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Whaley Çeviri İspanyolca

66 parallel translation
I took them and Dudley Wright down to Whaley's pond just last week on a picnic.
Con ellas y Dudley Wright fuimos a Whaley... de día de campo la semana pasada.
- Messed up old Whaley, did he?
- Armó lío con el viejo Whaley, ¿ no?
Should have thought of that before you messed up old Whaley.
Deberías haber pensado en eso antes de armar lío con el viejo Whaley.
Well, to hell with Whaley.
Bien, al demonio con Whaley.
I'm the manager and I really would have preferred some forewarning about your visit here.
Judd Whaley. Soy el encargado. Hubiera preferido que me avisaran de su visita.
Mr. Whaley, we will certainly take you up on your offer.
- Jefa... tiene que ver esto. Sr.Whaley, Estoy segura que aceptaré su oferta.
Detective Daniels, were you able to track down that manager at Summerview?
Detective Daniels, ¿ Podría traer al director de Summer View? Judd Whaley...
- Judd Whaley.
está en camino.
What's Whaley doing here?
¿ Que hace aquí Whaley?
Listen to what Mr. Whaley has to say. Write it all down. And I'll be back to talk with you in a minute.
Escuche lo que el Sr Whaley tiene que decir, escríbalo todo, y volveré a hablar con usted en un minuto.
Mr. Whaley, thank you so much for coming in.
Sr.Whaley, muchas gracias por venir.
I certainly understand your concern, Mr. Whaley, especially since Summerview has quite a reputation to uphold.
Comprendo su preocupación, Sr.Whaley, especialmente desde que Summer View tiene una reputación que mantener.
I believe not, Mr. Whaley, but then I have an advantage over you. Because you can test for arsenic in cremated remains.
Yo no lo creo, Sr. Whaley, pero yo tengo una ventaja sobre usted, porque puede buscar arsénico en los restos incinerados.
Mr. Whaley, you have the right to remain silent. - Anything you say... - She's good.
Sr. Whaley, tiene derecho a permanecer en silencio
Mr. Whaley, absent your explanation,
Y pintará muy mal para usted. Mr. Whaley, en ausencia de una explicación,
I'm afraid the state of California would reduce my efficiency rating if I didn't arrest you on seven counts of murder in the first degree.
Creo que es una oferta muy generosa Sr.Whaley, pero me temo que el estado de California me reducirá mi ratio de eficacia.
You're right, Mr. Whaley.
Bien, ciertamente no merezco esto.
Haven't used them since a poltergeist hung Raf Hurtado by his heels in the Whaley House.
No los he usado desde que un poltergeist colgó a Ralph Hurtado de los talones en la casa Whaley.
Otis Whaley.
Otis Whaley.
fallbrook dunn, John Ellington, Otis Whaley.
Dunn Fallbrook, John Ellington, Otis Whaley.
- it's Whaley, sir!
Es Whaley, Señor.
- it's Otis Whaley!
- ¡ Es Whaley, Señor!
this is Whaley, sir.
Este es Whaley, Señor.
Christian Slater, Frank Whaley... oh, and Richard Grieco are all foxes.
Christian Slater, Frank Whalkey y Richard Grieco son todos unos zorros.
Whaley, come on!
Whaley, ¡ Vamos!
We need to be brave for her. They used to call me "Whaley."
Debemos ser valientes por ella.
"Whaley Haley."
"Whaley Haley".
Ah, I thought it'd be bigger.
La Casa Whaley. - Ah, pensé que sería más grande.
When Thomas and Anna Whaley first built the house, they planned to run part of it as a business, which was in this room.
Cuando Thomas y Anna Whaley construyeron esta casa, planearon destinar parte de ella a un negocio, el cual estaba en esta sala y fue llamado :
It was called Whaley and Crosthwaite's general store.
La Tienda General de Whaley y Crosthwaite.
The Whaley house was also the site of the first commercial theater in all of San Diego.
La Casa Whaley también fue el sitio del primer teatro comercial en todo San Diego.
Some think that she's the great-granddaughter of Thomas Whaley, but it's still a mystery.
Algunos creen que es la biznieta de Thomas Whaley, pero aún es un misterio.
Look, ghosts are real, and the Whaley house is really haunted.
- Preferiría hablar de pezones. - Miren, los fantasmas son reales y la casa Whaley está embrujada.
Okay, now I don't want to make an ass out of you and me, but is it safe to assume that you have a set of keys to the Whaley house or at least access to them?
Bien, no quiero hacer un culo de ti y de mi, pero es seguro asumir que tienes un juego de llaves de la casa Whaley, o acceso a ellas?
They say you could hear the footsteps of Thomas Whaley pacing up in his bedroom.
Oh, dicen que se podía oír los pasos de Thomas Whaley paseando en su dormitorio.
We are speaking to the Whaley family or any earthbound entity in this house.
Hablamos a la familia Whaley o a cualquier entidad terrenal en esta casa.
Did Violet Whaley die in this house?
¿ Murió Violet Whaley en esta casa?
Thomas Whaley heard the gunshot, and he went out and brought his daughter in the house.
Thomas Whaley oyó el disparo, y salió y trajo su hija a la casa.
The Whaley house has barred its doors to paranormal investigators for years.
La Casa Whaley ha cerrado sus puertas a los investigadores paranormales por años.
I mean, how would he know all that stuff about Violet Whaley?
No juegues. Digo, ¿ cómo sabes esas cosas sobre Violet Whaley?
Hey, did - did Thomas Whaley die in here? No.
Oye, ¿ Thomas Whaley murió aquí dentro?
And I'm at the Whaley house.
Soy Penny Abbott y estoy en la casa Whaley.
Judd Whaley.
y Ud. es...
Mr. Whaley, you poisoned these people.
Sr. Whaley...
While that is a very generous offer, Mr. Whaley,
Le daremos un año gratis.
Unfortunately, it's the worst I can do to you.
Tiene razón, Mr. Whaley.
There it is, boys. The Whaley House.
Ahí está, chicos.
Is this Violet Whaley?
¿ Eres Violet Whaley?
Are you a Whaley?
¿ Eres un Whaley?
This is the Whaley house.
Esta es la Casa Whaley.
Did you say, "The Whaley House"?
- Dijo " La Casa Whaley?

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