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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ G ] / Gladstone

Gladstone Çeviri Fransızca

166 parallel translation
Tell you what you do, you go over to Gladstone.
Allez donc chez Gladstone.
Gladstone just put one on.
Gladstone a sorti le même.
I slave day and night worrying about ideas and Gladstone steals them.
Je me tue à trouver des idées et il me les pique.
From now on my business address is General Director, Gladstone Prologues.
On m'a nommé directeur des prologues Gladstone.
When I do get them, Gladstone steals them.
Les idées que Gladstone me piquera.
Move it, babe, while I give it to Gladstone.
J'appelle Gladstone.
And besides, Gladstone's copped the mechanical doll angle already.
Gladstone m'a piqué l'idée des poupées.
Between Gladstone stealing all our stuff... and you saying there are no profits... I'm getting pretty well fed up.
Il nous pique tout, je ne gagne pas un rond, y en a marre!
And Gladstone's hot after the contract.
Gladstone est sur le coup.
Gladstone again.
Encore Gladstone.
The Apollo deal's hot and Gladstone's after the contract.
Gladstone va décrocher le contrat.
Forget Gladstone.
Oublie Gladstone.
You know Thompson, Gladstone's director?
Vous connaissez Thompson? De chez Gladstone?
Gladstone's got three prologues in rehearsal.
Gladstone prépare trois prologues.
If not, I sign with Gladstone.
Sinon je signe avec Gladstone.
Every time I get a great idea, you let Gladstone steal it.
Vous les laissez me faucher mes idées.
Somebody working among us has been giving Gladstone inside dope. Selling him my ideas.
Y a quelqu'un dans la troupe qui renseigne Gladstone, qui lui vend mes idées.
I've got a date with the Gladstone.
Gladstone m'attend.
Feel the texture of that Gladstone bag.
Touchez donc ce sac de voyage.
Gallstone. Oh, you mean a Gladstone, sir.
Vous devez parler d'un sac de voyage.
Hello? Is this Gladstone 9-2-8-1?
Allô, c'est bien Gladstone 9 281?
In a Gladstone bag, of course.
Enfermées dans un sac-jumelle, évidemment!
I took off for America, without my Gladstone bag... and worked my way through college.
J'ai émigré aux USA, sans sac jumelle, et fait mon chemin à l'université.
What do you say?
Gladstone? Qu'en penses-tu?
That ambassador arrived. I put him in the Gladstone room.
J'ai mis l'ambassadeur dans la chambre Gladstone.
Gladstone is in form.
Gladstone est en forme.
Carrying Gladstone bags!
Mr. Gladstone, Colonel Stewart... recently attached to military intelligence.
M. Gladstone, le colonel Stewart, du service des renseignements.
That'll be the end of Gordon, but not of Gladstone.
Ce sera la fin de Gordon, et non celle de Gladstone.
I must say, Mr. Gladstone, you're hardly a bore.
M. Gladstone, on ne s'ennuie pas avec vous.
Am I to understand that Gladstone has cursed me... not only with a spy, but with a subordinate... who thinks he knows more than I do?
Alors Gladstone m'a affublé non seulement d'un espion mais d'un subordonné qui en sait plus que moi?
You are Gladstone's spy, aren't you?
Vous êtes l'espion de Gladstone, non?
Not at all, sir. I am to report to Mr. Gladstone... any actions you may take which, in my opinion... conflict with your instructions.
Je dois avertir M. Gladstone de ce que vous pourrez faire qui, selon moi, est contraire à vos instructions.
I'll report my news to Gladstone.
Je ferai un rapport à Gladstone.
Gladstone must send an army.
Gladstone doit envoyer une armée.
You were Gladstone's gesture last year.
Vous étiez le geste symbolique de l'année dernière.
Gladstone's a gambler.
Gladstone aime les paris.
Mr. Gladstone must understand... that I am capable of gestures, too.
M. Gladstone doit comprendre que je sais aussi faire des gestes.
And through Wolseley, Gladstone.
Et, par Wolseley, Gladstone.
You remind us of Mr. Gladstone.
Vous nous rappelez M. Gladstone.
I've always reminded myself of a big shot like Gladstone.
Je me fais souvent penser à un type de ce genre.
We detest Mr. Gladstone.
Nous détestons M. Gladstone.
Even Mr. Gladstone has greater respect for the Crown.
Même M. Gladstone a plus de respect pour la Couronne.
Do you have any luggage, Mister - - Gladstone?
Vous avez des bagages, M. Gladstone?
Burke, Macaulay, Gladstone...
Burke, Macaulay, Gladstone...
Tell me, who'll win? Disraeli or Gladstone?
Dis, qui gagnera?
This is number 214 Gladstone.
C'est la 214 Gladstone.
Carrying bags?
Ce matin encore, trois agressions dans les rues. Des partisans de Gladstone?
Good evening, Mr. Gladstone.
Bonsoir, M. Gladstone.

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