murder up.
Hay gente que cree que la resolución de este crimen va despacio.
Jeb Rand, we know you're in there.
¡ Jeb Rand, sabemos que estás ahí, sal!
Virginia, we know you're in there.
Sabemos que estás ahí.
We know you're in there, Merritt, so come on out.
Sabemos que está ahí dentro, Merritt, así que salga.
Once in Switzerland, give out a big yodel so we'll know you're there.
Suiza. Una vez ahí, nos avisáis con un canto tirolés.
I know you're getting pushed around, but there's one thing we have in this country, and that's ways of fighting back.
Sé que os están tiranizando, pero si hay algo... que tenemos en este país, son formas de defendernos.
We know you're in there.
Sabemos que estás ahí.
You know, Martha, if we were a couple of hundred miles inland, we'd be passing over a most interesting territory... the home of one of the few tribes of headhunters left in the world. That is, if they're still there. Oh, they're still there.
Si estuviéramos unos 500 kilómetros más lejos, pasaríamos sobre un territorio donde vive una de esas tribus de cazadores de cabezas.
Now, listen, son, there's no use pretending because we know you're in the room.
Escucha, hijo, no finjas sabemos que estás aquí.
Shirley Clyde and June Foster and me, we're the committee and you know how they're dying to get in there and see the house.
Vamos dentro, aquí hace fresco. No quiero ir dentro.
Shirley Clyde and June Foster and me, we're the committee and you know how they're dying to get in there and see the house.
Shirley Clyde, June Foster y yo, somos las encargadas y sabes que se mueren por entrar a ver la casa.
We know you're in there.
Sabemos que estás allí dentro.
Come on! We know you're in there!
¡ Vamos, sabemos que están ahí adentro.!
- And I'm here because she gave me your name, see. 'Cause we're visiting all the families in there... that gave their names, you know, at the church.
- Y he venido porque estamos visitando a todas las familias que dejaron sus datos.
We know you're in there
Sabemos que estás ahí, así que sal con las manos en alto...
We know you're in there, so come out with your hands up.
Sabemos que está ahí dentro. Así que salga con las manos en alto.
On 3 Godfathers there's this scene where Wayne and Armendériz and myself were in our bedrolls and we're covered up. you know uh. because there had been a sandstorm so... And then we sit up from the bedrolls and Duke wakes up. and then Pete wakes up.
En "Tres padrinos" está esta escena donde Wayne, Armendáriz y yo estábamos en nuestros sacos y estábamos cubiertos, ya sabes, porque hubo una tormenta de arena... y entonces nos sentamos en los sacos y el Duque se despierta, y entonces Pete se despierta.
So, now we're all seated comfortably het's get started on this game we all know so well... There's a drawing in front of you, a portrait today just a rough sketch done in a few seconds before the programme by...
Estamos todos en nuestro sitio y ahora... vamos a empezar este juego que ya conocen... le mostramos un dibujo, hoy es un retrato, lo ve... hecho a grandes trazos minutos antes de empezar el programa...
About 200 degrees in Merced, 400 degrees out in Fresno, and I know we're gonna have about 500 degrees up around the valley there somewhere. You got The Wolfman Jack Show.
Cerca de 200 grados en Merced, 400 grados allá en Fresno, y sé que aquí vamos a tener cerca de 500 grados por el valle allá en algún lado.
We know you're in there, Mr. Combes... and we ask you in a nice way to please come down of your own volition.
Sabemos que está allí, Sr. Combes... y le pedimos amablemente que baje por su propia voluntad.
We know you're in there.
Sabemos que estás dentro.
Albert, I don't know what you're up to, but Maurois and I, we're sure she's in there.
Albert, no sé lo que pretendes, pero Maurois y yo, sabemos que esta ahí dentro.
We know you're in there!
Sabemos que estás adentro.
I'm not going to talk to you about the security which consists in putting one's self at the discretion of someone... nor about the one you're waiting for and who is already there... already master... then who we expect... you know that... that I know.
No voy a hablar contigo sobre la seguridad que consiste en ponerse a uno mismo a la discreción de alguien... ni sobre a quien estás esperando y quién ya está allí... ya amo... entonces a quién esperamos... lo sabes... que yo sé.
You know, it's real scary, like,'cause when we play we're right down there in the audience and there's lots of creeps out there. And there's lots of people that have grudges against you now, too.
Es aterrador, cuando tocamos... estamos a la altura, del publico y hay mucho arrastrado, muchos nos tienen rencor.
We know that you're in there!
¡ Sabemos que está ahí!
- She's in there. We both know it. So you're gonna tell me exactly where.
Y tú me dirás dónde.
All right, Goodson, we know you're in there!
¡ Goodson, sabemos que está ahí!
I wanna know if you're doin'something that's gonna help us out of this deep shit we're in, or if you're all in there just jerkin'each other off.
Quiero saber si estamos haciendo alguna cosa... para salir de este agujero en que estamos. ¿ O van a quedarse allá adentro, masturbándose?
Open up! Police! - We know you're in there!
- Es la policía.
We know you're in there.
¡ Sabemos que estás adentro!
You know, you're going to be in Chicago in less than three hours, around there, if we don't hit traffic, and I don't think we should since it's Thanksgiving.
Sabes, estarás en Chicago en menos de tres horas, más o menos, si no encontramos tráfico, y no creo que lo hagamos es Acción de Gracias.
Look, I know that you don't go home and cuddle your insects every single night, but why would you go there knowing that we're in the middle of an investigation?
Mira, sé que no vas a casa y acaricias a tus insectos todas las noches, ¿ pero por qué lo harías si sabes que estamos en medio de una investigación?
We know you're in there.
Sabemos que esta ahi.
Open up, Vince. We know you're in there.
Vamos, sólo queremos hablar.
We know you're in there!
* And a happy New Year * Sabemos que están ahí!
But, you know, there are thousands of Snippers in Britain and we desperately need your help to carry on the work we're doing.
Pero, saben, hay miles de Snippers en Gran Bretaña y necesitamos desesperadamente su ayuda para sostener el trabajo que hacemos.
Sometimes in our lives we all have pain we all have sorrow but if we are wise we know that there's always tomorrow lean on me when you're not strong and i'll be your friend?
A veces, en nuestras vidas, todos sentimos pena, todos estamos tristes, pero si somos sabios, sabemos que siempre hay un mañana,
- We know you're in there!
- Sabemos que estás ahí.
I don't know who you are or where you came from, but you're a guest in this house, and there was a Janey, but no one is mad at you, and we don't want to judge you, and I don't think... you should be so fast to judge other people's blow jobs... because what you see isn't always what you get.
No sé quién eres ni de dónde vienes pero en esta casa eres una invitada y había una Janey, pero nadie está enfadado contigo y no queremos juzgarte, y no creo que debas ir tan rápido a la hora de juzgar las mamadas de las otras personas porque lo que ves, no es siempre lo que hay
We know you're in there!
¡ Sabemos que está ahí dentro!
We know that you're in there, and that you're all alone.
Sabemos que estás allí dentro, y que estás solo.
All right, McHugh, we know you're in there!
Muy bien, McHugh, sabemos que estás ahí.
- We know you're in there.
- ¡ Sabemos que está ahí!
We know you're in there.
Sabemos que está ahí dentro.
And we went down, I went down, she sat in a seat up there and I went down where the lawyer was explaining it to us,'cause we're a bunch of dummies, you know, we didn't know, understand the procedure.
Me acerqué y ella estaba sentada en un asiento ahí... y yo fui a donde estaba el abogado explicándonos el asunto. Por supuesto, somos una banda de tontos. No entendimos el procedimiento.
We know you're in there!
¡ Sabemos que estás allí!
We know you're in there.
Sabemos que ustedes están allá adentro.

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