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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Were you talking to me

Were you talking to me Çeviri İspanyolca

387 parallel translation
Put them up. - Were you talking to me?
- ¿ Me hablabas?
- Were you talking to me?
- ¿ Me hablas a mí?
Oh, were you talking to me? I'm sorry, I thought there was a dog in here.
Pensé que hablaba con un perro.
Were you talking to me?
¿ Me hablas a mí?
I'm sorry, were you talking to me?
Perdón, ¿ hablabas conmigo?
Were you talking to me?
¿ Me hablabas a mí?
- Were you talking to me?
- ¿ Le hablas a mí?
Were you talking to me, Mom?
¿ Me hablabas, mamá?
Were you talking to me?
¿ Estabas hablando conmigo?
Not me. The man you were just talking to, Mr Walton.
Sino quien le ha hablado, el Sr. Walton.
You were talking to Umeryu about me, weren't you?
Ha estado hablando con Umeryu sobre mí, ¿ cierto?
So I shook them to dry them... and I eavesdropped again and you were talking about... a South American who didn't interest me... so I lit a cigarette... and heard If you set an appointment, you're on time!
Y las sacudí para secarlas... y volví a prestar oídos para ver que hablaban... de un sudamericano, cosa que no me interesa... así que encendí un cigarrillo... y escuché que si uno hace una cita, más vale que sea puntual!
Because the locals were talking... I was afraid to tell you... You understand.
Lo rumores empezaban ya a circular usted ya me entiende, Sr. Director...
Listen.. about that trip you were talking about. You want to go with me?
¿ Quieres hacer ese viaje del que hablaste conmigo?
Me estaba diciendo a mi mismo de ti, y nos preguntabamos que habia sido de ti.
I thought you were talking to me.
Creía que me hablabas a mí.
You know, if I were a counterfeiter and I were talking to me I'd say I am, just to throw me off the track.
Oiga, si yo fuera falsificador y hablara conmigo mismo diría que lo soy, para despistarme a mí mismo.
Wasn't that the pastor you were just talking to?
¿ No es ese el gorila del que me ha hablado?
Stop talking to me as if I were a child and you a schoolmaster!
Deje de hablarme como un profesor a su alumno.
You'll have to forgive me. My daughter and I were talking about something else.
Hemos estado charlando de otras cosas.
Hey, what was that camp you were talking to me about this morning?
¿ Qué fue de ese campamento que mencionaste esta mañana?
You were talking loud enough for me to hear.
Gritaba usted mucho y la oí.
Why, of course it was me you were talking to a moment ago. Who else?
Claro que era yo con el que hablaste.
Or were you going to tell him what Ames and me were talking about?
¿ O ibas a contarle sobre qué estábamos hablando Ames y yo?
You sounded as if you were talking down to me.
Me hablabas como si fuera una tonta.
Don't talk to me as if you were talking to a child.
No me hables como si estuvieras hablando con una niña.
The thing that I liked best about talking to Hitchcock about problems when you were doing a screenplay was if you raised a problem that didn't seem very important, he'd say, "Oh, that's ice box talk."
Lo que más me gustaba de hablar con Hitchcock sobre algún problema cuando estaba escribiendo un guión era que, si planteaba un problema que no parecía muy importante, él decía : "Oh, eso es charla de nevera".
I thought you were talking to me about love.
¡ Creía que me estabas hablando de amor!
I want to be that woman you were talking about.
Me gustaría ser la mujer de la que hablabas.
Rocks kept bouncing off the car the whole time, as if you and Richard were talking to me, telling me I was bound to come back someday for good.
Mientras tanto, seguían tirando piedras al coche... era como si vosotros me estuvierais hablando. Como si me dijerais que... no podía irme más. Que un día u otro regresaría.
I did not answer you, because I did not think that you were talking to me.
No te contesté, porque no pensé que me hablaras.
Billy, who were you talking to on the phone just now?
Con nadie. No me mientas. ¿ Con quién estabas hablando?
While you were talking, I managed to find a piece of broken pottery.
Mientras usted hablaba, me las arreglé para encontrar una pieza de cerámica rota.
Were you talking to me? Hold it.
Say, who were you talking to about me on that telephone?
¿ Con quién estaba hablando de mí?
I am glad you don't understand me as if I were talking to a dog.
Me alegro de que no me entiendas como si estuviera hablando con un perro.
You had already agreed before, you were just waiting for me to finishing talking to say : "yes"!
Tú ya habías coincidido antes, sólo estabas esperando a que dejara de hablar para decir : "¡ sí!".
When you were talking about the ideal, I was thinking that I forgot to dust the piano.
Tú me estabas hablando de grandes ideales y yo estaba pensando en que me olvidé de limpiar el polvo del piano.
It sounded like you were talking to someone.
Me pareció como si estuvieras hablando con alguien.
Excuse me sir, as you were talking, I felt a great desire to read your reasoning.
Disculpad, Señor, mientras vos hablabais, sentí un gran deseo de leer vuestro razonamiento.
It didn't feel to me like you were interested in talking just now.
No parecía que tuvieras mucho interés en hablar.
- I'm sorry, were you talking to me?
- ¿ Me lo dice a mí?
Not at all, I just did some eavesdropping... when you were talking to the security officer.
Me enteré de que existía... cuando el oficial de seguridad lo mencionó. ¿ Por qué?
- Well, now, who were you talking to?
- ¿ Con quién hablabas? - Dottie, ¿ me abrochas esto?
Yes, really! While you were talking about cypresses you were only longing to touch me.
Hace un momento, mientras hablabas de los cipreses...
Look, the other day I was talking to some guys... and they said they worked in the same department you do... and they told me they were going to send me... - -- forgive me, Miss Poli - --... such a witch,... such a cockatoo,... such a smoked oyster,... such a shark,... such a killer whale.
Mire, el otro día estaba yo platicando con unos tipos que aseguran que trabajan en la misma dependencia que usted y ello me dijeron que me iban a mandar... - -perdonando, señorita Poli- - que "a la bruja", que "a la cacatúa", que "a la ostra ahumada", que "a la tiburona", que "a la orca asesina".
And, uh, this must have been about five years ago... and, uh, Grotowski and I were walking along Fifth Avenue and we were talking. You see, he'd invited me to come to teach that summer in Poland.
Hace ya cinco años... estaba con Grotowski en la Quinta Avenida... y me propuso hacer un taller en Polonia.
While you were talking to your friends, I got a phone call.
Mientras te divertías con tus amigos, me han llamado de España.
You were talking to me!
- ¡ Hablabas conmigo!
- Were you just talking to me?
- Me estabas hablando?
Come on, they were just talking to me about you.
Vamos, me estaban hablando de ustedes.

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