Coming from you Çeviri Fransızca
2,699 parallel translation
Thank you. That means a lot coming from you.
Ça me touche beaucoup.
Any writer can attest in the luckiest, happiest state the words are not coming from you, but through you.
Tout écrivain peut attester que dans le plus chanceux, le plus heureux des états les mots ne viennent pas de vous, mais à travers vous.
In this hearing, on your way to the dormitory, you heard faint music coming from the Headmaster Office.
En allant vers le dortoir, tu as entendu une musique de fond provenant du bureau.
I'm going to say something to you, okay, and this isn't coming from Dad.
Ça vient de moi, pas de papa.
This is coming from me. You need to be careful.
Fais très attention.
I tell you what, if I was being overprotective, I would tell you to put your sweater on, because there's a really bad draft coming from this air conditioning vent.
Je vais te dire, si j'étais surprotecteur, je te dirais de mettre ton gilet, à cause du courant d'air provenant de ce climatiseur.
Coming to you from Gomorrah, California.
En direct de Gomorrhe, en Californie.
Look, Frankie, you don't gotta cook us dinner to show us your best,'cause that's not really your best, but I get where you're coming from.
Te sens pas obligée de cuisiner, car c'est pas ton fort. Mais je vois ce que tu veux dire.
I get where you're coming from.
Je comprends tes raisons.
When you make a set-up, know where it's coming from, to there, and where that's going, to there.
Quand il prépare une scène, il sait comment on est arrivé ici et comment on va aller là.
I get where you're coming from, but if you believe in God, his miracles happen every day.
Je comprends, mais si tu crois en Dieu, ses miracles sont quotidiens.
I understand where you're coming from, but, unfortunately, we can't go on a son's intuition.
Je comprend ce que vous ressentez, mais, malheureusement, ont ne peut suivre les intuitions d'un fils.
I understand where you're coming from, but I'm not going anywhere.
Je sais ce que tu redoutes, mais je partirai pas.
Who's gonna stop you from coming?
Qui t'empêche de venir?
And where do you think his pain might be coming from?
Et d'après toi, d'où viendrait cette peine?
Stuart, that key is only to be used If you haven't heard from me in a couple days And there's a horrific smell coming from underneath my door.
Stuart, cette clé est à utiliser uniquement si tu n'as plus de mes nouvelles pendant quelques jours et qu'il y a une horrible odeur venant de sous ma porte.
Well, in a word, the reason preventing you from coming to Italy?
Eh bien, en un mot, la raison qui vous empêchera de venir en Italie?
I think you misunderstood where I was coming from and I'd like a chance to clarify some things.
Vous avez mal compris où je voulais en venir, et j'aimerais clarifier certaines choses.
Here I am on the train coming in from all parts out of London, and, you know, they've got this tiny little triangular sink in the bathroom on the train, and I'm washing all the make-up off.
Dans le train qui me ramenait à Londres, il y avait un petit lavabo triangulaire dans les toilettes et je pouvais me démaquiller.
I totally understand where you're coming from, sir, but, look, I heard Eric talking on the phone yesterday with somebody that sounded very suspect about meeting up with a stuffed pifiata.
Je vous comprends, mais j'ai entendu Eric parler au téléphone avec une personne super louche à propos d'un rencard avec une piñata.
Coming to you live from Seattle.
En direct de Seattle.
Now, we need a lot of action from you coming from the South Gate.
On aura bien besoin de vous au portail Sud.
I presume you're coming in from the chopstick gate in the north here.
Je présume que vous arriverez du portail des baguettes au nord.
Hey, man, where you coming from?
D'où tu viens?
Where are you coming from?
D'où venez-vous?
And you've been a long time coming home from the bank.
Et toi pour rentrer de la banque à la maison.
Listen... of course I know where you're coming from.
Ecoute... Bien sûr Je sais ce que tu as traversé.
- Where are you coming from?
- Non, ça va. D'où viens-tu?
After all your attempts to stop me from coming here I'm surprised to see you.
Après tous tes efforts pour m'en dissuader, je suis surpris.
Um, over the last couple of days or weeks, were there any strange visitors or anything out of the ordinary that you were aware of coming from the apartment?
Ces derniers jours, ou ces dernières semaines a-t-elle reçu des visiteurs étranges ou s'est-il passe quelque chose d'anormal, à votre connaissance?
You know that bitch snakehead my sister works for? - Yeah. - She said they got a serious ticket coming down from a hawaladar in Morningside, tonight.
La passeuse pour qui bosse ma sœur dit qu'un gros ticket d'un hawaladar arrive à NY ce soir.
When my daughters, Simone and Emily look at me 25 or 30 years from now and say, what were you doing when, when... global warming was happening and you guys knew what was coming down the road.
Quand mes filles, Simone et Emily, me regarderont dans 25 ou 30 ans et me diront : "Que faisais-tu... " quand le réchauffement climatique avait lieu? "Vous saviez ce qui allait arriver."
You have enemy QRF coming in from the north.
Vous avez une QRF ennemie approchant par le nord.
And when you lose the 2 tons of coke coming up from Veracruz, don't say I didn't warn you.
Et quand tu perdras les 2 tonnes de coke qui vienne de Veracruz, ne dis pas que je ne t'ai pas prévenu.
If you're the hostage, you'd like to improve those odds, which means figuring out where your rescue's coming from and getting yourself out of the line of fire.
Si vous êtes l'otage, vous préféreriez augmenter vos chances ce qui veut dire savoir d'ou les secours viennent et vous éloigner de la ligne de tir.
Hannah, that guy from the Lancaster's coming tomorrow morning, so why don't you take the mafroom downstairs and make some sort of a nice display?
Hannah, le type du Lancaster passe demain. Descends les mafroums et soigne la présentation.
Okay, we're coming to you from the straits at Claridge, where we think we have found... dun-dun-dun... the culprit.
Okay, nous arrivons du détroit au Claridge, où nous pensons que nous avons trouvé... dun-dun-dun... le coupable.
And where are you coming from?
Et d'où venez-vous?
Did you say we're going to the mall or coming back from it?
On y va ou on en revient?
- Where were you coming from'?
- D'où tu viens?
The whole point of me coming up here is to get away from you people.
Je me suis installé ici pour vous éviter.
So what high school are you coming from?
De quelle école secondaire viens-tu?
Yeah. You're coming from Troy?
- Tu viens de Troy?
I've heard that critics from Le Guide, are coming the day you introduce your new menu.
On dit que des critiques du Guide viendront le jour où vous sortirez votre prochaine carte.
I can absolutely understand where you're coming from.
Je comprends parfaitement votre point de vue.
I'm sorry, but you aware of the complaints we've been getting about the noise coming from this room?
Il y a des plaintes au sujet du bruit.
Nancy, I'm coming to you from downtown hollywood,
Venez voir ça là! Je suis au centre d'Hollywood.
Serena, the cousin I just found out about, tricked me into coming to the wake of the grandmother that I never knew existed at the house of the family that you hid from me for my entire life.
Serena, la cousine que j'ai retrouvé, m'a piégé à venir à la veillée de la grand-mère dont j'ignorais l'existence, dans la maison de famille que tu m'as caché pendant toute ma vie?
He say, "Well, your sister, you know, from San Antonio, she's on the plane, she's coming to get you."
Il m'a répondu : "Ta s ur, tu sais, " de San Antonio. Elle est dans l'avion.
It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that wreckage retrieved from the north Atlantic early this morning has now been identified as coming from the plane carrying our nation's Prime Minister.
C'est avec une grand tristesse que je dois vous informer que le crash dans nord atlantique, ce matin, est identifié comme celui de l'avion de notre Premier Ministre.
Where do you keep coming from?
D'où continuez-vous à venir?
from your perspective 17
from your wife 16
from you 300
from your mother 18
from yourself 21
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
from your wife 16
from you 300
from your mother 18
from yourself 21
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741