If you didn't know Çeviri Fransızca
2,183 parallel translation
Agent Cortez, if you didn't know that this boat, loaded with dead bodies, belonged to an NCIS agent, how do you think it ended up rolling into a naval base?
Agent Cortez, si vous ne saviez pas que ce bateau, avec des corps dedans, appartenait à un agent du NCIS, d'après vous, comment a-t-il fini dans une base navale?
If you didn't alter the imprint, I want to know who did.
Si vous n'avez pas modifié la greffe, je veux savoir qui l'a fait.
If I didn't know that you were such a sweet talker I would believe you, you know?
Je te croirais si je ne savais pas que t'es un bon parleur tu sais?
I didn't say anything before because I know Emma was a good person, and damned if I was gonna give you help proving otherwise.
Je n'ai dit rien avant, car je sais qu'Emma était une bonne personne, et je ne vais pas vous aider à prouver le contraire.
And... and Violet told Charlotte, and Charlotte told Cooper, and then Sam read it all over Cooper's face, and then he didn't know if you wanted to know, so he asked me, and I...
Violet l'a dit à Charlotte. Charlotte l'a dit à Cooper, Sam l'a deviné... Il ne savait pas quoi faire, il me l'a dit.
If I didn't know you right, I would say you were trying not to go home.
On dirait que tu ne veux pas rentrer chez toi.
If I didn't know how to read, I would've told you a long time ago.
Si je ne savais pas lire, tu le saurais depuis bien longtemps.
I mean, you found Susie's hat but you didn't find her, which means we really don't even know if she was there at all, right?
- Vous avez trouvé le bonnet de Susie, mais pas elle, ce qui veut dire que nous ne savons même pas si elle était là!
I'd appreciate if you didn't stand around waiting because I don't know when it's going to be here.
Pourriez-vous aller l'attendre ailleurs? Je ne sais pas quand il va arriver.
I didn't know if you were ahead of me or behind me.
- J'ignorais où tu étais.
You think we'd still be here if we didn't know...
On ne serait pas là si on s'était dit
If I didn't know better, I'd think you were following me.
On dirait presque que vous me suivez.
Mr. Rose, if you had a plan for all this, I sure as heck didn't know what it was.
M. Rose, si vous aviez un plan, j'aimerais savoir ce que c'était.
I know you didn't ask about it, and I don't even know if you care.
Tu n'as pas demandé et j'ignore si ça t'intéresse.
I didn't know if you'd take me up on my invitation.
J'ignorais si tu répondrais à mon invitation. Je te l'ai dit.
How would I know if you didn't tell me?
Comment je l'aurais su? Tu ne me l'avais pas dit.
I didn't know they had 9 meats in China.
If the owner did not know you had changed their minds.
And the girls didn't know if I should even tell you... because it was just a kiss and it means nothing.
Les filles n'étaient même pas sûres que je doive te le dire parce que ce n'était qu'un baiser sans importance.
But you know, I think it would be better if you didn't go in there alone.
Mais, il serait préférable que tu ne viennes pas seule.
I thought you'd be better if you didn't know...
J'ai pensé que vous seriez être mieux si vous ne saviez pas...
Kitty wouldn't be after you if you didn't know something.
Kitty te chercherait pas si tu savais rien.
You know, if this centennial festival didn't work out, I probably could relocate Smith.
Si ce festival est un échec, je peux faire muter Smith.
You know, if you didn't have this Kevlar vest, your insides are gonna be like fucking mush.
Sans ta protection en kevlar, tes entrailles vont être en bouillie.
I didn't know if you wanted to keep doing this or how you felt.
Tu veux continuer? Tu ressens quoi?
But I do know what you're gonna go through if something happens to him and you didn't even try.
Mais je sais ce que tu ressentiras s'il lui arrive quelque chose sans que tu ais au moins essayer.
It could just get really awkward. You know, if things didn't work out.
Ce serait gênant si ça ne marchait pas.
If I didn't know you, I'd have left a long time ago.
C'est moi qui te connais. Sinon, je serais parti depuis longtemps.
I didn't know if it was going to be one of your big dinner parties, - or just us, you know, casual.
Si c'était un de vos beaux dîners, ou juste nous trois, décontracté.
So how do you know he was dead if you didn't check him?
Qui me dit qu'il est bien mort?
If I didn't know better, I'd think you were hoping for that to happen.
Si je vous connaissais pas mieux je penserais que vous espériez que ça arrive.
If I didn't know better, I'd think you were hoping for that to happen.
Si je ne vous connaissais pas, je penserais que vous espériez cela.
If I didn't know better, I'd say this island has it in for you.
On pourrait croire que cette île t'en veut.
Something tells me you wouldn't be here if you didn't already know I was.
J'imagine que tu ne serais pas là si tu ne le savais pas déjà.
If your gaydar is so great, how come you didn't know about the patient till you met his boyfriend?
- Si vous êtes si forte, Pourquoi vous avez pas deviné pour le patient?
I didn't know how to find you, if I would find you.
Je n'étais pas sûr de te retrouver.
Do you really think that I would've pulled the trigger if I didn't know there was a bearing wall six feet away?
Alors, tu penses que j'aurais tiré si le mur n'était pas blindé?
You didn't know if you've heard of any work put on the street by a company called McNamara Engineering?
T'as entendu des rumeurs sur McNamara Engineering?
And you know, the one thing... it's ironic, but if they didn't support Al Qaeda before, then they did after, I can guarantee you that.
Le pire, c'est ironique, mais s'ils n'étaient pas pour Al-Qaida avant, ils l'étaient après. Je peux te le garantir.
I was going to pass over'and you couldn't understand why, if I didn't know what lay beyond.
J'allais faire le pas et tu ne comprenais pas pourquoi, sans savoir ce qui m'attendait.
How would I know this stuff if you didn't tell us?
C'est toi qui m'en as parlé.
Oh, come on, dad. We both know you'd have no respect for me if I didn't.
Tu ne me respecterais pas, si je ne l'avais pas fait.
Well, Ben sensed that you didn't like the car... and wanted to know... if he should go with his backup gift.
Ben a senti que vous n'avez pas aimé la voiture... Il voulait savoir s'il pouvait y aller avec son cadeau de renfort.
I know it must not be easy, but I don't think you would have come back if you didn't want to tell your story.
Ça n'a pas dû être facile, mais vous seriez pas revenue si vous ne vouliez pas raconter votre histoire.
Holly, uh, you know, I would appreciate it if you didn't mention any of this about Dennis - to the kids just yet.
J'apprécierai que tu ne mentionnes pas Dennis aux enfants pour le moment.
I know about Aaron Gans if that's what you're looking for. Your threats against our mother didn't work.
Il en a après cette blonde, et le lendemain il devait aller chercher un terrain?
I mean, I'm a pretty great girl and you're a pretty great guy and we barely know each other and we're living just a few meters away. And I think it would be a shame if we didn't, like, date or, I don't know, hang out like normal people.
Je suis une fille super, t'es un mec super... et on se connait à peine alors qu'on vit à quelques mètres, et ça serait honteux qu'on n'ait pas... un rencard, ou se fréquenter normalement.
Oh,'cause I saw you had shoes on, So I didn't know if you did anything.
Je me demandais, vu que tu as tes chaussures.
If I didn't know better, I would say she's getting to you.
À première vue, je dirais qu'elle te drague.
You know, if they didn't know what Jessica was doing and one of them found out...
S'ils ignoraient ce que Jessica faisait et que l'un d'entre eux l'avait appris...
If it makes you feel any better, I always planned to go to law school and I didn't know what to write for mine, either.
Si ça peut t'aider, j'ai toujours voulu aller en droit et, je savais pas quoi écrire non plus.
Oh, as if you didn't know, daddy-o.
- D'après-toi, papa?
if you want 1750
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you like 1152
if you're hungry 89
if you don't 701
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you like 1152
if you're hungry 89
if you don't 701
if you don't eat 20
if you don't talk 19
if you need anything 442
if you please 567
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you're reading this 32
if you want it 177
if you don't talk 19
if you need anything 442
if you please 567
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you're reading this 32
if you want it 177