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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Would you like to see it

Would you like to see it Çeviri İspanyolca

329 parallel translation
Would you like to see it?
- Claro que si.
- Upstairs. Would you like to see it?
- Arriba. ¿ Quieres ver?
- Would you like to see it?
- Sí. - ¿ Le gustaría verlo?
- Would you like to see it?
- ¿ Le gustaría verlo?
Would you like to see it? Mr. Jordan I'm sorry I'm late.
Señor Jordan, siento llegar tarde.
Emiko, would you like to see it?
¿ Emiko, quisieras verlo?
Would you like to see it?
-? Quiere verla?
Would you like to see it?
¿ Le gustaría salir a verlo?
- Would you like to see it?
- ¿ Le gustaría verla?
How would you like to see it with me?
¿ Le gustaría venir conmigo?
- Would you like to see it?
- ¿ Quieres verlo?
- Would you like to see it? .
¿ Les gustaría verla?
Would you like to see it?
¿ Os gustaría verlo?
- Would you like to see it? No, I'd rather get home now, darling, before it gets too dark.
No, cariño, prefiero volver a casa antes de que anochezca.
Would you like to see it, Mrs. Vogler?
¿ Le gustaría verla, Sra. Vogler?
Would you like to see it?
¿ Te gustaría verlo?
Would you like to see it?
¿ Quiere verla?
Oh, that's where we keep the light. Would you like to see it?
Ahí está el proyector.
- For how much would you like to see me try it?
- ¿ Cuánto apostarías por verme intentarlo?
Right away, would you like to see how it all works?
En un momento. ¿ Quieres ver cómo se hace?
Would you like to walk down and see it closer?
¿ Quiere ir a verla más de cerca?
If you would like to see it...
Si le apetece verla...
If you would like to see it sometime... o, thank you.
Si quiere verla... No, gracias.
- Would you rather we stopped? - Bill, you invited me to dance, and you're going to see it through whether you like it or not.
- Bill, me invitaste a bailar y bailaremos te guste o no.
Ha! I've been wondering what it would be like to see you again.
- Pensaba en cómo sería volver a verte.
Pretty bad shape. Would you like to look... before it gets dark? You can see from over here.
Están muy mal. ¿ Quiere verlos... antes de que oscurezca?
Tamai, would you like to go see it with me?
Tamai, ¿ quieres ir conmigo a verlo?
Anna, you know this afternoon seemed like it would never end... just because I was dying to see you.
Anna, ¿ sabes que la tarde se me ha hecho interminable? Y era porque deseaba verte ; sólo por eso.
The town has a lot of confidence in you, but would like to see you take it a little easy.
La gente confia en ti y les gustaría que fueras más despacio.
But I - I would like to see if it's tidy for you.
Pero querría ver si está preparada.
Your mother and I would sure like to see you settled down particularly in Austin. It'd be a big help to us.
Nos gustaría verte establecido, si pudiera ser en Austin, sería una ayuda para todos.
It's the lunch break Mr Mayo, would you like to see the switchboard?
Descanso para el almuerzo. ¿ Me acompaña?
Did you think it would please me to see you die like this?
¿ Creíste que me alegraría verte así?
You see, I would like to give it to my third husband as a surprise present.
Me gustaría dárselo a mi tercer esposo...
You see, I don't want to have to resort to legal measures I would like to sort it out between us amicably.
No querría recorrer a la justicia... sino arreglarlo así, amistosamente.
I would like you to come see it some day.
Me gustaría que viniese usted algún día a verlo.
Would you like him to see it?
¿ Te gustaría que la vea?
Well, thank you very much, Miss Kimi, and it was very nice meeting you, Mitsvah Watanibble. And would you tell him, please, that I would like to be his friend and that I'll come and see him before I go back to America?
a Ud tambien, Sr Mitsuvo Watanave y, digale a Mitsuvo que si quisiera me gustaria ser su amigo y vendre a verlo, antes de partir de regreso, a America
I hope it's not too much... but would you write my wife and tell her to do like you and come out to see me?
Espero que no piense que le pido mucho, pero- - ¿ podría escribirle a mi mujer y decirle... que venga a verme como usted lo hizo?
Would you like to examine that bar, sir... to see that it's genuine?
¿ Les gustaría examinar la barra... para ver que es auténtica?
It's something I'd like you to see, sir... if you would.
Quiero que vea algo, señor. Si es tan amable.
Would you like to see what it's photographing right now?
¿ Le gustaría ver qué fotografía ahora mismo?
You see, I was interrupted in the middle of something very important, and I would like to finish it.
Verá, he sido interrumpido en medio de algo muy importante, y me gustaría terminarlo.
Would you like to... see it again on instant replay?
¿ Te gustaría... verlo de nuevo en repetición instantánea?
You still believe that it's possible to unite mankind when already you see how the few idealists who did join together in the name of harmony are now out of tune and would like to kill each other over trifles?
¿ Aún crees que es posible unir a la humanidad cuando ves que los pocos idealistas que se juntaron en nombre de la armonía y ahora son discordantes y querrían matarse entre ellos por nimiedades?
I would like you to meet some very nice people, people who don't know what it's like not to be able to see.
Quiero que conozcas a unas personas muy especiales personas que no saben cómo es ser ciego.
- What is it? - Before I do, I would like you to know that I have never let anyone see this before.
- Antes de hacerlo, quiero que sepa... que esto no lo ha visto nunca nadie.
I would like to see how it brought you this far.
Me gustaría ver cómo ha conseguido llegar tan lejos.
Would you like to see how it looked on instant replay?
¿ Te gustaría ver la repetición instantánea?
You see, whoever sent this over knew that a trained agent like me would have to take a suspicious looking package like this - and submerge it in water.
Quien lo envió, sabía que un agente entrenado como yo iba a sumergir en el agua un paquete sospechoso.
Would you like to see how I've treated it?
- Quieres ver lo que escribí?

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