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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / He was a good friend

He was a good friend Çeviri Fransızca

157 parallel translation
He was a good friend.
Un ami que j'aimais bien...
He was a good friend of ours, Jo.
C'était un bon ami, Jo.
He was a good friend.
C'était un bon ami.
My father's friend was a Campbell, and he was a good friend to me.
Un ami de mon père était un Campbell. C'était aussi un bon ami.
- He was a good friend and a brave man.
- Il était un bon ami et un brave homme.
I take it, then, he was a good friend of all of you?
Je suppose donc qu'il était votre ami à tous?
And he was a good friend.
Il était aussi un ami.
On the other hand if he wins - and this turkey just might - you gotta make sure he thought he was a good friend.
En revanche, s'ils gagnent, et ce vautour a ses chances, mieux vaut être de leur camp. Vous comprenez?
The fact that he was a good friend of yours, was not of undue influence upon you?
Qu'il fût un de vos amis n'a pas influencé votre décision?
He was a good friend.
Je l'aimais bien.
He was a good friend of mine
Il était un bon ami à moi
Micki, I know he was a good friend.
Micki, je sais que c'était un bon ami.
Manuel was a good worker, he was a good friend.
Manuel était un bon employé, un bon ami.
And he was a good friend. I never thought anything else.
Je n'en ai jamais douté.
He was a good friend of the Attorney General's.
Il était l'ami du procureur général.
He was a good friend. We did business together.
Mais son époux, oui, on faisait des affaires ensemble.
He was a good friend.
C'était un bon copain.
He was a good friend, and I'll miss him.
Il était super, il va nous manquer.
I was waiting for you because our friend here was good enough to tell me he was going to meet you.
Je vous attendais parce que notre ami a eu la gentillesse de me dire qu'il vous retrouvait ici.
M. Gernicot was a very good friend of yours, wasn't he?
Vous aviez une grande amitié pour M. Gernicot.
All he said was it belonged to a good friend.
Il m'a juste dit que c'était celui d'un bon ami.
He was a friend of mine. A good friend. Down on his luck.
C'était un très bon ami.
Now, for the first time, he knew how good it was to be needed ; Good to be watched for and welcomed like a trusted friend.
Il connut, pour la première fois, la joie d'être utile, la joie d'être attendu et accueilli comme un ami.
Chatelin was my friend. He was very good to me.
Chatelin était mon ami... il a été formidable pour moi.
Was he really a good friend of yours?
C'était vraiment ton ami?
- The Protagonist! In 1913, I was 15 years old, and I was one of the first boy scouts in Italy. I had a very good friend then, he died in China last year.
En 1913, j'avais quinze ans, j'étais un des premiers scouts d'Italie, un des premiers, et j'avais alors un ami, un ami très cher, disparu l'an dernier en Orient, dans le Bang lointain...
When you were at the desk checking in with the night manager Mr. George Swine, who I happen to know as a personal friend I was wondering if he fixed you up with a good accommodation here.
Je vous ai vu parler au gérant qui est un ami intime. Il vous a donné une bonne chambre?
He was a darling man and a good friend.
C'était un amour et un bon ami.
I'll say that he was a good son and brother, a loyal friend and a good citizen.
Je dirai ce qu'on veut entendre : C'était un bon fils, un bon frère, un ami loyal et un bon citoyen.
Was he a good friend?
C'était un ami proche?
Don't forget, I was your father's friend when he was a boss, and we did good business together, and I could with his son also.
N'oublie pas que j'étais l'ami de ton père, quand il était le patron et nous avons fait de bonnes affaires ensemble je peux faire aussi la même chose avec son fils.
As for our friend Caius Pupus, he was allowed to choose his reward... for his good and faithful service.
Quant à l'honnête Caius Pupus, il a choisi lui-même la récompense de ses bons et loyaux services.
He was a brave man and a good friend.
C'était un homme brave et un bon ami.
He was such a good friend.
Je suis désolé pour votre frère.
Because I was worried and he was a very good friend to me. He was keeping me company.
J'étais angoissée, c'est un très bon ami... et il m'a tenu compagnie.
He was too good a friend.
C'était un trop bon ami.
He was a friend, a good friend.
C'était vraiment un pote. Un super pote.
He was a good man... And a good friend to all of us.
C'était un homme bien... et un bon ami pour chacun d'entre nous.
He was a good student, and a good friend?
C'était un bon élève et un bon ami?
Tommy Giordano was a good friend of mine. Had been since the first time I gave him a bath and got wetter than he did.
Tommy Giordano était l'un de mes meilleurs amis depuis le jour où, lui ayant donné un bain, je me suis retrouvé trempé.
He was more than a good friend.
C'était plus qu'un bon ami.
Mr. Evans, was he a good friend of yours?
M. Evans était un bon ami à vous?
Well. the only thing I can say is he was a very good lawyer and a great fighter for civil rights over the world. and a marvellous friend.
Tout ce que je peux dire, c'est que c'était un excellent avocat, un combattant acharné des libertés civiques et un ami précieux.
It's amazing that with that strange name, he was such a good friend of Spain.
C'est formidable qu'avec un nom pareil, vous soyez un si grand ami de notre pays.
- Yes, he was talking to... a very good friend of Estes Kefauver.
Depuis hier soir, je pense à vous.
Stuart Sutcliffe Stuart was John's friend from art college. He was a very good painter
Stuart Sutcliffe Stuart était un copain de John aux beaux-arts, un trés bon peintre
Well, he was such a good friend of yours and all.
C'était votre ami et l'ami de tous.
I want him to know that he was the best of us all and most of all, most of all, a very good friend.
Mais je veux qu'il sache que c'était le meilleur. Et surtout, surtout, un camarade exemplaire.
Good ole Jean... your machinist friend on the Normandie Ehh, he introduced us he was my lover
Ce bon vieux Jean, ton ami machiniste du Normandie. Il nous a présentés. C'était mon amant.
Yeah, he was as good a friend to you as Jack Bull was to me. Yeah.
- C'était ton ami comme Jack Bull était le mien.
If he was that close, if he was that good a friend, wouldn't it be more likely that he's returned to support you rather than haunt you?
S'il était proche, si c'était un si bon ami, est-ce qu'il ne viendrait pas vous aider plutôt que vous hanter?

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