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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You'll know soon enough

You'll know soon enough Çeviri İspanyolca

94 parallel translation
You'll know soon enough.
Lo sabrás pronto
You'll know soon enough when he suddenly... leaps on your back and starts sucking your blood!
Muy pronto lo sabrás, cuando salte sobre tu espalda... y empiece a chuparte la sangre.
- You'll know soon enough anyway.
- Se enterará muy pronto de todos modos.
Come on girls, you'll know soon enough.
- ¡ Ya sólo queda un momento, chicas!
You'll get to know everybody soon enough.
Pronto conocerás a todo el mundo.
You'll know soon enough.
Usted lo sabrá enseguida.
And if it's something I don't like you'll know about it soon enough.
Si me desagrada, lo sabrá pronto.
You'll know soon enough.
Muy pronto lo sabrás.
- You'll know soon enough, and either I'm an idiot or he's crazy!
- No tardará en saberlo. ¡ O yo soy imbécil o él está loco!
¿ No pensará que pretendía utilizarlo con Mackay?
- You'll know soon enough.
¿ Para qué? - Ya lo sabrá.
You'll know soon enough.
Ya lo entenderás.
- They'll let you know soon enough.
- Pronto se lo dirán.
You'll know soon... soon enough.
Lo sabrá pronto... muy pronto.
You'll know soon enough.
Ya te enterarás.
Although that isn't important, because he was pretty old already... and I think he'll die pretty soon... before you would be big enough to even know him, really... if you know what I mean.
Sin embargo, eso no importa demasiado. Era muy viejo y creo que morirá pronto. Antes de que fueras lo bastante mayor para conocerle...
The rest of you I'm sure I'll get to know soon enough.
Seguro que pronto conoceré al resto de vosotros.
- You'll know soon enough.
- Pronto lo sabrás.
When you get near the killer's house, you'll know about it soon enough because the Sarcophagus will go crazy and head straight for the dead bodies.
Cuando te acerques a la casa del asesino, lo sabrás bastante pronto. Porque el sarcophacus se volverá loco. E irá directamente por los cuerpos.
Yes, well, I'll let you know soon enough if they live up to their reputation.
Sí, bueno, pronto les haré saber si trabajan con arreglo a su reputación.
But you'll know soon enough because I'm going to tell you... when it's too late for you to do anything about it.
Pero lo sabrá porque voy a decírcelo. Cuando sea demasiado tarde para que usted haga algo al respecto.
- You'll know soon enough.
¿ Por qué? - Pronto lo sabrás.
You'll know soon enough.
Pronto se enterará.
You'll know soon enough.
Lo sabrás pronto.
I must tell you now for you'll know soon enough.
Debo decírselo ahora antes de que se entere por otros.
Well, you'll know soon enough.
Bueno, pronto sabras cuándo.
Before you know it... it'll reach you soon enough.
Antes de que lo sepas, te alcanzará pronto.
You'll know soon enough... because the only way to kill an Anubis warrior is by taking off its head.
Pronto lo sabrás... porque a un soldado de Anubis sólo se le mata cortándole la cabeza.
But I know if I give you enough time, pretty soon you're going to slip up, and then I'll be able to send you back to your miserable existence.
Sé que si les doy tiempo suficiente... pronto cometerán un error... y entonces podré regresarlos a sus miserables vidas anteriores.
You'll know soon enough.
Pronto lo vas a saber.
You know, with all the other activities, we'll soon have made enough to buy our own Spitfire.
Con todas las actividades, vamos a ser capaces de comprar tu propio spitfire.
You'll know my reasons soon enough.
Pronto conocerás mis motivos.
You'll know soon enough
Pronto lo sabrás.
- You'll know soon enough.
- Ya lo sabrás.
Don't you? If it's about the money we'll know soon enough.
- Si es así, pronto lo sabremos.
- Well, you'll know soon enough.
- Sí.
Your people will know you came here. They'll find out soon enough.
Se enterarán muy pronto.
But, you know, you'll know soon enough.
Pero, sabe, pronto sabrás bastante.
You'll know him soon enough.
Lo conoceras muy pronto.
when I say you'll know soon enough where it is
Pronto sabrás donde está.
You'll know soon enough, Brian.
Pronto lo sabrás, Brian.
- You'll know soon enough.
- Lo sabras pronto.
Because, My Lady, you know you'll have me soon enough.
Porque, mi señora, usted sabe que me tendrá pronto.
You'll know what that means soon enough.
Pronto sabrás lo que es eso.
Anyway, you'll know soon enough.
De todas formas, muy pronto sabremos todo...
Well, you'll know soon enough when my cholesterol finally gets the better of me.
Bueno, sabrás que en su momento cuando mi colesterol finalmente acabe conmigo.
You'll know soon enough.
Pronto lo sabrás.
You'll know soon enough, once you get to know the dungeon and the little games I have planned for you.
Lo vas a saber enseguida, en cuanto conozcas el calabozo y la cantidad de jueguecitos que tengo para ti.
It'll be over soon enough, that is all you need to know.
Esto terminará pronto, es todo lo que necesitas saber.
You'll know everything soon enough, babe.
Muy pronto lo sabrás todo, cielo.
You know, if you're right, she'll move on soon enough.
Si tienes razón, pronto dará el siguiente paso.

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