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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / Has he confessed

Has he confessed Çeviri Fransızca

60 parallel translation
- Has he confessed yet?
A-t-il avoué?
Has he confessed?
Il a avoué?
Has he confessed, Captain?
- Il a avoué, Capitaine?
Has he confessed?
A-t-il avoué?
Has he confessed to anything yet?
A-t-il confessé quelque chose?
Has he confessed to sleeping with her?
A-t-il avoué avoir couché avec elle?
So, has he confessed?
- Alors, il y vient?
So, has he confessed yet?
Alors, est-ce qu'il a avoué?
Has he confessed?
Est-ce qu'il s'est confessé?
Has he confessed? He will.
A-t-il confessé ses fautes?
- So has he confessed? - Hmm?
- Donc, a-t-il confessé?
- Has he confessed?
- Il a avoué?
Flash! Benny Battle, a well-known police character, has confessed and he has named the killer of the baby in Central Park.
Benny Battle, bien connu des policiers, a parlé et a nommé le tueur du bébé à Central Park.
He has confessed.
Il a avoué.
It is accordingly decreed that he be taken to Vatican Hill where it has been confessed he made his first preachment to be crucified and left there as a warning to all and any who henceforth wish to call themselves Christians. "
En vertu de ce décret, il sera mené sur la colline du Vatican, le lieu de son premier sermon, où il sera crucifié, à titre d'avertissement adressé à tous les chrétiens.
He's no good, he has never confessed. He has never taken communion.
C'est un voyou, il ne s'est jamais confessé, n'a jamais voulu communier.
He has confessed all, brothers.
Il a tout avoué, mes frères!
Has he confessed?
- Il a avoué?
Sholto has confessed he was with his brother last night.
Sholto nous a avoué qu'il était avec son frère hier soir.
Sir, he has confessed.
Il a avoué.
Get Morencos confessed, because it seems that he has overlooked the 6th ( Commandment ). In thought and action.
Vous confessez Morencos parce qu'il a révisé la pensée et l'oeuvre.
Ravi has confessed in his suicide note that he was Seema's lover, and his killer too.
- Il aura menti. Il n'avait pas une telle photo.
- Has he confessed?
Il a avoué?
I will not hate my father for the truth he has confessed.
Je ne déteste pas mon père pour la vérité qu'il a confessé.
Has Harris confessed that he's been following me?
Harris a-t-il confirmé qu'il me suivait?
He has confessed to the crime, admitting his intent to kill and... his will to commit the act.
Donc sa condamnation s'impose, car il a avoué les faits... lors de sa garde à vue, soulignant le désir de réaliser son projet... et d'accomplir l'action.
15 minutes ago he broke and confessed that for the last two years Faheen has been preparing for today's attack on Los Angeles.
Il a avoué il y a 15 minutes que cela fait deux ans que Faheen se prépare à l'attaque d'aujourd'hui.
He has confessed to the crime and we're confident that he will soon confess the whereabouts of Siobhan Arintero.
Il a avoué son crime et nous sommes persuadés qu'il nous avouera bientôt où se trouve Siobhan Arintero.
- For he who has not confessed his sins there is no forgiveness, not from me, nor God.
Pour celui qui n'a pas confessé ses péchés il n'y a pas de pardon, ni de moi, ni de Dieu.
He has confessed to lying under oath and dereliction of duty in a time of war.
Il a reconnu avoir menti sous serment et a manqué à son devoir en temps de guerre.
Nobody is seeking to deny Sevilin Ozal's past, but he has been offered nothing to testify in this trial, and he has confessed to crimes for which he was not even...
Ozal : "Elle m'a dit de te tuer." Celenk : "Dans ce cas, tu dois le faire."
He has confessed to murdering Anne Mathis and eight other homeless women.
Et il a avoué les meurtres d'Anne Mathis et de 8 autres femmes SDF.
He has self-confessed.
Il a avoué.
He confessed to a crime he had no memory of, still has no memory of, for which there is no evidence, other than two witnesses who saw him pumping gas around the time of the murder.
Il a avoué un crime dont il n'avait pas souvenir... Et dont il ne se souvient toujours pas... pour lequel il n'y a aucune preuve autre que deux témoins... qui l'ont vu pomper de l'essence vers l'heure du meurtre.
Walt Cummings has confessed that he arranged Palmer's assassination, framing Bauer.
Walt Cummings a confessé qu'il était le responsable de l'assassinat de Palmer, disculpant ainsi Bauer.
In an emotional statement, he confessed that his wife's disappearance has taken a toll on his "emotional and mental well-being."
Lors d'une déclaration empreinte d'émotion, il a avoué que la disparition de sa femme avait eu de mauvaises répercussions sur son "bien-être émotionnel et mental".
He has confessed to me, and it is not impossible... he will welcome the opportunity to confess to you.
Il s'est confessé, et il n'est pas impossible qu'il soit disposé à se confesser à vous.
He pretty much confessed to both of us, and he has no alibi, remember?
Il nous a quasiment tout avoué, et il n'a pas d'alibi.
He has confessed everything.
Oui. Il m'a tout avoué.
He has confessed it and he cites a hundred witnesses.
Il l'a confessé, alléguant cent témoignages.
He's confessed to the murder of his wife so he has absolutely nothing to lose.
Ayant avoué le meurtre de sa femme, il n'avait donc plus rien à perdre.
Not only is the evidence against the accused incontestable, he has even confessed.
Les preuves contre l'accusé sont irréfutables, il reconnaît même les faits.
I also talked to Lou Rose, and he said now that Drew has confessed to the sabotage maybe he can get Tesha to put a hold on that fine.
J'ai aussi parler a Lou Rose, et il a dit maintenant que Drew s'est confessé pour le sabotage peut être qu'il peut obtenir de TESHA de diminuer le montant de l'amende.
And my answers. Personal security expert Daren Sutter, who was best known for his book Friend or Foe, has confessed to the murder of Wallace Rourke, whom he alleges was responsible for the murder of his sister
Daren Sutter, expert en sécurité personnelle, qui fut connu pour son livre Ami ou Ennemi, a avoué le meurtre de Wallace Rourke, dont il prétend qu'il est le meurtrier de sa sœur il y a 22 ans.
He has confessed to the murder of Kurt Simpson.
Il a confesser le meurtre de Kurt Simpson.
And even if we could, even if Frey confessed to it, the statute of limitations has expired on what he did to Mateo.
Et même si nous ne pouvions, même si Frey l'avouait, il y a prescription pour ce qu'il a fait à Mateo.
Vlad has confessed that he took the books out and gave them to Joey... but your son denies having them.
Vlad a avoué avoir pris les livres et les avoir donnés à Joey, mais votre fils nie.
He has confessed to nothing.
Il n'a rien avoué.
He has already confessed...
Il a déjà avoué...
Has he ever categorically confessed his guilt to you?
Il vous a explicitement confessé sa culpabilité?
He has confessed to the murders of Savio, and Muller, and the attempted murder of Horvet.
Il est fini. Il a confessé les meurtres de Savio, et de Müller, et la tentative de meurtre sur Horvet.

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