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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ G ] / Get over there

Get over there Çeviri Fransızca

2,713 parallel translation
Now get over there.
When we get over there, dude, game on.
Quand ça sera le cas mec, le jeu sera lancé.
We have some strong ideas once we get over there.
On a de fortes idées pour quand y sera.
You've got to get over there, right now!
Il faut que tu y ailles tout de suite.
- And you go here. You, you naughty little wire, you're supposed to be over here. How did you get over there?
Tu vas ici, vilain petit fil, tu devrais être par ici.
Now, you get over there and don't take no for an answer, and don't take maybe for an answer, and don't take
Va là-bas, et n'accepte aucun refus. Ni même de "peut-être". Et encore moins de :
Now get over there early so they can train you.
- Oui. Alors vas-y tôt pour qu'ils puissent t'entraîner.
He's broke, he doesn't have a car, he ain't local, so why don't you find David and get over there?
Il est fauché, sans voiture. Va voir là-bas avec David.
I'll get over there. You keep me posted.
- J'y vais.
Get over there!
Par ici.
Alexander, get over there and be social.
Alexander, mélange-toi aux autres.
Get over there!
- Coupez! Allez là-bas!
How soon can you get over there? - As soon as you want.
Quand partirez-vous?
Get over there... out of the away!
allez vers là-bas...! Vite!
I've gotta get over there and see what I can do.
Je dois aller voir ce que je peux faire pour lui.
Do you ever... Do you ever get lonely over there?
Est-ce que... tu ne te sens jamais seule là-bas?
You look cozy over there.Can I get you anything else?
T'as l'air bien installé. Je t'apporte autre chose?
I bet you're the kind of guy that thinks That pressing the elevator button over and over again Makes it get there more quickly, aren't you?
Tu es plus du genre à penser qu'appuyer sur le bouton d'ascenseur sans arrêt le fera arriver plus vite, non?
It's throwing out there, it's been well over two weeks do you I get paid?
Juste comme ça... Ça fait plus de 2 semaines, - tu penses me payer ou...
Get JJ over there.
Envois-y JJ.
Could you get me my makeup kit? It's over there in the cupboard.
Vous me donnez ma trousse de maquillage?
Get over there.
- Sortons d'ici.
Get Lucas and Jo over there.
Envoyez-y Lucas et Jo.
Get Lucas over there now.
Lucas est sur le terrain. Envoie-le.
Sarah is the signatory on the Nightingale account.Get a team over there now!
Envoie une équipe, vite!
You sure? Toby. When you get the chance, can I get a round of beers for those four gentlemen over there?
Toby, tu peux servir ces quatre messieurs?
- DiNozzo, get somebody over there.
- DiNozzo, envoie quelqu'un.
I went all the way over there, the store was closed so I couldn't get'em.
Je suis allé jusque là-bas, et le magasin était fermé, donc je n'ai pas pu le prendre.
We should get Torres and one of your agents over there right now.
Nous devrions envoyer Torres et un de vos agents tout de suite.
If I agree to do this, you have to promise that I'll get to be there to witness the devastation wash over her hopeful face.
Si j'accepte, il faut promettre que je serai là pour voir la déception ravager son visage plein d'espoir.
Get her over. Come on. There you go.
C'est bien, allez-y.
Could you get those potatoes over there?
Je peux avoir les pommes de terre?
Go on get in there. It's all very well telling Rick to hurry but these fish are capable of swimming at over 60 miles an hour.
C'est bien beau de dire à Rick de se dépêcher, mais ces poissons sont capables de nager à 100 km / heure.
Do you happen to have any relatives or friends over there I can get in touch with?
Vous n'auriez pas de la famille ou des amis qui vivent là-bas que je pourrais contacter?
If we had met and loved When you get to the village over there, it's the house at the end.
Lorsque vous arriverez au village, c'est la dernière maison.
This interview is over. Get up there.
L'interview est finie!
Y'all get that little one over there!
Attrapez la petite, là!
There's a no-kill shelter outside the city, so if we can get them out of the pound and over the county line, then they're home free.
Il y a un refuge pour chiens près de la ville. Si on les sort de la fourrière et on les y emmène, ils seront libres.
Hey, Em, would you get the antiseptic cream out of the drawer over there?
Peux-tu me donner l'antiseptique qui se trouve dans le tiroir, Em?
I'd rather get my picture taken as Zeus over there.
Je préférerais me faire photographier en Zeus là-bas.
We gotta get back over there.
Il faut qu'on y retourne.
Is there anything you wanna say before we get this over with?
Tu veux dire quelque chose avant qu'on en finisse?
- You'd better get your arse over there.
- Tu ferais mieux d'y aller.
You got to get over there.
- Je peux t'avoir un billet.
Get him, he's over there!
Can you just go over there until I get in here, buddy? Jesus.
Tu pourrais te pousser que j'entre?
Get down! Get down! The Zulus are over there, get down!
- Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
And let's get me over there.
Alors on y va.
I left it on the corner up on the sidewalk trying to come and get you over there. - What? I did.
- Quoi?
Kenny, get over here. Stand right there.
Kenny, viens te mettre là.
Get up. Over there.

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