If you like her Çeviri Fransızca
1,050 parallel translation
Then, if you like her, my lord, you shall have her.
Si elle vous plaîït, milord, elle est à vous.
If you like her I'll put in a good word.
Si vous voulez, je peux intervenir pour vous!
If you like her, you take her. She's yours. I give her to you.
Si elle vous plaît, prenez-la, je vous la donne.
You're pleased that we chose her, no? Well, if you like her, I'll leave it up to you.
Je suis contente que vous la trouviez jolie.
If you treat her like me also write on your ice cream.
Si tu la traites comme moi, elle écrira aussi sur tes crèmes glacées.
Millie... You wouldn't like it if I went to Mother and told her that you had mortgaged the family home up to the hilt, would you?
Milli, tu n'aimerais pas que j'aille voir notre mère pour lui dire que tu as hypothéqué sa maison, n'est-ce pas?
If you touch me with that belt, I'll take her quick and stick to her like glue.
Si vous me frappez, je m'accrocherai à elle comme de la glue.
It was the policeman! If instead of.. acting like her accomplice, you acted like mine, I'd be married by now!
Si au lieu de parrainer la Fantassine, tu m'avais parrainée moi, j'aurais épousé le carabinier.
If you'd like to give her a slug of booze, don't hesitate to ask.
Vous voulez lui donner un coup de niôle?
If you don't like her cooking, get me a regular servant... don't think I'll cook for a big fat old thing like you.
Je ne vais pas faire la cuisine pour toi, gros lard!
And if I don't do something about it, you'll get to be like her.
Et si je ne fais rien contre ça, tu deviendras comme elle.
If anything went wrong with her, you'd forget me like that.
Vous n'aimez qu'elle.
No. But if I had seen her and she was like you... I would hasten to forget her.
Non, mais si je l'avais vue et si elle te ressemblait, je me serais empressé de l'oublier.
If you don't like Maggie, get rid of her!
Si tu n'aimes pas Maggie, débarrasse-t'en!
Tell her if you like, she knows no woman will come up here.
Dis-le-lui si tu veux, elle sait qu'aucune femme ne monterait ici.
If I don't like her and you like her, you marry her and you can take care of me.
Si elle ne me plaît pas et qu'elle te plaît, tu l'épouses et tu t'occupes de moi.
You can't let her go that way, that's like... A beautiful woman dying an old maid, if know what I mean by...
Comme une belle gosse mourant dans la peau d'une vieille fille.
When do you want her? She's ready to go now, if you like.
Il est prêt tout de suite, si vous voulez.
But if you love your wife no matter how often you lend her she always comes back like new.
Mais si tu aimes ta femme tu peux la prêter comme tu veux. Elle te reviendra comme neuve et heureuse.
If I see Terry, would you like me to tell her to call you here?
Si je vois Terry, voulez-vous que je lui dise de vous appeler ici?
- I can fetch her now, if you like.
- Je peux lui dire de rentrer.
Well, you see, Liz asked if she could bring her knitting over and sit with me, company-like.
Liz m'a demandé si elle pouvait amener son tricot pour venir discuter avec moi.
If you'd like, we can see her together.
- On peut y aller ensemble.
If you agree, I would like to keep her with us.
Si tu es d'accord, je voudrais le garder avec nous.
- If you were more educated and up-to-date, you would know that there are countries like Sweden and Finland where, if a woman can't take care of her child, you know what she can do? She can choose not to have him.
Si tu étais plus instruite et plus moderne, tu saurais que dans des pays civilisés, comme la Finlande, une femme qui ne peut subvenir aux frais d'un enfant... se débrouille pour ne pas l'avoir.
Remember that if you are like this it's her fault.
Rappelez-vous que si vous êtes comme ça c'est de sa faute.
If you see my wife, don't tell her it was like this!
Si vous voyez ma femme, ne lui dites pas que c'était comme ça.
Oh, yes, she's expecting you. If you'd like to leave your coat, sir, and go straight through there, you'll find her at the bar.
Votre travail sollicite beaucoup les nerfs.
But anyway, if you like, we can go and see her.
Ceci dit, nous irons la voir si tu veux...
I figured I could write that off, but if you're their contractor, like you say, tell her to take her business someplace else.
Je veux bien passer l'éponge, mais si vous êtes leur entrepreneur, dites-leur d'aller voir ailleurs.
- I'd like to call her if you wouldn't mind.
- J'aimerais l'appeler, si vous permettez.
But if my chest is up like this... It's like you expect what a girl wants to say... and she's just got her breasts like this...
Quand je les ai si haut, t'attends ce que la nana va dire, et ce sont ses nichons.
If you keep on neglecting her and don't visit her grave sooner or later you'll end up like Matsu, cursing this family.
Si tu ne visites pas sa tombe, tu perpétueras la malédiction.
You talk as if you saw nothing serious in her behaving like a little tart.
Tu sembles oublier qu'elle s'est comportée comme une petite grue.
And I'd like to use her as a relief dealer, if that's okay with you.
En fait, j'aimerais qu'elle distribue les cartes avec moi.
You can tell her the truth if you like, Larissa.
Tu peux lui dire la vérité
- You wouldn't if you knew her like I do.
- Pas si tu la connaissais vraiment.
If she was so gorgeous, how could you get a date with her like that?
Si elle était superbe, comment as-tu eu un rendez-vous avec elle?
And if you see him sneaking around Tabatha or her carriage again you have my permission to use any sort of witchcraft you like.
Et si tu le vois encore fouiner près de Tabatha ou du landau, tu peux utiliser toute la sorcellerie que tu veux.
If you would like to tell us where your base is... you can take her with you.
Si vous nous la donnez, elle part avec vous. Vraiment!
But you can borrow her sometime if you'd like.
Mais tu pourras l'emprunter de temps en temps.
If you see someone, leave the steering wheel and kiss her. Act like lovers.
Si vous voyez quelqu'un, laissez le volant et embrassez-vous comme des amants.
Since, as you know, the estate of Signor Fox... will inherit the estate of Mrs. Sheridan. And if the size of her fortune... is anything like the fantastic amount we have been told...
Comme la succession de M. Fox va hériter de celle de Mme Sheridan et si le montant de sa fortune est aussi fantastique qu'on nous l'a dit...
I'll let you see her if you like.
Tu la verras, si tu veux.
That's nice, but are you strong enough to hold her if she feels like running?
C'est gentil mais tu crois que tu es assez fort pour la retenir si elle a envie de courir.
If you don't mind, I would like to tell Aunt Hagatha that her babysitting services are no longer required.
Si ça ne te dérange pas, j'aimerais dire à tante Hagatha qu'elle n'a plus besoin de garder la petite.
"My reason for writing is to say that I'm a bachelor and I would appreciate it if you could suggest a nurse who might like me as much as I'd like her and if so, we could begin a friendship that might lead to the altar."
"Je vous écris car je suis célibataire. Pouvez-vous m'indiquer une infirmière... avec qui nouer une amitié... qui pourrait mener au mariage?"
This is really touching but if you run away, I will kill her and I don't like this.
C'est émouvant, mais attention, si tu t'échappes, je la tue. Je n'y tiens pas. Je me bats contre des hommes.
No matter how slow you are, you wouldn't have had to die if you didn't have a mother like me. A parent would give her life for her own child.
Tu n'es pas très futé mais si tu étais né ailleurs, tu n'aurais pas été tué.
If you want I can show you some of her dresses. If you like them you can keep them.
Si tu veux je te montre quelques robes et si tu aimes, tu les apportent, oui?
I'll fetch her for you if you like.
Je vais la chercher.
if you want 1750
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you don't 701
if you like 1152
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you don't 701
if you like 1152
if you don't eat 20
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177
if you can't 87
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177
if you can't 87