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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ K ] / Katrine

Katrine Çeviri Fransızca

422 parallel translation
"which she could not hope to enjoy in her present station. " In return, if she pleases, she may serve as a companion...
En échange elle pourrait tenir compagnie à notre fille, Katrine.
"to our eight-year-old child, Katrine. " Upon inquiry, I have been gratified to find that you and your husband...
D'après mes renseignements, vous et votre mari jouissez de la considération générale.
Not that madam isn't always a picture.
comme d'habitude. Envoyez-nous Katrine.
For my lunch. After dinner, you'd best go find Katrine.
Après le dîner vous ferez la lecture à Katrine.
Katrine and I are going to have a lot of fun together.
Nous allons bien nous amuser, n'est-ce pas?
But he'll hear her.
Mais lui l'entendra et Katrine aussi.
Don't you think Katrine is in need of a father and a mother?
Elle n'a pas besoin d'un père et d'une mère?
Katrine, what a strange thing to say.
Quelle étrange question.
I go and stand near the carousel. Perhaps you shouldn't have come, Katrine.
Nous n'aurions pas dû désobéir.
Katrine had her heart set on it. You know how children are about such things.
Vous savez comment sont les enfants.
I beg your pardon, mademoiselle... but are you not Miss Wells, the companion to little Katrine?
N'êtes-vous pas Miss Wells?
We were never happy, but our life together was tolerable... till Katrine was born.
Sans être heureuse, notre vie était tolérable jusqu'à la naissance de Katrine.
And, Mrs. MacNab, I've just written Miss Katrine that we've found her doll.
J'ai écrit à Katrine que nous avions trouvé sa poupée.
Then Katrine did hear her that night when Johanna... And you must've heard her too.
Katrine a entendu Azilde cette nuit-là... et toi aussi.
That's all right. I got a ton of work on my desk.
Ce n'est rien katrine, j'ai des tonnes de dossiers à faire.
Katherine, you should really take a look at that.
Faites-le! heu... katrine vous devriez jeter un petit coup d'oeuil.
- Actually, it's Katrine.
C'est Katrine en fait.
- Hi, Katrine.
Salut Katrine!
Katrine, have you come to spass or have you come to get Axel back?
Parle-lui. Katrine, il faut que les choses soient claires. T'es venue faire la débile ou récupérer Axel?
Katrine, we've got to talk.
Katrine, il faut qu'on parle.
I'll be back in a jiffy.
Je reviens vite, Katrine.
Katrine claims you held some very anti-middle-class views.
Oui, tout ça. Katrine prétend qu'à un moment donné tu avais des opinions... des idées très anti-bourgeoises.
Katrine played a few tricks on Axel, I've heard.
Il paraît que Katrine faisait des blagues à Axel?
- You are! You say you didn't hump Katrine, but I know you did.
Tu dis que tu n'as pas baisé Katrine mais je sais bien que oui.
To Katrine, to my wife...
Avec Katrine, avec ma femme et...
C'est bon.
This is Katrine and Ped and Axel. - Hello.
Voici Katrine et Ped et Axel...
And strong, strong Katrine.
Et Katrine, si forte, si forte.
I'm Katrine. Le Coeur de Lion is my establishment.
Je suis Katrine, la propriétaire du Coeur de Lion.
Katrine... you survived.
- Vous avez survécu.
My name is Katrine.
Je m'appelle Katrine.
Katrine, turn that off.
He could be with Katrine and you could cook for him. And I swear I'll get him to talk to Martin.
Et ici, il aura Katrine, tu cuisineras pour lui et je forcerai Martin à lui parler.
I'm going to talk to Katrine.
Je vais parler à Katrine.
We've got a daughter called Katrine, who is already 14.
Nous avons une fille, Katrine. Elle a quatorze ans.
Katrine, stay in your seat until everyone's done.
Katrine, tu partiras quand on aura fini.
Come on, Katrine.
- You're going back to the dentist.
Katrine, tu vas retourner chez le dentiste.
Get it, Katrine?
You had your chance to raise me, but you weren't interested.
Ne te mêle pas de l'éducation de Katrine. Tu ne t'es pas intéressé à la mienne.
I gave Katrine 2,000 and there's also 2,000 in that.
J'en ai donné 2000 à Katrine et il y en a 2000 là-dedans.
- Have you had your dinner? - Yes, Mama. This is your cousin Miranda, Katrine.
Ta cousine Miranda, Katrine.
Hello, Katrine. It would be courteous to return her greeting, don't you think?
Tu serais aimable de répondre.
Do you think Katrine is in need of a companion?
Est-ce que Katrine a besoin de vous?
Oh, Katrine!
Aïe-aïe, Katrine...
- Get out, Katrine.
Casse-toi, Katrine.
I'm Katrine.
Je suis Katrine.
Here in your arms this way... I'm Katrine. Le Coeur de Lion is my establishment.
Je suis Katrine, la propriétaire du Coeur de Lion.
- Dad, don't give Katrine money.
Ne donne pas d'argent à Katrine.
Comopris, Katrine?
Katrine is mine.
Katrine m'appartient.

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