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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ L ] / Lai

Lai Çeviri Fransızca

513 parallel translation
ThaVs the old law of accession.
C'est Ia vieille lai de l'accession.
But try one of these! I got him. I got him!
Je lai, je l'ai!
Do you know The Ancient Mariner?
Connaissez-vous le Lai du Vieux Marin?
Encore une fois, ça tourne mal.
I saw it first.
Je lai vue en premier.
I've seen it.
Je lai vu.
I kept on hitting him, his face, all over.
Je me suis débattue, je lai frappé au visage, partout.
Just 10 feet away from me, and I killed him just like that.
Il était à quelques métres de moi, et je lai tué, comme ça.
And that's where I found her, lying on the ground, a man's shirt over her.
Et cest là que je lai trouvée, allongée au sol, couverte dune chemise dhomme.
I helped her get dressed.
Je lai aidée à shabiller.
I carried her through the forest until I got to the road.
Je lai portée dans la forêt jusquà la route.
I heard him calling me.
Je lai entendu mappeler.
I didn't let him do anything!
Je ne lai rien laissé faire!
Deong at the May Day Parade in Peiping... shaking hands with Chou En-lai.
Deong au défilé du premier mai à Peiping... serrant la main de Zhou Enlai.
The recipe is being held in the safe of this bozo, Shepard Wong.
La recette est dans le coffre de ce jojo, Pou-Lai.
This is Shepard Wong's home.
Voici la maison de Pou-Lai.
That's Shepard Wong's gambling ship. Oh, I hate him so very much! He's one of the seven worst people in the world.
C'est le casino de Pou-Lai, ce sadique sodomite nécrophile.
You interrupt Shepard Wong? That's a thing to do?
Déranger papa Pou-Lai vous osez?
We shall see, Shepard Wong!
Qui vivra verra Pou-Lai!
Shepard Wong has really got us now. Not Wong!
Pou-Lai nous a à sa merci.
I want the map that you made of Wong's house and the specifications of the safe.
Moi aussi je cherche la recette. Je veux votre plan de la maison de Pou-Lai, et la combinaison du coffre.
To steal the recipe for Wong and sell it back to him. That's how I make my living.
Pour voler la recette de Pou-Lai et la lui revendre.
We're convinced the recipe is in Wong's safe. What are you telling all those things for, huh?
La recette est dans le coffre de Pou-Lai.
This is agent 5... I'm aboard Shepard Wong's ship. Have located safe below.
Ici agent 5... suis à bord bateau Pou-Lai.
If I know Shepard Wong, he'll try to stop us. And we've got to decode this recipe.
Il faut décoder cette recette avant que Pou-Lai nous déniche.
Shepard Wong's ship - it's supposed to leave tomorrow.
Le bateau de Pou-Lai doit partir demain.
Shepard Wong's ship is not leaving tomorrow.
Le bateau de Pou-Lai ne part pas demain.
Because Wong definitely needs the recipe.
Parce que Pou-Lai a besoin de la recette.
It's Wong.
C'est Pou-Lai.
- You mean he's hooked on it? - He's hooked, he's got a chicken on his back.
- Pou-Lai, intoxiqué?
Alright, Wong...
OK Pou-Lai.
Hello, Wong? Listen to me...
Bon, Pou-Lai, écoutez-moi bien.
Now I have Shepard Wong right where I wanted.
Pou-Lai a mordu à l'hameçon.
Shepard Wong will pay me a cool million.
Mais j'aime plus le million de Pou-Lai.
That poor, unfortunate egg salad junkie...
Pou-Lai, pauvre camé des œufs!
Well, my dear friend, the chicken is off your back.
Oui mon cher Pou-Lai. Enfin je t'ai cloué le bec!
"Lai :" duels fought from a sitting position. I hear that you engage in lai duels. Oh?
Il paraît que tu fais de l'escrime.
A blind man doing lai?
Un escrimeur aveugle?
The word is that a skilled lai swordsman a wanted fellow, named Zatoichi has arrived here in Kiryu... or so I have recently been informed.
Il paraît qu'un bretteur de talent du nom de Zatoichi, dont la tête est mise à prix, rôde dans notre village.
Say what? Don't even mention lai...
Je n'ai jamais eu de sabre.
If you're pissed-off, then slay me with your lai technique!
Relève-toi et essaye de me tuer.
Ichi's lai techniques didn't stand a chance against a bullet!
Un bretteur ne peut rien contre un mousquet.
The scenario set outside Fu Lai money bureau
Tout commença dans la rue, devant la banque Fu Lai.
Please go to Fu Lai money bureau and invite mister Wen to come here
Tu vas aller à la banque Fu Lai, s'il te plaît, et inviter maître Wen à venir ici.
I heard Da Tong County is laden with gold especially the Fu Lai money bureau
J'ai ouï dire que le Comté de Da Tong regorge d'or. Et en particulier, que la banque Fu Lai en est pleine.
You pretend to be injured to sneak into Fu Lai money bureau to get information to rob the place, right?
Vous avez prétendu être blessées pour infiltrer la banque Fu Lai afin de rassembler des informations pour la cambrioler. Pas vrai?
Well, two Wongs don't make a Wright.
Deux Pou-Lai ne valent pas un La-Pin-Chô!
Two Wongs don't make a Wright...!
Deux Pou-Lai ne valent pas un La-Pin-Chô!
Shepard Wong...
And so, you learned lai.
Tu tues pour te défendre.
... and premier chou en-lai who called it "a major breakthrough."

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