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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / Hooper

Hooper Çeviri Fransızca

418 parallel translation
Hank Hooper, Harold's sworn enemy ever since Harold sold him a dozen door knobs for fresh eggs in the dark.
Hank Hooper, ennemi juré depuis qu'Harold lui ai vendu des poignées de porte au lieu d'une douzaine d'œufs frais, à la nuit.
My name's "Taxi Belle" Hooper.
Je m'appelle "Taxi Belle" Hooper.
Here you are, Miss Hooper.
Voilà, Mlle Hooper.
As its first witness, the state calls Edna Hooper.
L'accusation appelle à la barre Edna Hooper.
- Your residence, Miss Hooper?
Votre adresse?
You're not on trial, Miss Hooper.
Vous n'êtes pas accusée.
This man, charged with murder, is the Frederick Garrett who by the testimony of your eyesight, Miss Hooper was at home that Saturday afternoon and evening, then?
Cet homme, accusé de meurtre, est le même Frederick Garrett que vous jurez avoir vu chez lui ce jour-là?
Edna Hooper, will you swear that during the hours when this indictment charges that this defendant, Frederick Garrett among others, murdered Joseph Wilson will you swear that during those hours Garrett was peaceably in his own house?
Jurez-vous que durant ces heures où, suivant l'acte d'inculpation, l'accusé Garrett, parmi d'autres, a assassiné Joseph Wilson, jurez-vous donc que Garrett était paisiblement chez lui?
Oh, Miss Hooper, isn't it true that for years you've been a close friend of, and, before she married, roomed with Mrs. Garrett?
Est-il vrai que vous êtes l'amie de longue date, et même d'avant son mariage, de Mme Garrett?
Have the blue guest chamber open for the future Lady Bellinger, Hooper.
Vous aurez la chambre d'amis bleue.
Hooper, I don't think I'll take in that movie tonight.
Hooper... je ne pense pas aller à la séance de cinéma.
So long, Hooper.
À un de ces jours.
- Where will I find Hooper?
Où est Hooper?
- Hooper?
Bill Hooper. I know he's in K Company.
Bill Hooper, il est chez vous.
What platoon is Hooper in, William J. Hooper?
Où est Hooper? William J. Hooper?
That was his name?
That kid they got at last night, name is Hooper.
Le gosse qui est mort, c'est Hooper.
William J. Hooper.
William J. Hooper.
Jake Hooper.
Jake Hooper.
Now things have happened. Like Jake Hooper.
Maintenant il y a Jake Hooper.
- Which one of your men killed Jake Hooper?
Qui a tué Jake Hooper?
That'll satisfy the Hooper killing.
- On sera quittes.
- At the Hooper-Smiths.
Chez les Hooper-Smith.
According to my Hooper rating, it's perfect.
D'après les sondages, elles sont parfaites.
- Hooper, Junior C. - Here.
Hooper, Junior C.
Now, Jimmy, you've got to stop kicking Mr Hooper and sit still.
- Ne donne pas de coups de pied.
- Hooper.
- Hooper.
It's also Hooper's code name.
Et le nom de code de Hooper.
Mr. Hooper ; how would you describe your function as Mr Shorter's administrator?
M. Hooper... décrivez-nous votre rôle auprès de M. Shorter?
- It isn't Julie Ann Hooper?
- N'est-ce pas Ann Hooper?
This is Julie Ann Hooper, our babysitter.
Voici Julie Ann Hooper, notre baby-sitter.
Matt Hooper.
Matt Hooper.
Let's show Mr. Hooper our accident.
Montrons notre petit accident à M. Hooper.
I'm Matt Hooper.
- Matt Hooper. - Bonsoir.
Come in, Hooper. What do you see?
Hooper, qu'avez-vous à signaler?
This is Matt Hooper.
- Matt Hooper.
Mr. Hooper, I'm not talking about pleasure boating or day-sailing.
M. Hooper, je ne pars pas en croisière.
You got city hands, Mr. Hooper.
Vous avez des mains de citadin.
If you see a shark, Hooper, swallow!
Si vous voyez un requin, Hooper, avalez votre salive.
Yeah, that's real fine, expensive gear you've brought out here, Mr. Hooper.
Vous avez apporté un sacré matos ici.
Hooper, reverse her!
Hooper, arrière toute!
Hooper, reverse her!
Marche arrière!
Hooper, you idiot, starboard!
Hooper, imbécile, à tribord!
Hooper, neutral.
Hooper, point mort.
Hooper, give the Chief a hand, will you?
- Aidez le chef, compris?
It proves one thing, Mr. Hooper.
Ça prouve une chose.
- Miss Edna Hooper.
Edna Hooper.
- We came to see you about Hooper.
Nous sommes venus au sujet de Hooper.
Poor Hooper.
Pauvre Hooper.

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