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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You need to leave now

You need to leave now Çeviri İspanyolca

357 parallel translation
Come, calm down. You need to leave now.
- Ahora es mejor que salgas.
You know what, you need to leave now.
¿ Sabes que? Tienes que irte ahora.
You need to leave now.
Necesitas irte ahora.
I don't know either. You need to leave now!
yo tampoco se
You need to leave now, or your dad's gonna find out what his little girl's really like.
Tienes que salir ahora. o tu padre va a enterarse de como es en realidad, su pequeña hija.
- You need to leave now, Sean.
- Debes irte ahora, Sean.
And you need to leave now.
Y os tenéis que ir ahora.
- You need to leave now.
Ud. necesita irse.
Well Captain, now that you have your soldiers, a week before you might have done... There's no need for you to leave so soon.
Ya que habéis conseguido los soldados una semana antes no tengáis tanta prisa.
You don't need to be afraid, it's dark now but tomorrow morning you can leave.
Tranquila. Por la mañana te podrás marchar.
Now, are you going to leave quiet or do you need a little help?
- ¿ Se va tranquilo o le ayudo?
Now do you understand why I'm afraid and I need to leave?
¿ Ahora entiende por qué tengo miedo, por qué quiero irme?
We need you to leave now, before it gets worse!
Necesitamos que te vayas antes que se ponga peor.
And now I really should leave you to report your success. Feel free to contact me call me when you need me.
Ahora voy a dejarle hacer el informe de su éxito pero, por favor, llámeme cuando me necesite.
Now, what you need to do this act like the mighty tyrannosaurus and leave deep prints.
Ahora bien, lo que tienes que hacer es actuar, como el poderoso tiranosaurio Y dejar huellas profundas.
Sister, I think you need to leave this house right now.
Pero, Hermana, creo que debe irse de esta casa ya mismo.
You have to leave now. I need to know you'll be safe.
Debe irte ahora necesito saber que estará a salvo.
Actually, sir, I need this job to impress a girl. Will you leave now, please?
- La verdad... quiero este empleo para impresionar a una chica.
Billy, what you need to do now is leave him alone for a while.
Lo que debes hacer es dejarlo en paz por un tiempo.
- "I want us to go - now!" - You need to leave!
- "Quiero que nos vayamos. ¡ Ya!" - ¡ Tienes que irte!
And I need to write this closing argument so I need for you to leave now.
Y necesito desarrollar un discurso, así que por favor, vete.
Please, we need to leave now. Can you help me?
Tenemos que irnos. ¿ Puedes ayudarme?
Yeah? We don't need to talk to you right now. Could you leave us alone, please?
Expresarte no te convierte en el malo.
You need to leave right now before security comes.
Debes irte antes de que llegue seguridad.
But I do need you to leave this room. Now.
Pero de todas formas voy a dejarte salir de esta habitación... ahora.
You need to leave. Now.
Tienes que irte ya.
Butters, you need to leave here right now.
Butters, debes irte de aquí ya mismo.
From now until you leave, we need to find a more peaceful atmosphere.
Desde ahora hasta que os marchéis, necesitamos crear una atmósfera más pacífica.
Megan, I need you to breathe and calm down and stop crying, so we can leave now.
Megan, necesito que respires y te calmes. Y deja de gritar, así nos vamos ya, ¿ si?
The only way to maintain my value is to tell you what you need to know in order to stay ahead of Sloane. All you need to know now is that if I'm not allowed to leave... everything you've worked to accomplish will be lost.
La única forma de mantenerme valiosa es contarte solamente lo que necesitas saber para adelantarte a Sloane y todo lo que necesitas saber ahora es que si no se me permite ir todo lo que has trabajado hasta ahora se perderá.
You and your father need to leave town right now. - Why? I'll cover for you.
- Tú y tu padre deben irse de la ciudad - ¿ Por qué?
Okay, you need to leave, right now.
O.k., ahora te vas
You need to leave the building right now.
Debe dejar el edificio ahora mismo.
So, what I need from you now is for you to paint the picture. Tell me the entire story. Please don't leave anything out.
Lo que necesito ahora es que me dé una idea de toda la historia.
You need to leave, now. Don't fucking touch me!
¡ No me toques!
You all need to leave here, now.
Váyanse ahora.
You and your boys need to leave here now.
Tienen que irse. Ya mismo.
But right now, you need to leave here or it's gonna kill you all.
Pero ahora deben irse. O los matará a todos.
I need you to leave now.
Necesito que te marches.
I'm afraid you gentlemen are going to need to leave now.
Tendrán que retirarse caballeros.
I'm gonna need you to advise the President that Cheng has to leave CTU now.
Tenemos que decirle al Presidente que Cheng acaba de llegar a la CTU.
Hon, you really need to leave now.
Cari, realmente deberías irte ya.
No, you need to leave right now.
No, debes irte ahora
I'm late for like six different appointments right now, so I'm just gonna let you... mull - - whatever it is you need to do - - and just leave with one final thought.
Lo siento, llego tarde a unas 6 entrevistas así que voy a dejarte que.. te lo pienses o lo que sea y a dejarte con un último pensamiento
I need you to leave now.
I need you to leave now.
Tienes que irte ahora.
Mike, I need you to leave now.
- Mike, vete ya.
I'm so sorry to hear that, but I do really do need to ask you both to leave right now.
Siento mucho oír eso pero necesito de verdad pediros que os vayáis ahora mismo.
You'Il have 13 hours to get your weapons and shields online. We need to leave now to make this window. Are you go or no-go?
Tendrá 13 horas en ruta para conseguir activar sus armas y escudos pero tenemos que salir ahora para asegurar esta ventana ¿ van a venir o no?
And especially if you don't have a father or any parents, you need somebody to pass on some information to you and they can leave an impact on your life, so that's just where I'm going right now.
Especialmente si no tienes padre o madre, necesitas que alguien te explique las cosas y tenga un impacto en tu vida ; eso es lo que quiero hacer ahora.
- Okay. And you'll need to leave right now, before I change my mind.
Y tienes que irte ahora mismo, antes que cambie de parecer.

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