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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ K ] / Kazu

Kazu Çeviri Fransızca

29 parallel translation
Alarmed, the Shogunate hatched a plan arranging marriage between Emperor Komei's sister, Princess Kazu, and Shogun lemochi Through this unification with the Royal Court the Shogunate hoped to survive the crisis
Pour recouvrer sa légitimité et surmonter la crise, le Shogunat des Tokugawa arrangea un mariage entre le shogun Iemochi et Kazunomiya, la fille de l'empereur Komei.
Kazu, the girl next door, was arrested.
Kazu, la fille d'à côté, a été arrêtée.
Screenplay by KANETO SHINDO From the novel by TAKASHI SUZUKI
Production : OTSUKA Kazu Œuvre originale :
Kazu Tamazaki.
Kazu Tamazaki.
Kazu Tamazaki, severed ties with all known contacts, eliminated all means of communication.
Kazu Tamazaki, a coupé tous contacts, éliminé tous moyens de communication.
Kazu. "
Kazu. "
- Who's Kazu?
- Qui est-ce?
I came to see you, Kazu.
Je suis venue te voir, Kazu.
Kazu... I miss you so much.
Kazu... tu me manques tellement.
Kazu, helps me...
Kazu, aide-moi...
Thank you very much, Kazu
Merci beaucoup, Kazu
Kazu, kills it.
Kazu, tue-la.
Mr. Kazu sends to me, can I enter?
M. Kazu m'envoie, puis-je entrer?
Mr. Kazu sends premium fantasy.
M. Kazu envoie fantasme extra.
And you will tell Mr. Kazu that one was ripped well.
Et vous direz à M. Kazu qu'on était bien déchirés.
Actually, my brother Kazu over there has always had this mysterious power.
En fait, mon frère Kazu a toujours eu de mystérieux pouvoirs.
Kazu, take your shirt off.
Kazu, retire ton t-shirt.
Kazu, are you ready?
Kazu, tu es prêt?
Kazu Tomazaki.
- Non, je retiens.
Considers himself a modern samurai.
- Kazu Tamazaki. Il se croit un samouraï des temps modernes.
Two weeks ago, the man on the train, Kazu Tomazaki, severed ties with all known contacts, eliminated all means of communication.
Il y a 15 jours, l'homme du train, Kazu Tamazaki, a rompu tout contact et coupé tout moyen de communication.
- -C'mon, Kazu!
Je suis là, Kazu.
This is a very long story, Kazu.
C'est une longue histoire, Kazu.
I fought such a human being Kazu!
C'est cet homme que j'ai combattu.
What about me Kazu! What do you suggest I do?
Que dois-je faire?
I had my revenge Kazu.
Je me suis vengé.
Ishii Kazu... you did a fantastic job protecting Miss Marikawa.
Kazu Ishii... Ishii, tu as protégé l'infirmière Marikawa avec les honneurs.

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