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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Why is it doing that

Why is it doing that Çeviri İspanyolca

87 parallel translation
- Why is it doing that? - I don't know.
- ¿ Por qué hace siempre eso?
Why is it doing that?
- ¿ Por qué suena?
Why is it doing that?
¿ Porqué hace eso?
Why is it doing that?
¿ Por qué está haciendo eso?
Why is it doing that?
¿ Por qué está haciendo eso? Me encuentro bien
- No. - Why is it doing that?
- ¿ Por qué lo está haciendo?
Why is it doing that?
¿ Por qué hace eso?
Why is it doing that blinking thing?
¿ Por qué parpadea esta cosa?
Why is it doing that when you do that?
¿ Por qué hace eso cuando tú lo haces?
Why is it doing that?
¡ Por qué está haciendo eso?
why is it doing that?
¿ Por qué está haciendo se ruido?
Why is it doing that?
- Por qué hace eso?
Why is it doing that?
¡ ¿ Por qué hizo eso?
Why is it doing that? Why would it...
¿ Por qué me quiere matar?
Hey. Now why is it doing that?
Oye, ¿ por qué hace esto?
Wow, why is it doing that?
Wow, ¿ Qué es esto?
What is it that you're after? Why are you doing this to us?
¿ Qué es lo que quieres?
Our job is to make you understand why. When you know why you're doing something that's bad for you and when you first started doing it.
Nuestro trabajo reside en hacerte entender por qué haces algo que es malo para ti y cuándo comenzaste a hacerlo.
Why is it doing that?
- Pronto se calmará. - Sería muy de desear.
Look, I says, why don't you work a couple of hours a week, it's about time you help me out a bit, Nothing doing she says, and then I start figuring that something dirty is going on,
Mira, le dije, porqué no trabajas un par de horas a la semana, me podrías ayudar un poco, de ninguna manera dijo y yo empecé a imaginar que algo sucio pasaba.
Why don't you spend some time doing whatever it is that you think you should be doing?
¿ Por qué no pasar algún tiempo para hacer lo que usted piensa que debería estar haciendo?
It's possible. I heard Doc tell the captain that he was dangerous and capable of doing anything... which is why I came to get the knife.
Oí a Doc decirle al capitán que era peligroso y capaz de cualquier cosa por eso vine a buscar el cuchillo.
Why in God's name is it doing that?
¿ Por qué diablos está haciendo eso?
And I often wondered why it is that somebody as articulate as John... would be so confusing when he would tell you... what - what you were doing.
Yo me preguntaba por qué alguien tan preciso como John podía resultar confuso para decirte lo que tenías que hacer.
[So why is that... the GNU project that's had so much lead-time, that's been doing this, Why... Why is it that he was able to kinda come in at the tail end so to speak]
[¿ Así que porque es que... el proyecto GNU que había tenido tanto tiempo trabajando en esto, por qué... por qué es que él pudo venir cerca del final a opinar]
Why is it that when I'm doing my thing... why is it that men always insist on watching?
¿ Por qué cuando estoy haciendo lo mío... los hombres insisten en mirar?
I to think that somewhere down deep he knows what he was doing he knows it was against a lot of first principles which is why so much his masked and hidden there's so much distrust it's a very very sad way to go to your life
Pienso, que en lo más profundo de su ser, el sabe lo que estaba haciendo Sabe que iba contra muchos principios básicos... Por lo cual siempre está escondido detrás de una máscara y es tan desconfiado.
That is why I'm doing it with a married man on the fucking floor.
Es por eso que lo hago con hombres casados en el maldito piso.
now, i don't know what this creature is or why it is doing this, but i do know that it can tesseract through space, and move backwards in time, so that it knows our next move before we even make it.
Ahora, no sé lo que es esta criatura o por qué está haciendo esto, pero sí sé que puede tesseractuar a través del espacio, y moverse hacia atrás en el tiempo, para conocer nuestro próximo movimiento antes de que lo hagamos.
See the thing is my dad is doing this-this completely crazy thing, right, because it's like why not he's got nothing to lose at this point and I just keep thinking that maybe it's the same thing with us.
La cosa es que mi padre va a cometer una locura porque no tiene nada que perder y... eso me lleva a pensar que con nosotros pasa igual.
And then you go ahead, and you belittle it by turning it into pornography, and I think that the reason why you're doing this is because men can't handle it the fact that these women can have this amazing,
no pueden soportar el hecho de que estas mujeres pueden estos increíbles espectaculares orgasmos
No, the Ori are wrong for doing what they're doing, but the part I haven't figured out yet, the part that's really bothering me, is why they're doing it.
No, los Ori están equivocados haciendo lo que hacen pero la parte que no lo ha descubierto todavía, lo que realmente me molesta es ¿ por qué lo están haciendo?
Kirsten, vamos a seguir... el cabello, ¿ de acuerdo?
The beauty of Joy Division is that we did it, four of us. Didn't know what we were doing, didn't know why we were doing it.
No sabíamos lo que hacíamos ni por qué lo hacíamos y la química era increíble.
Why is that? It's a medical thing, sir. He's doing what he can.
Su condición médica Sr. Hace lo que puede.
Point, could you please just tell me exactly what it is that we're doing here? And why this all seems like a really bad version of "DELIVERANCE"? And why we didn't just take the interstate...
Point, ¿ me puedes decir qué hacemos aquí... y por qué esto parece una mala versión de "Deliverance"... y por qué no tomamos la autopista?
I don't know why you're up here doing whatever it is that you're doing, and I don't care.
No sé por qué hacen lo que sea que estén haciendo, y no me importa.
The biggest single reason why people aren't doing this is that it requires taking responsibility
La única razón mas grande por la que la gente está haciendo esto... es porque requiere tomar responsabilidad.
But... it's only because I'm doing it for you. And that is the only - reason why.
Pero... es sólo por que lo hago por tí, y esa es la única razón del por qué.
That's why Don is doing it. - Yeah, and you know, the funny thing is, is I almost didn't take it to him, because, you know, it's one thing when he asks me for help, but to go in completely unsolicited is like...
- Sí, y sabes..... lo gracioso es que casi no se lo llevo, porque, sabes una cosa es cuando me pide ayuda pero ir sin que me lo soliciten para nada, es como- -
It is my fault. i insulted her early that is why she is doing all this.
Es mi culpa. Por lo que hice antes, ella está haciendo esto.
I am careful. Why is it so hard for you to trust that I know what I'm doing?
Estoy teniendo cuidado. ¿ Por qué te es difícil confiar en que sé lo que hago?
Uh, I... you know, look, I know why you guys are doing this, and the thing is, is that it is a really good time.
Eh... Yo... ¿ sabes? , mira, se porqué estais haciendo esto chicos
What I want to do is expose exorcism for the scam that it really is, and that's why we're doing this.
Quiero mostrar al mundo la farsa del exorcismo y por qué hacemos esto.
And why is it that Mr doctor colonel mayor is doing this for me?
¿ Y para qué el Doctor-coronel-alcalde está haciendo esto por mí?
You see, that is exactly why you need to be doing it.
Por eso mismo tienes que hacerlo.
That's why Chase is doing it.
Es por eso que Chase lo está haciendo.
So whatever it is that you're doing here, why don't you just get on with it and leave town.
Lo que quiera que sea eso, tú lo estás haciendo aquí. Porque no lo aceptas y dejas el pueblo.
It may seem odd that we're making people wear balaclave and men wear these things, but this is why we're doing it.
Puede parecer extraño que estamos haciendo que la gente llevar balaclave y los hombres usan estas cosas, pero esto es por qué lo estamos haciendo.
Why is it men always think that women, we don't know what the hell we're doing?
¿ Por qué los hombres siempre creen que las mujeres no sabemos qué demonios estamos haciendo?
Instead, you're uh... well, you're doing this, and I just think that it's important to understand why that it is.
En lugar de eso, estás, bueno, haciendo esto, y simplemente creo que es importante entender por qué es.

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