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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ M ] / Mahoney

Mahoney Çeviri Fransızca

447 parallel translation
And the Mahoney Sisters are coming from the West to put it over for me.
Les Mahoney Sisters viennent de la côte ouest pour cette chanson.
- Well, right there they're gonna have the Mahoney Sisters.
- Un jour, ce sera les Mahoney Sisters qui seront là.
The Mahoney Sisters in BVDs.
Les Mahoney Sisters en sous-vêtements.
The Mahoney Sisters and Eddie Kearns.
Les Mahoney Sisters et Eddie Kearns.
Yeah, Eddie Kearns and the Mahoney Sisters.
Oui, Eddie Kearns et les Mahoney Sisters.
Oh, Mr. Zanfield, pardon me, will you take a look at the Mahoney Sisters right now?
M. Zanfield, vous voulez bien regarder les Mahoney Sisters?
- No, the Mahoney Sisters.
- Non, les Mahoney Sisters.
And everybody knows our name's Mahoney.
Tout le monde sait que c'est Mahoney.
" Big mammoth appearance of the Mahoney Sisters on Broadway.
" Grand spectacle des Mahoney Sisters à Broadway.
Mahoney's the name, and let me tell you something...
Le nom, c'est Mahoney et je vais vous dire...
- You were great, Mahoney.
- Tu étais super, Mahoney.
I can team you up with this blond and still book you as the Mahoney Sisters.
Fais équipe avec la blonde. Vous resterez les Sœurs Mahoney.
... when I was playing Mahoney City...
-... quand je jouais à Mahoney City...
Baloney, mahoney, malarkey, you big kabloona!
Des conneries et des niaiseries, espèce de gros bêta!
- Good morning, Mr. Mahoney.
- Bonjour, M. Mahoney.
And what is Johnny's other ambition, Mr. Mahoney?
Et le second, M. Mahoney?
Mr. Mahoney.
M. Mahoney.
- I'm Johnny Mahoney.
- Je suis Johnny Mahoney.
Lieutenant Willett, this is Johnny Mahoney.
Lieutenant Willett, voici Johnny Mahoney.
- Mahoney.
- Mahoney.
- Mr. Mahoney.
- M. Mahoney.
- How are you, Mr. Mahoney?
- Comment allez-vous?
- Good evening, Mr. Mahoney.
- Bonsoir, M. Mahoney.
Patrick Aloysius Mahoney, American citizen.
Patrick Aloysious Mahoney, citoyen américain.
Your friend Mahoney, forced to sell, like all the rest.
Votre ami Mahoney, obligé de vendre, comme tous les autres.
We don't like them kind of jokes, Mahoney.
On ne trouve pas ça drôle, Mahoney.
Mahoney, get out of here.
Mahoney, fiche le camp.
They weren't after Mahoney.
Mahoney ne les intéressait pas.
Now Mahoney's out, the Sheriff's dead... And I'm invited to Anchor to talk business.
Mahoney est hors-jeu, le shérif est mort, et je suis invité à Anchor pour parler affaires.
Had the Mahoney fences torn down yet?
- Il n'y a plus de barrières chez Mahoney?
Mahoney's, looking the place over.
- Chez Mahoney, je jetais un oeil.
" His friend, Frank Mahoney of Ryan Aircraft,
" Son ami Frank Mahoney des industries Ryan,
- Oh, Mr. Mahoney.
- Ah, M. Mahoney.
Frank Mahoney.
Frank Mahoney.
My sainted grandfather, may his soul rest in peace was a Mahoney.
Mon grand-père, qu'il repose en paix, était un Mahoney.
Where's Mahoney hidden the fillings?
Où Mahoney a t'il caché les plombages?
You seem to have some very impressive credentials here Mr. Mahoney.
Vous semblez avoir de très impressionantes compétences Mr. Mahoney.
I don't think that's a particularly nice thing to say Mr. Mahoney.
Je ne pense que ce soit une chose très gentille à dire Mr. Mahoney.
Are you a blackmailer Mr. Mahoney?
Etes-vous un maitre chanteur Mr. Mahoney?
There's a man I know, an old friend of mine, his name is Curtis Mahoney.
Il y a un homme, un vieil ami à moi, Curtis Mahoney.
Hang on Mr. Mahoney we're going to hits some swells.
Accrochez-vous Mr. Mahoney on va heurter quelques bosses.
Take it easy Mr. Mahoney.
Doucement Mr. Mahoney.
What magazines do you write for Mr. Mahoney?
Pour quels magazines écrivez-vous Mr. Mahoney?
Let Mr. Mahoney do his job whatever that is and... get out and we'll go on about our business.
Mahoney faire son boulot quelqu'il soit et... du balais et nous continuerons nos affaires.
- Goodbye, Mr. Mahoney.
- Au revoir, Mr. Mahoney.
It seems Mr. Mahoney, knows about Alpha and Beta.
Il semble que Mr. Mahoney, sache pour Alpha et Beta.
Who is this ah Mahoney, Harold?
Qui est ce Mahoney, Harold?
Let the press find out who Mahoney is, and what the foundation is afraid of.
Laissons la presse découvrir qui est Mahoney, et de quoi a peur la fondation.
Who do you work for Mr. Mahoney, assuming that's your real name.
Vous travaillez pour qui Mr. Mahoney, en supposant que c'est votre vrai nom...
You're a real charmer Mr. Mahoney.
Vous êtes un vrai charmeur Mr. Mahoney.
Sergeant Mahoney!
Sergent Mahoney!

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