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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ C ] / Considerate

Considerate Çeviri Fransızca

860 parallel translation
You know it. Our Hyun Min is so gentle and considerate, which could cause such rumors with Miss Sung Min Ah, but... Hyung, what are you doing?
Tu le sais. mais... qu'est-ce que tu fais?
Now, let's hear from Mr. Kang Hyun Min's management staff. As you know, our Hyun Min is so gentle and considerate, that it causes such misunderstandings... but at any rate, they're not in a relationship at all.
écoutons ce que le manager de Hyun Min nous a dit. il n'y a aucune relation.
If the size doesn't fit after opening the gift, she may think you're not considerate.
elle va penser que vous ne prêtez aucune attention à elle.
- at the most, a travel companion who is less considerate!
Au plus, un compagnon de route moins prévenant!
That's very considerate of them. But I don't see any long enough for our comrade Tjaden.
Très aimable à eux, mais il n'y en a pas d'assez long pour le camarade Tjaden.
- That's considerate.
- C'est très gentil.
The men I know... and I've known dozens of them... they're so nice... so polished, so considerate.
Les hommes que je connais, et j'en ai connu des dizaines, sont tous gentils, galants, attentionnés!
Most considerate of him.
- C'est très gentil de sa part.
- Considerate.
- Très serviable.
Very considerate.
Très aimable de ta part.
Oh, you've been very considerate, Mr. Pettigrew.
C'est très gentil à vous.
Aren't you sorry for striking such a considerate father?
N'as-tu pas honte d'avoir levé la main sur un père si attentionné?
- Be considerate, it's a costumer like any other.
- Allez doucement, c'est un client comme un autre.
It is very considerate.
C'est très aimable.
You're always so considerate.
Tu es trop gentil.
There's nothing wrong in liking a man who's sane and considerate.
Quel mal y a-t-il à aimer un homme sensé et prévenant?
But the ruder I got, the more considerate he got.
Mais plus j'étais dure, plus il était attentionné.
Also, we always try to be considerate and kind.
Aussi, nous essayons toujours d'être prévenants et gentils.
If you were more considerate of your elders... maybe Mr. Powell would send his car for you someday.
Respecte tes aînés et M. Powell te sortira peut-être.
Whoever would have thought my dear brother would be so considerate as to get captured and leave all of England to my tender care?
Qui eût cru que mon frère serait assez aimable pour se faire capturer et me laisser L'Angleterre?
It would have been considerate if you hadn't come.
Il aurait été attentionné de ne pas venir.
That's very considerate of you.
C'est très aimable à vous.
He's kind, he's sweet, and he's considerate.
Gentil, tendre et prévenant.
It's very considerate, but it'd be more convenient if I come over to the hotel.
C'est très gentil... mais c'est plus commode si je passe à l'hôtel.
That's very considerate.
Charmante attention.
You can be considerate of him even now?
Est-ce le moment de penser à lui?
Unfortunately the current situation in Europe is forcing us to be considerate of certain interests.
Malheureusement la situation actuelle en Europe Nous oblige à être attentif à certains intérêts.
Thoughtful, considerate...
Prévenant, attentionné...
How bloody considerate of them to keep those lights on.
C'est gentil à eux d'éclairer le ciel.
And sometimes officers are not as considerate as I think they should be.
Et parfois les officiers ne sont pas assez attentifs à leurs besoins.
You were very considerate, Papa.
Trop aimable à toi, papa.
Oh, just a considerate guy.
Quel homme attentionné.
You've been so considerate.
Vous avez été si attentionnée.
Yes, and so considerate, you know.
- Oui, et très réfléchi.
Why aren't you more considerate of Pres?
Pourquoi as-tu si peu de considération pour Preston?
How very considerate of them.
C'est sûrement une marque de considération.
How very considerate of you.
C'est bien aimable à vous.
Thank you. How considerate.
Comme c'est aimable!
- I think he was very considerate of you.
- Je trouve qu'il a été très courtois.
So gentle and considerate.
Si douce et si attentionnée.
She's been kind and gentle and considerate.
Elle est gentille, douce et attentionnée.
Thank you for your considerate advice Lord Penrose.
Merci de vos conseils, lord Penrose.
He's so sweet and so considerate.
Il est si doux et aimable.
It was considerate of your wife to ask me.
Votre femme m'a invité.
How considerate of him.
Qu'il soit remercié.
If I were a deep-sea diver, you'd be more considerate.
Ah, si j'étais scaphandrier, vous seriez plus prévenant.
Very considerate.
Très prévenant.
You're very considerate tonight.
Tu es très prévenante, ce soir.
My friend's being considerate.
Mon ami est prévenant.
Yes, I think you may have. - Other people may be less considerate. - Other people.
Mais d'autres se sont montrés plus méchants
- You, considerate of anybody? - I'm considerate of her good name. Look, seems to me you're taking a pretty different tack.
Ton opinion a changé, il me semble!

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