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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ A ] / An accident

An accident Çeviri Fransızca

12,168 parallel translation
We had an accident with our stasis pods.
Nous avons eu un accident avec nos cellules de stase.
Could've been an accident... or natural causes.
c'est peut-être un accident... ou une cause naturelle.
That can't be an accident.
Ça ne peut pas être un accident.
Was there an accident?
Y'a-t-il eu un accident?
It sounds like an accident.
Ça ressemble à un accident.
She died in an accident, hit by... by a carriage.
Elle est morte dans un accident, renversée par... par un calèche.
Say it was an accident, Mother, please.
Dis-moi que c'était un accident, mère, s'il te plait.
That was not an accident.
Ce n'était pas un accident.
It was an accident.
C'était un accident.
How about we just get an hour down the road, I call 911, anonymously, report an accident,
Et si on roulait pendant 1 heure, et j'appellerais les secours, anonymement, pour signaler un accident.
Come on, it was an accident.
C'était un accident.
It was just an accident.
Rien qu'un accident.
Yeah, he was in an accident.
Oui, il a eu un accident.
Your mom told me you were in an accident.
Ta mère m'a dit que t'avais eu un accident.
If you think it was your fault, why are you calling it an accident?
Si tu penses que c'est de ta faute, pourquoi parles-tu d'un accident?
Okay. Secretary marsh's plane crash wasn't an accident.
Le crash de l'avion du Secrétaire Marsh n'était pas un accident.
We also know That secretary of state vincent marsh's Plane crash was not an accident.
Nous savons aussi que la catastrophe aérienne du secrétaire d'etat Vincent Marsh n'était pas un accident.
I don't think that's an accident.
Je ne pense pas que ce soit par accident.
- But it's an accident...
Mais c'est accidentel...
There's been an accident. Ah.
Il y a eu un accident...
I'm not so sure. You fled the scene of an accident.
Vous avez quitté les lieux d'un accident.
So you think it was an accident? I do.
- Pour vous, c'était un accident?
Unfortunately, Sheriff Wilkins has ruled Will Balint's death an accident.
Malheureusement. Le shérif Wilkins a conclu que la mort de Balint était accidentelle.
Now, for all we know, this actually was an accident, but, um...
D'après ce qu'on sait, il s'agit d'un accident, mais...
Apparently, Newett Energy urged Sheriff Wilkins to rule the death an accident, which is strange.
Apparemment, Newett Energy a incité le shérif Wilkins à conclure à une mort accidentelle, ce qui est étrange.
So why insist on ruling it an accident?
Pourquoi insister sur l'accident?
Will Balint was made to look like an accident.
Pour Will Balint, on a fait croire à un accident.
Will Balint's death was officially declared an accident.
Officiellement, Will Balint a eu un accident.
It was an accident, I'm sorry.
C'était un accident, je suis désolée.
It was an accident, I'm sorry.
C'était un accident, pardon.
He was in an accident, and a paramedic picked it up.
Il a eu un accident et une secouriste a répondu.
- That was an accident. You know that.
C'était un accident.
You been in an accident?
Vous avez eu un accident?
- Yes, there's been an accident!
- Il y a eu un accident!
Yeah, we were in an accident.
Oui, on était dans un accident.
I've been in an accident.
J'ai eu un accident.
I heard there was an accident.
J'ai entendu que c'était un accident.
Someone slipping in the shower is an accident.
Quelqu'un qui glisse dans la douche est un accident.
Helen Frampton died march 20th, and it was declared an accident.
Helen Frampton est morte le 20 mars, et a été déclaré en tant qu'accident.
It's an accident!
C'est un accident!
Most people thought their parents'boating accident was an accident.
On a cru que l'accident de bateau de leurs parents était un accident.
What happened here? Was there an accident?
Que s'est-il passé?
It was an accident, that's all.
C'était un accident, c'est tout.
It's an accident at the, uh, at the hotel.
Un accident à l'hôtel.
I know his family left town around the time Theo was nine or ten, his older sister died in an accident when he was eight.
Je sais que sa famille a quitté la ville quand Theo avait 9 ou 10 ans, sa grande soeur est morte dans un accident quand il avait 8 ans.
It wasn't an accident.
C'était pas un accident.
- 22 years ago? After the accident, I was in the hospital for over a year.
Il y a 22 ans, après l'accident, je suis restée à l'hôpital plus d'un an.
But if we were to stop production every time there was an on-site accident, however sad, we'd immediately start hemorrhaging hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Si on arrête la production pour un accident, c'est triste, mais on perd tout de suite des centaines de milliers de dollars.
Now one of those rapists just died in an oil-rig accident in Cumberland County.
Un violeur est mort accidentellement dans un derrick de Cumberland.
I thought Will Balint died in an oil-rig accident.
Je croyais que Will Balint avait eu un accident.
It was an accident.
Mais il ne voulait pas y aller.

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