If you want him Çeviri Fransızca
2,147 parallel translation
Well, if you want him to go, why don't you just tell him?
Et bien si tu veux qu'il vienne, pourquoi tu ne lui dis pas?
And if you want him to stay fine, You're gonna listeup. You got a pen?
Et si tu veux que ça continue, tu ferais mieux d'écouter.
Well, if you really want to help him, Maybe some criticism is exactly what he needs.
Si tu veux vraiment l'aider, la critique pourrait être juste ce dont il a besoin.
If we bring him in based on the results and don't have anything else to throw at him, he could lawyer up, leave town. [Hawkes] What do you want me to do?
Si on l'arrête sur la base de ces résultats et qu'on a rien d'autre pour le faire avouer, il pourrait demander un avocat ou quitter la ville.
And, uh, if you think you love this child, and you too want the best for him, let me do this my way.
Et, euh, si vous pensez que tu aimes cet enfant, et toi aussi tu veux le meilleur pour lui, laisses moi faire mon chemin.
If you want Reese, you bring him to me.
Si tu veux Reese, tu me l'amènes.
If you want to investigate him, go ahead, but he's my partner, and you'll do it without me.
Mène ton enquête si tu veux, mais sans moi.
If you don't want to give him to them, then we will suffer the consequences.
Si tu ne veux pas le leur donner, nous en subirons les conséquences.
If you want to kill him, no one here will stop you.
Si vous voulez le tuer, personne ici vous en empêchera.
He's growing up, Rochelle. If you ask him to do something that seems unfair, he's gonna want to know why.
Si tu lui dis de faire une chose qui semble injuste il voudra savoir pourquoi.
- What? As I'm not your physician, I - If you want me to consult with him -
- Comme je ne suis pas votre médecin, vous savez, si vous voulez que j'en parle avec lui...
So, he wanted to know, uh, do you mind if they keep giving him the busy signal and he suggested that maybe you want to call him directly from your cell?
Ça t'ennuie s'ils lui mettent un signal disant que la ligne est occupée? Il a suggéré que tu le rappelles sur ton portable.
You don't have to have sex With him if you don't want to.
T'es pas obligée de coucher avec lui si tu veux pas.
And I want you to know that if you so much as touch him, I will hunt you down and destroy you.
Je veux que tu le saches, si tu touches un seul de ses cheveux, je te poursuivrai jusqu'à ce que je t'anéantisse.
He want's you to think he's a'soldier or a man in a leather apron, becau'se if youre looking for them, youre not looking for him.
Il veut faire croire qu'il est soldat, ou un homme en tablier de cuir, parce que si vous les cherchez, vous ne le cherchez pas, lui.
But if you don't want me to go with him,
Mais si tu ne veux pas que j'y aille avec lui,
But, Nora, if I find him, you know, there's no guarantee that he's gonna want to see you.
Mais si je le trouve, ce n'est pas sûr qu'il voudra vous voir.
If you want tyler so bad, why don't you go after him yourself?
Si vous voulez vraiment Tyler, pourquoi vous le cherchez pas vous-même?
We're concerned how far. If you want to investigate him, go ahead.
Barker a commis une faute.
I'll dance with him if you want.
Je vais danser avec lui si tu veux.
Well, I didn't say you must let him go. I said that you can, if you want.
Je n'ai pas dit que tu dois le relâcher, mais que tu peux le faire, si tu en as envie.
Sure. This is Sean. If you want something, anything, you just ask him.
Si tu as besoin de quelque chose, demande à Sean.
You can tell him to sit on his hands if you want to.
Vous pouvez même lui dire de s'asseoir dans un coin.
If he's involved, you don't want to spook him or he's just gonna hire an army full of lawyers to go make our lives miserable.
S'il est impliqué, mieux vaut ne pas l'effrayer ou il va juste engager une armée d'avocats pour faire de nos vies un enfer.
If you really want this guy, you've got to get him invested in the house.
Si tu veux vraiment ce gars, tu dois le faire s'investir pour la maison.
And if you do, you can tell him I want my bloody van back.
Mais si vous le voyez, dîtes-lui que je veux qu'il ramène mon fourgon.
Well, I wowould assume that if you want to help him, you would answer the questions.
J'ai supposé que vous vouliez l'aider et que vous coopéreriez.
If you want time to question him, it's gotta be now.
Si tu veux l'interroger, c'est maintenant.
Hey, if he calls, do y want me to tell him that you're out or that you're busy or that the tribe of mole people kidnapped you and made you their queen?
Hey, s'il appele, est-ce que tu veux que je lui dise que tu n'es pas là ou que tu es occupée ou qu'une tribu t'a kidnappé et a fait de toi leur reine?
If you want your father to treat you like an adult, you need to act like one, and part of that is knowing what drives him up the wall.
Si vous voulez que votre père vous traite comme une adulte, vous devez agir comme telle, et ça veut dire arrêter de le faire tourner en bourrique.
I mean, what if you change your mind and want him back?
Et si tu changes d'avis et que tu le veux à nouveau?
Why can't you just tell her that's yr soon too and I can hold him? if you want me to hold him
Pourquoi tu lui dis pas que c'est aussi ton fils et que je le porte si tu veux?
And I say if you want your payoff, you put him down now.
Et si vous voulez être payé, descendez-le.
- Uh, navid, if you really want to interview teddy, I can ask him to make an exception.
- Si tu veux interviewer Teddy, je peux lui demander de faire une exception.
Well, if you're not gonna eat it... maybe you want to send him my carrot cake.
Ben, si tu ne comptes pas le manger... peut-être que tu devrais lui envoyer le gateau aux carottes.
- If you want to talk to him...
- Si tu veux lui parler,
Okay, if you really want to help Booth, you should let him teach you about plumbing.
Si tu veux aider Booth, laisse-le t'apprendre la plomberie.
If you really want to see him, then you can. When the movie comes out.
Si tu veux le voir, attends la sortie du film.
When we prove it, if we prove it, And you want to... Do something to him,
Quand nous le prouverons, si nous le prouvons et que vous voulez... lui faire quelque chose,
Actually'called my father and said that from now on if you want to use his Bookie you will need to contact him alone.
Mon père a appelé et il a dit que pour utiliser son bookmaker, faudra l'appeler vous-même.
Well, his name's Luc, and if you want to meet him, I can bring him in and introduce him.
Et bien, il s'appelle Luc, et si tu veux le rencontrer, je peux venir avec lui et te le présenter.
Hey, we can call him something else if you want to.
On peux l'appeler autre chose, si tu veux.
{ \ pos ( 192,210 ) } if you don't want him to buy your kids'love, you gotta outdo him.
{ \ pos ( 192,220 ) } si tu veux pas qu'il achète l'amour de tes enfants, faut le surenchérir.
And you're gonna need it if you want to get rid of him.
Et tu vas en avoir besoin si tu veux te débarrasser de lui.
And if you want, I can have someone get him, too.
Et lui aussi, si vous voulez.
I can page him to your office if you want.
Je peux le biper.
Treat him for blasto if you want.
Traite-le pour une blasto si tu veux.
I'll even call him "dad" if you want.
Kevin, ne sois pas bizarre.
If you don't want to kill him, then what?
Si tu ne veux pas le tuer, tu veux quoi?
If you want to ask him more, That's fine, but he's gonna need a lawyer.
Si vous voulez lui en demander davantage, c'est bon, mais il va avoir besoin d'un avocat.
And I don't blame him,'cause I'd probably want to throw myself off a roof if I saw you guys coming at me, too.
Je ne le blâme pas parce que j'aurais sûrement voulu me jeter du toit si je vous avais vu venir vers moi.
if you want 1750
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you don't 701
if you like 1152
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you don't 701
if you like 1152
if you don't eat 20
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177
if you can't 87
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177
if you can't 87