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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ D ] / Don't call the police

Don't call the police Çeviri Fransızca

430 parallel translation
Don't call the police.
Ne les appelez pas.
Who don't you call the police? I'll tell you why, you crook, you.
Parce que vous aussi, vous êtes un escroc!
Did I need to call the police? Don't mix things up.
C'est peut-être moi qui appelle les gendarmes?
If you don't get that drunk out of there, I'll call for the police!
Si vous ne sortez pas cet ivrogne, j'appelle la police!
Well, call the police, why don't you?
Alors, appelez la police, pourquoi n'appelez-vous pas?
If you don't get out of my way, I'm going to call the police.
Si vous ne vous enlevez pas de mon chemin, je vais appeler la police.
Please don't call the police. - Of course I'll call them.
Je vais me gêner!
Why don't they try the police, call out some bloodhounds or Indian guides?
Pourquoi ne pas essayer la police, des détectives ou un guide indien?
Mister, if you don't get my kids, I call the police.
Trouvez mes enfants ou j'appelle la police!
Please don't let your wife call the police.
Ne la laissez pas faire!
Why don't we call the police?
On devrait appeler la police.
- Why don't you call the police?
- Va donc appeler la police.
I don't want to call the police, but I know your whole scheme.
Je n'appellerai pas la police mais j'ai compris votre manège.
He's a fugitive from justice. Why don't we call the police?
C'est un fugitif, on pourrait prévenir la police.
Ryan, if you don't release me this instant, I'll call the police.
Ryan, si vous ne me lâchez pas tout de suite, je vais appeler la police. Allez-y, appelez.
If you don't get out at once, I'm going to call the police.
Si vous ne partez pas, j'appelle la police.
Don't get panicky and call the police, because I promise you I'll be back.
Pas de police, hein?
Get to a phone, call the police in 10 minutes. Don't give them your name.
Appelez la police dans 10 minutes, ne leur donnez pas votre nom.
I don't know why but you must call the police.
J'ignore pourquoi mais vous devez appeler la police.
- No, you don't. Somebody call the police.
Que quelqu'un appelle la police.
Why don't we call a cop and let him ask the questions?
Et si on appelait la police?
Did you hear that? If you don't produce those bodies, I'm going to call the police!
Si vous ne retrouvez pas ces corps, j'appelle la police.
But, in the meantime, look Ms. Hahn, why don't you call the police, see?
De votre côté, appelez donc le commissariat.
Now, listen, don't call the police until I get there.
Ecoutez, n'appelez pas la police avant que j'arrive.
Then why don't you call the police?
Alors, appelez la police!
Don't you dare close the door or I'll call the police.
Fermez pas la porte, ou j'appelle les gendarmes. Ouvrez!
If you don't stop, I'll call the police.
Je vais appeler la police.
And I don't have to call campus police every time I walk home from the library so that I don't get raped.
Je peux rentrer de la bibliothèque... sans avoir peur de me faire violer.
If you don't hear from me, call the police.
Passe ce delai, avertis Ia police.
Don't call the police!
Et n'appelle pas la police.
Don't get excited. You gotta be calm when you call the police.
Ne t'énerve pas, tu devras être calme devant la police.
No! No, please! Don't force me to call the shore patrol!
Ne me forcez pas à appeler la police militaire.
If you don't stop that phonograph right this minute, I'm going to call the police department!
Si vous n'arrêtez pas ce phonographe immédiatement, j'appelle la police!
If you don't get out of this house, I'll call the police, I will.
Si vous ne disparaissez pas, j'appelle la police. Je vous le promets.
If the police, or anyone, call, tell them you don't know anything about it.
Si la police ou quelqu'un d'autre appelle Ne leur dites rien de tout ça.
Miss Blanche, I'll tell you right now, if that sister of yours... has gone and given you sleeping pills just to keep you quiet... while she's out doing I don't know what... I'm sure as hell gonna call the police on her.
Mlle Blanche, si votre sœur vous a donné des somnifères pendant qu'elle est sortie faire je ne sais quoi, je vais appeler la police.
If you don't stop following me, I'll call the police.
Si vous n'arrêtez pas de me suivre je vais appeler la police!
If you love your son, don't call the police.
Si vous l'aimez, ne tardez pas.
If you don't leave, I'll call the police.
Si vous partez pas, j'appelle la police.
If we don't hear anything by noon, I'm gonna call the police.
Si on n'a pas de nouvelles à midi, j'appelle la police.
If you don't put her on the phone, I shall call the police.
Si vous ne me la passez pas, j'appelle la police.
If you don't call the police, I shall! - What?
Si tu le fais pas, je l'appelle!
Now, I don't want to call the police or make any trouble but if I don't get out of here immediately...
Je ne voudrais pas devoir appeler la police mais si je ne sors pas d'ici sur-le-champ...
If you don't stop, I will be forced to call in the Constables!
J'appelle la police.
Look, don't call the police.
N'appelez pas la police.
Don't call the police. I beg you, don't.
N'appelle pas la police, je t'en supplie.
Why don't we call the cops?
Pourquoi ne pas appeler la police?
Don't call the police until 2, maybe 3 in the morning.
N'appelez pas la police avant 2 ou 3 heures du matin.
You don't want to call the police?
Tu n'appelles pas la police? Tu ne me traînes pas en justice?
If you don't stop now, I'll call the police.
Si vous n'arrêtez pas tout de suite j'appelle la police.
- Why don't we call the police?
- Pourquoi est-ce que nous n'appelons pas la police?

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