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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / Him who

Him who Çeviri Fransızca

19,598 parallel translation
Tell him who he is.
Dites-lui qui il est.
- Tell him who his buddies are.
- Dites-lui qui sont ses amis.
He knows exactly what he likes, but everyone who's seen him had a great time.
Toutes les filles l'adorent.
But if she didn't kill him, then who did?
Mais si elle ne l'a pas tué, qui l'a fait?
Oh, bejeezles, right? But as for Tennessee Tuxedo here, I want to talk to her. See if she knows who tried to weight him down- - with an ounce of lead.
Mais en ce qui concerne ce pingouin-là, j'aimerais savoir si elle sait qui l'a lesté avec du plomb.
I'm sorry, who closed him again?
- Pardon, mais... qui a bouclé l'entente?
How Naz sits, what he wears, what his eyes say, who's there to support him, who isn't.
La position de Naz, sa tenue, son regard, qui est là pour le soutenir ou pas.
- Do I need a reason to meet the only man who told my father what he thought of him?
- Ai-je besoin d'une raison pour voir le seul homme qui disait à mon père ce qu'il pensait de lui?
Who killed him?
Qui l'a tué?
Those people who got killed... that was only him.
Ces personnes tuées... c'était seulement lui.
Who-who is him?
C'est qui lui?
So, finally, he visits a gypsy, who tells him the only way to kill this monster is to stab it in its appendix with a lance made of green glass.
Alors, il rendit visite à un gitan, qui lui dit que la seule manière de tuer ce monstre était de le poignarder dans son appendice avec une lance faite de verre vert.
... but had to put him up for adoption to hide him from those who wished him harm.
mais on a dû le faire adopter pour le protéger de ceux qui lui voulaient du mal.
No, he said you told him I was the one who killed this guy's wife and kid.
Tu lui aurais dit que j'ai tué la famille de cet homme.
Ragnar! Ragnar himself has always shown his gratitude to those who have trusted and believed in him.
Ragnar lui-même a toujours montré sa gratitude à ceux qui lui ont faits confiance et ont crus en lui.
Who helped him to understand many things.
Qui l'a aidé à comprendre bien des choses.
Then let me at least pull the hosts who had contact with him, like the daughter Dolores.
Je peux retirer les hôtes qui l'ont côtoyé? Comme sa fille, Dolores.
He will hold you close until he realizes that who you are can only hurt him.
Il te gardera à ses côtés jusqu'à ce qu'il réalise que tu lui es néfaste.
Because no man... wants a woman who threatens him.
Parce qu'aucun homme ne veut être menacé par une femme.
Who remembers the name of the man who whispered in the ear of Gavrilo Princip, and convinced him to start World War I?
Qui se rappelle du nom de l'homme Qui a chuchoté à l'oreille de Gavrilo Princip, et l'a convaincu de lancer la première guerre mondiale?
Who can see him?
Qui a pu le voir?
You were the one who wanted to be exclusive, and now that you are, you don't want him anymore?
C'est toi qui voulait l'exclusivité, et maintenant que tu l'as, tu ne veux plus de lui?
We need to find out when Oswald starts talking about General Walker and who he starts talking about him to.
On doit savoir quand Oswald va commencer à parler du Général Walker, et à qui il va en parler.
The one who fired the first shot, we strung him up to make an example of him.
Celui qui a tiré le premier, on l'a pendu pour l'exemple.
- Mom, who was it? Who was it, Mom? - It was him.
Maman, c'était qui?
I mean, people who might not want him around?
Des gens qui voulaient pas de lui?
You know that thing we've been hearing all summer about how Thomas treated women who worked for him? - Yeah.
Tu te souviens des rumeurs sur Thomas et ses employées?
Professor, we've heard that Judge Thomas mistreated young women who worked for him at the EEOC.
Professeur, nous savons que le juge a malmené des jeunes employées, à l'EEOC.
A woman who served as personal assistant to Clarence Thomas for over two years has accused him of sexually harassing her.
Elle a été l'assistante personnelle de Clarence Thomas pendant 2 ans, et elle l'accuse aujourd'hui de harcèlement sexuel.
Polls are coming in 50-50, people who support him versus her.
Les sondages indiquent 50 % de "pour".
Who'd you believe, him or her?
Qui est-ce que tu crois? Elle ou lui?
Remember what happened to the guys who fought him then?
Rappelez-vous de ses challengers?
Henry : I once saw him Near kill a man who tried to have his way with seraphina.
Une fois je l'ai vu presque tuer un homme qui tentait de violer Seraphina.
But once I cross-reference it with sat tracking, we're gonna figure out who programmed him to try to smuggle out our data.
Si on les compare au satellite, on trouvera qui a programmé le bûcheron.
Well, you were the one who would so blithely destroy all of them, even him, I suppose.
C'est vous qui alliez allègrement les détruire. Même lui, j'imagine.
NO! No, no, I am not having that! You are the one who took our only child and you ran off with him out here..... to this place, to these... wretched people.
C'est vous qui avez pris notre fils unique pour vous enfuir ici... dans cet endroit, avec ces gens... misérables.
At the top there's coach mills, who's his coach, who's his second father, who's the one that makes him run fast.
Au sommet, il y a le coach Mills, son entraîneur, un second père, c'est lui qui le fait courir vite.
Our role in his life is to get him in the best physical condition to the championship, and once you do that, he's a supreme, confident, mentally strong athlete who will take gold.
Notre rôle est qu'il soit dans la meilleure condition physique possible pour le championnat, et quand on a fait ça, on a un bel athlète confiant, fort mentalement, qui remportera l'or.
I mean, who could blame him?
On peut pas lui en vouloir.
- Who found him?
- Qui l'a trouvé?
Keith, who... I called him uncle Keith
Keith, qui... je l'appelais Oncle Keith
W-who invited him?
Qui l'a invité?
- The guy who brought the girls. - I didn't know him.
Le type de la mafia lituanienne qui a amené les filles.
So, when you become the man that I married, the man who's willing to do what needs to be done... -... have him give me a call'cause I really miss him.
Donc quand tu redeviendras l'homme que j'ai épousé, l'homme qui est prêt à faire ce qui doit être fait... fais-moi signe.
Who shot him?
Qui est-ce qui l'a tué?
I don't know, but if we got his number, we're the only ones who could save him.
Je ne sais pas, mais si nous avons son numéro, c'est que nous sommes les seuls à pouvoir le sauver.
Midgley was just a man, a man who wanted to improve the world around him through science.
Midgley n'était juste qu'un homme, un homme qui voulait améliorer le monde autour de lui grâce à la science.
Then I met this guy who'd lost his passport and he couldn't afford a new one, so I decided to help him out, let him stay with me for a while.
J'ai rencontré un gars qui avait perdu son passeport. Trop pauvre pour le remplacer. Je l'ai donc aidé.
Tell him that we don't get to choose who we love and who loves us back.
Dites-lui qu'on ne choisit pas qui on aime ou qui nous aime.
He's a spanner in the works, and I'm the mechanic who is gonna take that spanner and put him back in the toolbox.., OK...
Il aime bien mettre le bazar. Mais je vous assure que je vais arrêter ça très vite. Bien...
Who is going to give him that upbringing?
Qui va s'occuper de son éducation?

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