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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / Heavy breathing

Heavy breathing Çeviri Fransızca

163 parallel translation
You know, heavy breathing?
Genre, respiration forte?
We manage to take care of that with a lot of heavy breathing between the sheets.
Nous arrivons à régler le problème à l'aide d'ébats entre les draps.
The least you can do is some heavy breathing, Stevie
Tu pourrais au moins respirer bruyamment, Stevie.
I don't know, just heavy breathing,
Je sais pas, juste un halètement,
Heavy breathing and all.
Respiration forte et ainsi de suite.
Heavy breathing?
Une voix doucereuse?
( heavy breathing ) Who is this?
Qui est-ce?
There's some heavy breathing in the dressing room.
J'entends respirer très fort dans la cabine.
Seem to me all that heavy breathing... is what got you in this mess in the first place.
C'est ce genre de respiration qui t'a mise dans cet état-là.
You take all these heavy breathing fun seekers and you stick them in Wyoming and you let them suck, fuck and fondle.
Vous prenez tous ces chercheurs d'amusement à la lourde respiration et vous les foutez dans le Wyoming. Et vous les laissez se sucer, s'enculer et se faire des mamours.
I did that heavy breathing thing.
Respiration profonde et tout.
( Heavy breathing sounds from the headphones. )
( Respiration forte. )
No heavy breathing.
Pas de respiration profonde.
Heavy breathing. that's a good idea.
La respiration profonde. C'est bon, ça.
All the heavy breathing has steamed my glasses and I'm-I'm-I'm- -
Tout ces souffles ont embué mes lunettes et je...
And when I pick up, you do a little heavy breathing- -
Et quand je décroche, tu pourrais gémir un peu...
Don't be thrown if all you hear is like a dark, deep, heavy breathing. it's- - l don't know, their outgoing voice-mail message.
Ne t'étonne pas si tu entends un long râle. C'est le message de leur répondeur.
LustfuI looks, heavy breathing.
Regard laxif, souffle court.
- * Do you know the muffin man * - [Heavy Breathing]
Les femmes concernées font des ventes de pâtisseries, ou des tombolas?
Heavy breathing.
Pas haleter
Well, if there's no heavy breathing or groaning, I'll know it's you.
Puisque je n'entends pas haleter, je sais que c'est toi.
The script just says "ad-lib heavy breathing."
Le script dit juste : "ad-lib respiration profonde."
I mean, even with heavy breathing?
Même en respirant comme ça?
In the midst of chaos, mysterious heavy breathing.
Au milieu du chaos, un souffle de mystère.
I could do with a tad less heavy breathing.
Je le pourrais si vous respiriez moins fort.
[Moaning ] [ Heavy breathing]
Aahh... aahh... aahh... aahh...
And the night will be heavy with perfume, and I'll hear a step behind me... and somebody breathing heavily.
La nuit embaumera, j'entendrai des pas derrière moi et quelqu'un respirant bruyamment.
- How is her breathing? - Heavy.
- Elle saigne beaucoup?
- But I ain't breathing'heavy. - He's a fool.
- Peut-être, mais tu m'impressionnes pas.
- You're breathing heavy -
- Ouais. Tu souffles comme un phoque.
You're breathing heavy for him, Carol.
Tu prends une voix doucereuse avec lui, Carol.
[heavy breathing]
[il respire difficilement]
I hate that heavy-breathing crap.
Je déteste ce merdier de respiration lourde.
That sicko gave you the number of some dial-a-dream heavy-breathing number.
Ce malade a donné le numéro d'un téléphone rose.
She's movin'around, convulsing, breathing heavy, and her legs are pressed up against my ears so tightly... that I don't hear her father come into the room.
Elle bougeait dans tous les sens, elle respirait très fort, elle a collé ses cuisses contre mes oreilles si fort que je n'ai pas entendu son père qui rentrait dans la chambre.
You were breathing really heavy.
Tu respirais très fort.
How heavy is a set of breathing apparatus? 36 lbs, sir
- Poids de l'appareil respiratoire.
Then I asked him what he was wearing... and he started breathing kind of heavy... made a funny noise, and hung up.
Et je lui ai demandé ce qu'il portait. Il a haleté, a eu un hoquet et a raccroché.
Heavy breathing, meditating.
Je médite
( Heavy breathing ) ( Deep voice ) "Hello."
"Euh, salut..."
Come to think of it kid was breathing heavy.
Oui, le petit respirait difficilement.
I just wanted to assure you that once the studio agreed to you... you'll have their full support and- - [Heavy Breathing] Good. Absolutely.
He's really breathing heavy now. Have you seen her? He's out of his league, if you know what I mean.
Elle est trop bien pour lui.
Joe starts breathing heavy and fumbling with the door handle.
Ha! Ha! Lâ, mon Jo s'est mis â pomper l'air puis â jouer après la poignée de la porte en sacrament.
Breathing out any heavy burdens.
Expirez les energies negatives.
We ran out, and Elizabeth's breathing is very heavy today.
On n'en a plus Elizabeth respire de plus en plus mal
It was definitely a lot of rush going through my head and my body, and I was, like, breathing pretty heavy, I'm sure.
J'ai un coup de sang... et j'haletais, j'en suis sûr.
[breathing heavy] anything.
Breathing pretty heavy over there.
Tu respirais fort.
2 ) The feeling of heavy weight pressing on the chest, obstructing breathing.
- Le sentiment d'une forte pression sur le torse, bloquant la respiration. 3
[Heavy breathing] Jesus!
Bon Dieu!

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