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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ I ] / I'm losing him

I'm losing him Çeviri Fransızca

95 parallel translation
I'm losing him, Ruth.
Je suis en train de le perdre.
Well, if it wasn't that I was losing money, I'd just soon close the place up and really take care of him.
Si ça ne me faisait pas perdre de l'argent, j'aurais fermé et je m'en serais occupé.
He risked his life for a ton of gold, I didn't. - I'm not losing mine for him.
II a joué sa vie pour l'or, je ne joue pas la mienne.
- You're losing him. - I'm not losing him.
Tu perds.
I bet him my last five dollas man. Now I'm the one losing'.
Je lui ai parié 6 dollars que c'était toi.
I won't mention the money trouble I'm in from losing to Warden Sampson and his gorillas, because of him!
Sans parler des pertes d'argent... au bénéfice de la prison Doerin!
I was mad at you for losing him, but then I got over it.
J'étais en colère contre toi, mais ça m'a passé.
I'm losing him.
Je le perds.
I'm losing him.
Je vais le lâcher.
- I'm losing him.
- On va le perdre.
I'm afraid we're losing him
J'ai peur de l'avoir perdu.
I'm losing him!
Je le perds!
I'm losing him.
On va le perdre.
I'm losing him.
Je suis en train de le perdre.
Hurry up, I'm losing him!
Vite! Je le perds!
I'm losing power. Can't shake him.
- Je ne peux rien faire.
I'm not losing him again.
Je ne veux plus le perdre.
I'm always losing him.
Je le perds toujours.
I'm not losing him again.
Je ne le perdrai plus.
Sarah, I'm losing him!
Sarah, il ne tient pas!
I'm losing him, wait, I'm losing him...
Je le perds, attendez, je le perds...
I'm not happy about losing him.
Je ne suis pas heureux de le perdre.
I'm losing him, I'm losing control of him.
Je le perds, je perds mon emprise sur lui.
I told him he was losing it, so he stopped talking to me about it.
Je lui ai dit qu'il délirait et il ne m'en a plus reparlé.
- I'm not losing him!
- Jamais!
I got him. - I'm losing it.
- Il glisse.
We're losing him! The first lead I got in 8 months, and I'm fucking losing it!
Le premier depuis 8 mois, et on le perds!
No. - I'm losing him!
- Je le perds.
They're blaming me for losing him, which means if I don't find him...
Lls m'accusent de l'avoir perdue, et si je ne la trouve pas...
Now I'm losing him! What'll I do?
Je suis en train de le perdre!
But after everyhing that's happened, all his health problems... The only time I'm not worrying about losing him is when I'm here working
Mais après tout ce qui s'est passé, et tous ses problèmes de santé, le seul moment où je n'ai pas peur de le perdre c'est quand je suis ici... à travailler.
- I'm losing him.
- Il s'affaiblit.
I feel like I'm losing him.
Je crois que je le perds.
What if I just turn into nothing at all and then I'm just gonna end up losing him anyway.
Et si je me transformais en rien du tout et que je finissais quand même par le perdre?
I'm losing him.
Il glisse!
I'm not going to risk losing him again.
Je ne vais pas prendre le risque de le perdre encore.
I'm losing him, I got no pulse!
On le perd, je n'ai pas de pouls!
I'm losing him.
Je l'ai perdu
I'm hoping that the stress of losing his office will force him to reveal his poker tell.
J'espérais que le stress engendré pas la perte de son bureau mettrait en évidence son tic de poker.
Peterson thinks he can shut it down without losing any of the money, and I'm gonna let him.
Peterson pense pouvoir l'éteindre sans qu'on perde l'argent, et je vais le laisser faire.
When I told colin we were losing money on the deal and I was calling Nathan to cancel it, he confessed that theywere really from him.
Quand j'ai dit à Colin que nous perdions de l'argent sur cette commande et que j'allais appeler Nathan pour l'annuler, il m'a avoué que ça venait de lui.
Now, sanchez kicked my ass for losing that load, billy. I'll talk to him.
Sanchez m'a botté le cul pour avoir perdu cette cargaison.
- Come on, I'm losing him.
- La perf... - On le perd.
I'm losing him.
Il m'échappe.
I'm sorry, I'm losing him now.
Je le perds.
I love him, and I'm afraid that I might be losing him... because of... my... sexuality.
Je l'aime. Et j'ai peur de le perdre à cause... de ma sexualité.
Nancy, I need you over here. I'm losing him.
Nance, je le perds!
See, um, M.J. is having a bit of a self-esteem crisis lately, and, uh, he feels like he's on a losing streak, so I really, really need him to win this one.
MJ manque de confiance en lui, et il se sent malchanceux. Alors, il faut vraiment qu'il gagne.
I'm not gonna risk losing him.
- On risquerait de le perdre.
I'm not really worried about losing to him. I'm...
j'ai... j'ai juste peur de ce qu'il pourrait faire pour gagner.
I'm not losing him again.
Je ne vais pas le perdre encore une fois.

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