Meaning you Çeviri Fransızca
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Meaning you got something personal with her, don't you?
Tu as des choses à régler avec elle, non?
- Meaning you should have studied for the chemistry exam.
Tu aurais dû réviser l'interro de chimie.
Meaning? Meaning you don't return the tux, Jim.
According to dispatch, the cops are still three minutes away, meaning you are only one who can catch these guys.
Les flics sont à 3 minutes donc t'es le seul à pouvoir les attraper.
Meaning you were wanting to quit.
Cela signigie que vous vouliez partir?
Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about this, but I was waiting for the right time.
En fait, il fallait que je t'en parle, mais j'attendais le bon moment.
Meaning she is your new "you know."
Ça veut dire que c'est ta nouvelle.
I've been meaning to sit down with you And discuss the timetable For you taking over as chief of surgery.
Je voulais discuter avec vous des horaires de votre nouvelle fonction de chirurgien en chef.
- Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you What you're gonna do with the money.
Oui, je voulais te demander ce que tu comptais faire de cet argent.
Look, I've been meaning to thank you.
Je voulais te remercier.
If you look at the reason why there is war it is very much about natural resources like oil, even water and this is what we have plenty of meaning energy and all the natural resources.
Et si vous regardez les raisons des guerres, c'est souvent au sujet de ressources naturelles comme le pétrole, même l'eau et c'est ce que nous avons en quantité, l'énergie et les ressources naturelles.
What you'll need, Mike, is Mike Newman's driver's license, which could be a class A, D or M, meaning Mike's license will allow him to drive trucks and buses and motorcycles,
Ce qui va te servir, Mike, c'est le permis de Mike Newman, qui pourrait être un permis B, C ou D, Mike pourra alors conduire des camions, bus et motos, ce que ne permet pas le permis de Silas Botwin.
I've been meaning to tell you.
l've been meaning to tell you.
- No.. I think you're probably right. The other's meaning too It..
Je pense que ça doit-etre quelque chose comme ça...
You do know the meaning of the word'compulsory', as in'compulsory Saturday class'?
Tu ne connais pas la signification du mot "obligatoire", comme dans "la classe obligatoire du Samedi"?
Oh, I've been meaning to ask you about your daughter.
J'en viens à vous demander, votre fille voit quelqu'un?
Meaning, whatever they got on you whatever your big bad past is, it's nothing we haven't heard before.
Donc, quoi qu'ils aient sur toi, quel que soit ton horrible passé, c'est rien qu'on ne connaisse déjà.
Just spying, and meaning to ask you to take the trash out
Je suis venue juste comme ça, pour t'espionner et te prier de descendre la poubelle.
I've been meaning to give you a ding-a-ling.
J'allais t'appeler.
Actually, that's something I've been meaning to talk to you guys about.
En fait, il y a quelque chose dont je voudrais vous parler.
You are a well meaning idealist who will not have any friends until he runs his clothes through a rinse cycle.
Un idéaliste qui n'aura des amis qu'après avoir lavé ses fringues.
I been meaning to tell you, this, uh, kenneth crane?
J'ai oublié de te dire. Ce Kenneth Crane? Il a la cote sur Twitter.
You know, before I met Johnny, I didn't know the meaning of depravity or hotel blacklisting.
Avant de rencontrer Johnny, je ne connaissais pas la débauche ou les listes noires d'hôtels.
You're still a well-meaning klutz who's only 41.
Tu es toujours une gourde bien pensante de 41 ans.
Look, I want my life to have meaning and purpose, the same as you.
Je veux que ma vie ait un sens et des buts, tout comme toi.
I've been meaning to talk to you about this, all right?
Je voulais te parler de tout ça, ok.
it has another meaning which you didn't get.
il a une autre signification que vous n'avez pas comprise.
I love when I am prattling on about the meaning of the angel, you notice the wires.
J'adore le fait que, quand je radote sur la signification d'un ange, toi, tu fasses attention aux trucages.
He's an Eastern Tech outsider, too, meaning, you know, they don't come from money.
C'est aussi un étranger à Eastern Tech, ils sont entrés par mérite.
I've been meaning to talk to you.
Je voulais te parler.
You don't know the meaning of the word "hurt."
Tu ignores encore ce qu'est la souffrance.
Um, so I've been meaning to ask you.
J'avais un truc à te demander.
Yes, and I've been meaning to tell you.
J'ai oublié de te dire.
I've been meaning to tell you something.
J'ai quelque chose à te dire.
men make the tasks first, that's the rule want what a meaning if you're dead?
comme le font ces hommes d'abord, c'est la règle A quoi ça servira si tu es morte?
That's something I've been meaning to talk to you about.
Je voulais t'en parler.
I've been meaning to ask you.
Je voulais vous demander.
I've been meaning to give you these since you got assigned to the 12th.
Je voulais te donner ça depuis ton affectation au 12e.
I've been meaning to ask you... What's with that pocket on your shirt?
Oh, est-ce que c'est ça?
If you're gonna twist its meaning, at least quote the whole passage.
Si vous allez tordre le sens, au moins citer tout le passage.
Than you expected? Meaning what?
Et tu t'attendais à...?
You know, I've actually been meaning to say something to you about that. I....
Je voulais vous dire quelque chose à ce propos.
If you have physical or mental condition that affect your sense of judgment meaning, those who don't have the capacity to make reasonable decisions are exempt from any penal punishment
Si tu souffres d'une pathologie mentale ou physique affectant ton discernement... En gros, si tu n'es pas en pleine possession de tes moyens, si tu ne peux raisonnablement pas prendre de décision... Alors, tu ne peux pas écoper d'une peine trop lourde.
What is the meaning of this, you ask...
Ce que ça signifie... Tu demandes...
But I've been meaning to ask you.
Mais je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de te le demander.
You don't know the meaning of the word "right".
Vous ignorez ce qu'est le bien.
And if I see any of you trespassing this way again, I won't be so civil, if you take my meaning.
Si vous revenez ici, je ne serai pas aussi civilisé, J'espère qu'on se comprend.
I just wanted to come by, and I've been meaning to come by since that night, and I wanted to just tell you how sorry I am and had there been anything I could've done,
Je voulais juste passer pour, et j'avais l'intention de passer, depuis cette fameuse nuit, et je voulais juste vous dire à quel point je suis désolé. et que s'il y avait la moindre chose que je pouvais faire, je l'aurais fait.
You brought me this sword, which has great meaning.
Vous m'avez rapporté cette épée, qui est très importante pour moi.
My life without you has no meaning. And I cannot live....
Ma vie sans toi n'a aucun sens et je ne peux pas vivre sans...
I've been meaning to ask one of you people, do you have to get a snapshot of the bird?
Je voulais vous demander, Devez-vous photographier l'oiseau? Il y a une règle?
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
you suck 398
youtube 39
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
you suck 398
youtube 39
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
your full name 16
you are 6060
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
your full name 16
you are 6060
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16