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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / The police are coming

The police are coming Çeviri Fransızca

140 parallel translation
The police are coming?
- Oui. - Elle vient ici? - Oui.
The police are coming.
- La police arrive.
That's why the police are coming.
C'est pour cela que la police arrive.
And I think you ought to know that the police are coming down here too.
Et tu devrais aussi savoir que la policeva arriver bientôt.
If you're drunk, you'd better sober up quick. The police are coming.
Si vous êtes saouls, dessaoulez-vous... car la police arrive.
Run away, the police are coming!
Tirez-vous! La police! Ils embarquent!
The police are coming back at 10 o'clock.
La police revient a 10 h.
The police are coming!
La police arrive!
The police are coming. They're like rats in a trap.
La police arrive, ils sont faits.
The police are coming.
La policia esta ya.
Are you out of your mind? The police are coming.
Vous allez alerter la police!
Now, old friend I'll push you to the window and you'll tell them the police are coming.
Alors mon vieux, je vais te pousser vers la fenêtre et tu vas leur dire que la police arrive. C'est clair?
- Let's go. The police are coming!
- Filons, voilà la police!
Come and see, the police are coming.
Viens voir, les gendarmes sont là.
Hurry, the police are coming!
Vite, avant l'arrivée de la police!
The Police are coming, so?
La police va venir, alors...?
- The police are coming!
- La ferme!
Voilà les flics. - Ça va?
You know, I don't think the police are coming.
Je ne crois pas qu'ils viendront.
The police are coming. These people aren't socialists.
Ce sont des partisans des bolcheviks qui essaient de prendre la direction du parti.
Ladies and gentlemen, the police are coming!
MM. Les délégués. Ces gens sont des imposteurs!
The police are coming.
La police arrive.
Yeah, I hear the police are coming today.
Sa poche à urine s'est percée dans sa combinaison spatiale.
The police are coming.
Ils en mettent un temps! La caserne la plus proche est au Tuscolo
The police are coming.
Réponds! La police va arriver.
The police are coming right over.
La police arrive.
The police are coming after you.
Ils vont t'envoyer les flics!
The police are coming.
La police vient.
The police are coming -
La police arrive...
- The police are coming.
- La police arrive.
I don't know. The police are coming. We should transfer him before Carter sees.
J'ai prévenu la police, mais il faudrait le transférer avant que Carter ne tombe sur lui.
The police are coming!
Voila les flics!
The police are coming back to arrest me, Wayne, for murdering Alan, because they don't believe that Sherry was here.
La police va revenir m'arrêter pour le meurtre d'Alan. Ils ne croient pas que Sherry était là.
- When he sees white and green flares go up on the other side of town it means that the armored cars are coming he'll blow up the bridge and Tasca's farm will be cut off.
Quand il verra, dans le lointain, s'élever des fusées, ça voudra dire que la police arrive. Le pont sautera, et le terrain de Tasca sera coupé du monde.
Oh, are the police coming?
- La police vient-elle?
The cops are coming!
Voilà la police!
I hope it's her parents who are coming and not the police.
J'espère que ses parents vont venir et pas la police.
I recognise that as a valid threat coming from you, but the police will think the same thing - you murdered your partner for his half of the subdivision and $ 5 or $ 6 million to which you and your wife are now legally entitled.
Je prends la menace au sérieux, venant de vous. Mais la police pensera de même : vous avez tué votre associé pour sa part et pour 5 ou 6 millions qui vous reviennent à vous et à votre femme.
Are the police coming? No idea.
Que fait la police?
The cops are coming.
La police s'en vient.
- The cops are coming!
- La police arrive!
- The investigators are coming by. - l'm supposed to be sick.
- Dis à la police que tu es malade.
The police... are coming up here any second.
La police arrivera dans quelques secondes.
The police in Tokyo are coming down hard recently so he quit Blue Bus and went away to the country.
La police de Tokyo s'est finalement montrée plus suspicieuse alors il a quitté la compagnie Blue Bus et il s'est enfui à la campagne.
So the police are coming? And these guys, they're after you?
La police arrive?
Are the police coming?
la police arrive?
- The police are here! They're coming!
Jerzy, la police arrive!
Back to your cells, otherwise the cops are coming in!
Sinon, la police va envahir la prison!
The cops are coming. We cannot escape
La police va arriver, on ne peut pas s'échapper.
You guys are coming with me to the police station
Vous venez avec moi au commissariat...
When are the police coming?
La police sera là quand?

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