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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ I ] / It had to be done

It had to be done Çeviri Fransızca

254 parallel translation
It had to be done.
Il fallait le faire.
- It had to be done, didn't it?
- Il le fallait, n'est-ce pas?
- Somebody had to. He was in charge. It had to be done.
- Il dirigeait l'opération et il fallait le faire.
I was sorry, too, when it had to be done.
J'ai regretté aussi de devoir le faire.
I knew it had to be done tonight.
Je savais qu'il Fallait le Faire ce soir-là.
- It had to be done, sir.
- Il fallait le faire.
- Oh, yes, it had to be done.
- Oh, bien sûr.
Well... it had to be done.
Eh bien... ce devait être fait.
Just believe me, it had to be done.
Crois-moi, je n'avais pas le choix.
It had to be done by injection.
Je vais me familiariser avec notre matériel.
It had to be done. And I'd do it again tomorrow.
S'il le fallait, je le referais.
All the glass fell outward. It had to be done from the inside.
Le verre est tombé dehors, donc ça a été fait de l'intérieur.
It had to be done to soothe the evil spirits of the rapids.
Seul le "véhicule sacré" pouvait apaiser les mauvais esprits du Pongo.
She knew it had to be done, Ryan.
Elle savait qu'elle devait le faire, Ryan.
- It had to be done.
- J'avais pas le choix.
It had to be done.
Il fallait bien.
It had to be done, but...
Il fallait le faire, mais... Oh, merde.
It had to be done because he said my people were taking over his turf.
Il a dit que mes hommes lui piquaient ses territoires.
It had to be done.
Ça devait se passer ainsi!
I know that wasn't easy, but it had to be done.
C'était difficile mais indispensable.
But it had to be done.
Mais, il fallait le faire.
- Like it had to be done.
- Il fallait bien le faire.
- It had to be done.
- Il fallait le faire.
Sorry. It had to be done fast.
Désolé, il fallait faire vite.
- It had to be done.
Il fallait le piéger.
I felt like a Nazi, but it had to be done.
Je me faisais l'effet d'un nazi, mais il fallait le faire.
It wasn't easy, but it had to be done.
C'était dur, mais il fallait le faire.
He's not behaved very well and he had no right to do it, but what's done can't be undone.
- Ca prouve qu'il n'a guère de délicatesse. Lui faire un enfant... C'est un sans-gêne.
But I can tell you this... if Mr. Bone had done it, we wouldn't be able to prove it.
si M. Bone est le coupable, on ne pourrait pas le prouver.
It seemed to him unbearable that what he had done could never be undone.
Il lui sembla intolérable de ne pouvoir abolir ce qui était fait.
Sorry, my friend. It had to be done.
Il fallait en passer par là.
I'm awfully sorry I had to rush off, but it was something that had to be done.
Excusez-moi encore : j'avais un rendez-vous urgent.
It was clear and had to be done.
C'était clair : Il fallait le tuer.
I did exactly what had to be done, exactly when it should have been done.
J'ai fait ce qu'il fallait faire, au moment exact où il fallait le faire.
It had to be done by a pro.
- C'est un coup de pro.
If we had huge furnaces to hold a hundred, five hundred, a thousand, it could be done in minutes.
Vous savez, si on avait de grands fours communs où on pouvait mettre 100 personnes, 500, 1000... on pourrait le faire en 10 minutes.
I had been getting obscene phone calls, and I want to know what can be done about it?
J'ai reçu des appels obscènes, et je voulais savoir ce qu'on pouvait faire.
We talked to a criminal psychologist who proposed a possibility you might be interested in. He said it was possible that Morrison had done it before.
Nous avons consulté un psychologue qui pense peut-être, ça peut vous intéresser, qu'il a déjà fait ça avant.
When we found Jono, it seemed so clear what had to be done.
Lorsque nous l'avons trouvé, notre devoir nous a semblé évident.
It all had to be done with the voice.
Tout devait se jouer dans la voix.
If they couldn't get their central bank any other way, America could be brought to its knees by plunging it into a civil war just as they had done in 1812, after the First Bank of the U.S. was not re-chartered.
Si elles ne pouvaient pas obtenir leur banque centrale d'une autre manière, l'Amérique pouvait être mise à genoux par plonger dans une guerre civile tout comme ils l'avaient fait en 1812, après la Première Banque des États-Unis n'a pas été re-affrété.
Just because he got a little better score than mine, he had to go and show me how it ought to be done.
Il s'est cru assez bon aux tests... pour me "Montrer l'exemple".
The man told me that they weren't going to be able to do a good job with fixing her up because the brick that we found, that we have was embedded in her head and it had done something to her skin on this side.
L'employé m'a dit qu'il ne pourrait pas faire un beau travail pour l'arranger. La brique qu'on avait trouvée, que nous avons ici, était enfoncée dans son crâne et avait endommagé la peau de ce côté.
It just had to be done.
Mais il fallait le faire!
It's as though I knew what had to be done and...
C'est comme si je savais ce qu'il fallait faire et...
If I had just done what you said when you told me to do it, then they would still be alive.
Si je t'avais écoutée... quand tu m'as dit d'agir, ils vivraient encore.
It was important to be able to follow that trail very, very precisely. I wanted to see how he had done it.
Il était crucial de reconstituer son itinéraire exact, de voir comment il avait procédé.
Of all the people I'd done it to, that had to be the one I felt.
Il a fallu que ce soit lui qui me touche.
I did them because they.... It's what had to be done.
Je les ai faites parce qu'il fallait les faire.
He had bought the book and was trying to make it straight and realized that he couldn't, that it was so utterly insane that it couldn't be done that way.
Il avait acheté le livre, il voulait l'adapter fidèlement... et comprit que c'était impossible, que c'était tellement fou... qu'il ne pouvait pas le faire comme cela.
From the beginning of the Free Software movement I had the idea that there's room in it for business to be done.
Depuis le début du mouvement des logiciels libres j'avais dans l'idée qu'il y avait de la place pour le business.

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