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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / Her lover

Her lover Çeviri Fransızca

879 parallel translation
In her lover's arms, she was killed by her husband, who stabbed her into the heart.
Elle est morte dans les bras de son amant, tuée par son mari, poignardée en plein cœur.
If you hurry, you can catch her lover before he slips out of her room!
Dépèche toi! Déguerpis avant que le frère ne vous surprenne
Even if I had proof or saw her in her lover's arms, my faith in her is such I'd not believe it.
Et même si on me la montrait entre les bras d'un galant, j'ai tellement confiance que je n'y croirais pas.
Do you think she will forget her lover in a month?
Croyez-vous qu'elle va oublier son amour en un mois?
A wife, a mother, to pay with her life for a crime unparalleled in the annals of history. The murderer of her lover. The father of her child. "
Une femme, une mêre qui paie de sa vie un crime sans précédent dans les annales, le meurtre de son amant, du père de son enfant. "
My wife protects her lover.
Ma femme protège son amant.
What, you are her lover?
Vous êtes son amant?
You are her lover, aren't you?
Vous êtes son amant? Hein?
She talks about her lover leaving, about leaving the stage, about her marriage.
Elle parle du départ de son amant, de son mariage.
- Mr. Kent means her lover.
- M. Kent veut dire amants.
Who crossed o'er the mountain with her lover Ike
Qui traversa la montagne avec son amoureux lke
And if one of these women were to fall in love... and if her lover were to kiss her, take her into his embrace... she would be driven by her own evil to kill him.
Et si l'une d'elles embrassait son amoureux, son mauvais instinct la poussait à le tuer!
I know her lover's address and identity.
je connais l'identite et l'adresse de l'amant.
Demise. You were her lover.
Vous avez été son amant.
# That we have to do with lip rouge so her lover doesn't sip rouge in his ardor #
Juste encore un peu de rouge Pour que son amant ne voit pas rouge dans son ardeur
I was once her lover.
J'ai été autrefois l'amant de Mme Boynet.
A love letter addressed to Juliette from her lover.
Une lettre d'amour adressée à Juliette par son amant.
But one maiden was untrue to her lover. Only one.
Mais une tresse appartenait à une vierge infidèle.
After a year and a day, when her husband was away ravaging the mainland, she escaped from Kiloran... and took refuge in Moy Castle with her lover.
Un an et un jour plus tard, alors que son mari était en guerre, elle s'enfuit de Kiloran et se réfugia au château de Moil avec son amant.
Without doubt, she's angry about the separation, with her... well... her... Her lover.
Sans doute, elle est vexée de cette rupture, lui-même que son... que son, enfin... un amant.
If you think I was her lover, you're wrong.
Je n'étais pas son amant.
I can hear the voice of her lover.
J'entends la voix de son amant.
I order you to make the Queen fall in love with you. And to become her lover.
Je vous donne l'ordre de vous faire aimer de la Reine et de devenir son amant.
Oh, that is very touching. I'm a husband who planned a trip on which he intended to destroy his wife and did kill her lover.
- Comme c'est touchant de la part d'un homme résolu à détruire sa femme
In my job, I find a woman goes to almost any length to protect her lover.
Vous protégiez votre amant!
So it was that Venus stood before Mars, welcoming her lover.
C'est ainsi que Vénus accueillit Mars son bien-aimé.
By day at her lover's, then by night they toast their 10-year old.
On passe la journée chez son amant... puis le soir on fête ses dix ans de mariage.
She ran away with her lover. It was all planned.
Elle s'est sauvée avec son petit ami.
Harlequin, her lover, enters in the moonlight.
Arlequin entre au clair de lune.
When Cleopatra found out what happened, she quickly followed her lover.
Quand Cléopâtre en pris conscience, elle le suivit dans la mort.
You can hardly expect the jury to believe that a woman in love doesn't attempt to meet her lover.
Difficile de croire qu'une femme amoureuse n'a pas essayé de revoir son amant!
Her lover's going away.
Son amant part.
- Her lover's going away.
- Son amant part.
My sister has fled with her lover.
Ma sœur s'est enfuie avec son amant.
Leslie, her lover is a man of lowly extraction. It's true.
Son amant est un homme de la plus basse condition.
One can't spy on one's wife through a friend, and that friend pretend to be her lover.
Ça ne se fait pas de faire espionner sa femme par un ami se faisant passer pour son amant.
I mean, whether you love her as... Well, as a lover.
Peut-être de l'amour...
"... they still run crimson with the blood of Lady Viella and her gallant lover...
" encore du sang de Lady Viella et de son amant...
Oh, Marie, not everyone. Her Exalted Majesty can't possibly have a lover.
Sa Majesté n'en a certainement pas!
At the time of her splendor, she was his lover and left him when his decline began, without ever turning back. "
"Au temps de sa splendeur, elle fut sa maîtresse. " Quand vint son déclin, elle le quitta sans se retourner. " Et cætera...
Are you her lover or a newspaperman?
T'es amant ou journaliste?
Any man who arrived when she was ready and waiting for the lover who intrigued her, who brought her orchids.
Un homme arrivant alors qu'elle attendait... un homme qui l'intrigue, qui lui offre des orchidées.
Yes, that her former lover aspires to become my son-in-law.
Oui que son ancien amant aspire à devenir mon gendre.
Take care of her, lover boy.
Occupez-vous d'elle, don Juan.
While beautiful Irene Williams is held for trial charged with conspiring to kill her late husband, the police are searching for James Torrence believed to be the lover of Mrs. Williams and her partner in the horrible murder of Walter Williams.
La splendide Irène Williams sera jugée pour avoir commandité le meurtre de son mari. La police recherche James Torrence, l'amant supposé de Mme Williams, et son complice dans l'odieux meurtre de Walter Williams.
"with the blood of Lady Viella... " and her gallant lover... " slain by the phantom hand.
Car ici coula le sang de Lady Viella, tuée, ainsi que son amant, par le Vengeur Fantôme.
A wife murdering her husband and having a lover and all that.
Une femme qui tue son mari et qui a un amant.
Give her a good manicure... and perhaps a dancing master that knows his business... and, of course, a lover of suitable rank... with these and a gifted woman, one can create the most arrogant of duchesses.
Fournissez-lui une bonne manucure. Un maître de danse connaissant son métier. Et bien sûr un amant de rang convenable.
Now, if she had a lover, that's the man that killed her.
Si elle avait un amant, c'est lui qui l'a tuée.
However, Marguerite de Navarre dared to ask the executioner for her lover's decapitated head.
Ceci est fait pour plaire à ma fille.
What woman today would touch the decapitated head of her lover?
Ah! Tout cela est lourd, pour une jeune fille.

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