He can fly Çeviri Fransızca
223 parallel translation
But a blind man, putting it in operation so he can fly, let's not fool ourselves.
Mais un aveugle, le piloter? Ne rêvons pas.
What's the difference as long as he can fly?
- Qu'importe, s'il peut voler?
- He can fly! - He can fly!
- Il vole!
He can fly through any kind of soup and a main course and dessert, too.
Il peut piloter dans la purée ou même dans la soupe.
And he says that he can fly faster than a cannon ball.
Et il dit qu'il peut voler plus vite qu'un boulet de canon.
The only way you can tame a bird is to let him fly free, if he can fly, of course.
Pour apprivoiser un oiseau, il faut le laisser voler en liberté, s'il peut voler, bien sûr.
How does he impressed her? Maybe that he can fly...
Ce qui avait impressionné Julia c'est qu'il semblait pouvoir voler!
He can fly through the air.
Il vole dans les airs.
Also he can fly any plane you'd care to name. And he's my friend.
Il sait aussi piloter n'importe quel avion et il est mon ami.
So he thinks he can fly?
Alors elle croit qu'il peut voler?
He can fly around freely in space, and was formerly a pilot for the Miros ship.
Il voyage librement dans l'espace. C'était le guide de Myrus.
He thinks he can fly.
Il croit qu'il peut voler.
He can fly now.
Il peut voler maintenant.
Yes, sweetheart. He can fly.
Oui, ma chérie.
He can fly.
Il sait voler.
No, but he can fly.
Non, mais il sait voler.
I sure hope he can fly in.
Je suis sûr qu'il pourra venir.
Woo, he can fly!
Waou, il peut voler!
Give him a few more hours and he'll think he can fly again.
Dans quelques heures, il croira à nouveau pouvoir voler.
ls there a wire so that he can fly over water?
Y a t-il un cable pour qu'il marche au dessus de l'eau?
He's not trying to build instruments so that blind men can fly.
Il ne fait pas ces instruments pour que les aveugles puissent piloter.
He's simply trying to perfect something that even a blind man can fly.
Il tente simplement de créer quelque chose que même un aveugle pourrait piloter.
How can he fly in this fog?
Comment peut-il voler avec ce brouillard?
Now he can't fly anymore and he's stuck at a laboratory desk day and night.
Il ne peut plus voler et reste coincé dans son laboratoire jour et nuit.
He can't fly that ship.
Il peut pas le piloter.
He can't make'em fly. He's nervous.
Il est nerveux.
If he can build a spaceship that can fly to Earth, and a robot that can destroy our tanks and guns, what other terrors can he unleash at will?
S'il a pu construire un vaisseau pour venir sur Terre et un robot capable de détruire nos armes et nos tanks, quelles autres menaces peut-il créer?
Emmet's out to nail me. I can fly circles around him, and he knows it.
Emmet veut me coincer, mais il sait que je suis le meilleur.
Maybe Frank Towns, who's flown every crate they've built who could fly in and out of a tennis court if he had to maybe that great trailblazer's nothing more than a back number now. And maybe men like Dorfmann can build machines that can do Frank Towns'job for him. And do it better.
Et il se pourrait que toi qui as tant piloté... toi qui poserais ton zing sur un mouchoir de poche... il se pourrait que tu ne sois plus bon que pour la casse... et que Dorfmann sache construire des appareils... qui feraient ton boulot et mieux que toi!
He died trying to prove he could fly better than I can.
Mais pour prouver qu'il était le meilleur.
Then he can meet John and we can all talk over dinner... because John has to fly to New York tonight to see a friend... at Columbia University.
Alors, il fera la connaissance de John et on parlera pendant le diner... parce que John doit s'envoler ce soir pour New York, pour aller voir un ami... à Columbia University.
While he's gone we can take Tabatha over to that witch's nursery school in Tibet where you learned to fly.
Pendant qu'il est absent, on peut emmener Tabatha à la garderie des sorcières au Tibet, où tu as appris à voler.
Waldo, he's right. It's kid's stuff. - we can still fly the Fair.
- Il a raison, c'est un truc de gamins.
Yeah, but he can't fly.
Mais iI ne peut pas voler!
Look at him, he can't fly anymore.
Regarde-le, il ne peut plus voler.
All those feathers and he still can't fly.
Toutes ces plumes et il ne vole pas!
He insists that he can still fly.
Il tient absolument à voler.
He can no longer fly.
Père ne pourra plus jamais voler...
He can really fly.
Il sait vraiment voler.
He starts fumbling with his fly... but he can't get it undone.
Il commence à se déboutonner. Déboutonne, déboutonne. - II arrivait plus à se déboutonner.
Même s'il ne peut pas voler, le pingouin est muni d'un sternum fort et de muscles puissants.
You know you can't take a prisoner on an airplane if he doesn't want to fly.
Vous ne pouvez pas obliger un prisonnier à prendre l'avion. Vous le savez.
I meant, can he fly the plane?
Je veux dire, sait-il piloter?
He always ends by saying the heavy people know some magic that can make things move and even fly, but they're not bright because they can't survive without their magic contrivances.
Il finit toujours en disant que les gros sont des magiciens... qui font bouger et v oler des choses, mais ne sont pas malins... parce qu'ils ne savent pas se passer de leurs objets magiques.
Sure, he can scream, he can shout. But he can't lift his foot. He can't open his fly.
Bien sûr qu'il peut encore crier mais il ne peut pas lever la jambe, aller pisser ni te dire l'heure qu'il est.
He can't fly, but he can swim!
Il ne peut pas voler, mais il peut nager!
He can't fly, fight or crow.
Il ne peut ni voler, ni se battre, ni pousser de cocoricos.
He can't even stand up. Do you think he is going to fly?
On lui laisse les menottes.
If Santa Claus really can make reindeer fly and go up and down people's chimneys and make millions of toys and go around the world in one night, he could get somebody a house and a brother... and a dad.
Le Père Noël fait voler les rennes... passe par les cheminées... livre des millions de jouets en une nuit. Il doit pouvoir trouver une maison, un frère... et un père.
He can't fly!
Il ne peut pas voler.
He can fly us.
Il peut nous emmener.
he can't swim 20
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can handle it 31
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19
he can't help you 16
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can handle it 31
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19
he can't help you 16