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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ O ] / Off with their heads

Off with their heads Çeviri Fransızca

81 parallel translation
Off with their heads!
Qu'on leur coupe la tête!
Off with their heads!
On va leur couper la tête!
Oh, off with their heads, too!
Qu'on leur coupe aussi la tête!
# Off with their heads!
Leur couper la tête!
# Off with their heads!
Qu'on leur coupe la tête!
Off with their heads.
Qu'on leur coupe la tête.
Off with their heads.
"Now off with their heads," said the Queen of Hearts.
"Coupez leur la tête!" dit la Reine de Coeur.
"Off with their heads!" screamed the Queen.
"Coupez leur la tête!" hurla la Reine.
Off with their heads!
Que leur tête saute!
Until then, off with their heads.
D'ici là, coupons-leur la tête!
I don't know, laugh, or'off with their heads! 'You know what I mean
Je ne sais pas, de rire ou de nous faire couper la tête!
And if they don't... off with their heads!
Et s'ils refusent... Les têtes voleront.
Now... off with their heads!
Maintenant... que les têtes volent.
- Off with their heads.
- Menaçant.
Off with their heads!
Ôte tes mains de là!
Once they've taken it, off with their heads.
Une fois qu'elles l'ont pris, ça se referme sur leur tête.
- Forget the'off with their heads'bit.
- Epargne moi les "coupons leur la tête" un peu.
Off with their heads!
Mais qu'est-ce qui leur a pris!
This is where you wanna be, with a lot of saps like that... yellin'their heads off and thinkin they're enjoying themselves.
Vous voulez être ici, avec des andouilles comme celles-là... qui crient à n'en plus finir pour se convaincre qu'elles s'amusent.
I passed City Hall on the way over. They're running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
A la mairie, ils courent comme des poulets sans tête.
Running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
Ils courraient comme des poulets.
I've just seen 34 American GI's with their heads blown off by Chinese troops.
Je viens de voir 34 soldats se faire massacrer par les troupes chinoises.
I'll cut off their heads with a single stroke
Restez pour constater l'exécution.
Anyway, this mechanism emits the rays, the nature of which escapes me... but one thing is absolutely certain, that these rays... come into contact with every obstacle in the way and rebound off that obstacle... back into their little heads and warn them.
... Ce mécanisme émet des rayons dont la nature m'échappe encore. ... mais une chose est absolument sûre Ces rayons entrent en contact avec n'importe quel obstacle sur leur chemin et rebondissent depuis l'obstacle jusqu'à leurs petites têtes et les préviennent.
Running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
Grand-Père Crockett, Papa n'est pas dans le bateau.
I've seen better organised creatures than you running around farmyards with their heads cut off.
Et d'autres mieux organisées qui couraient dans les fermes avec la tête coupée.
Women don't blow their heads off with a shotgun, especially a beautiful woman like Erin Wolfe.
Les jolies femmes ne se tuent pas avec un fusil de chasse.
I don't believe in women going off to college with the men, cramming their heads full of Latin and Greek.
Et se bourrer le crâne de cette façon.
"Off with their heads!"
"Qu'on lui coupe la tête!"
No reason to admire someone for filling London with a load of garlic-chewing French toffs crying "Ooh la la!" and looking for sympathy just because their fathers had their heads cut off.
Je refuse d'admirer quelqu'un qui remplit Londres d'un tas d'aristos français puant l'ail qui font "hou-la-la" et geignent parce qu'on a guillotiné leurs pères.
These Gauls worried about this day, and with Vitamix, the Wizard in off action having already cause a piece on their heads, the Gauls were worry any less!
Aïe. – Hein?
- Funny, as in he likes to ventilate people with a shotgun and then cut their heads off.
Il aime aérer les gens à coups de fusil, puis leur couper la tête.
But I've also seen two agents family men, laying belly down in the grass out there with their heads blown off.
Mais, j'ai aussi vu deux agents... pères de famille, couchés là-bas, dans l'herbe... abattus en pleine tête.
They have shocked the country numb with violence. These guys want to tear their wives'heads off.
Ces mecs, ils ont envie de friter leur grosse.
- Because they went to Ludlow with little train and got their heads cut off.
Pourquoi les affaiblir? Parce qu'ils se sont laissés conduire à Ludlow et décapiter.
Can't live with'em, can't blow their heads off. Shit.
On peut pas vivre sans elles, on peut pas les faire sauter.
Tomorrow 34 million people will laugh their fucking heads off with Nino and Bruno! Right?
Demain, trente quatre millions de personnes vont se bousculer pour venir adorer Nino et Bruno, oui ou non?
The guerrilla's ears were cut off, you played football with their heads, napalm,
Les oreilles coupées des guérilleros, les types... qui jouaient au football avec les têtes, le napalm,
When he saw this, the Roman governor was filled with rage... and ordered their heads to be cut off. "
"Ce que voyant, le gouverneur fou de rage les fit décapiter"
Electric wires with their heads cut off.
Des fils électriques dont les bouts sont coupés.
They're lying in a pan with their heads chopped off. So the worst part is behind them.
Ils sont allongés dans une poêle, la tête coupée, alors le pire est derrière eux.
And with fake hair on their heads that falls off when you're having sex with'em.
Et avec des faux cheveux qui tombent de leur tête pendant qu'on les saute.
And in Tucson yesterday, a brazen armored truck robbery has left local authorities scratching their heads as thieves overpowered two armed guards and made off with several large bags of... are you ready for this?
Hier, à Tucson, l'attaque audacieuse d'un fourgon blindé laisse les autorités perplexes. Les voleurs ont maîtrisé deux gardes armés et sont partis avec - écoutez bien... avec des bons de réduction usagers de supermarché.
Create their drug addiction, pull them off, then fill their addled heads with noble thoughts of suicide.
Créer leur dépendance à la drogue, les en priver, puis remplir leurs têtes confuses avec de nobles pensées de suicide.
And when they were right down, I'd slice off their heads with a sickle.
Puis ensuite, je leur couperais la gorge à la faux.
We found the others with the backs of their heads blown off in Kevin's wine cellar.
Nous avons trouvé les autres gisant dans leur sang dans la cave à vin de Kevin.
Well, chickens live with their heads cut off. Yeah, for a few seconds, but they don't talk and they sure don't walk.
Les poulets vivent sans tête quelques secondes, sans parler ou marcher.
Everyone was running around like chickens with their heads cut off, including myself.
Tout le monde courait dans tous les sens comme des cinglés, moi y compris.
So I say... Cut off their heads, take'em with us.
On leur coupe la tête et on repart avec?
Just like they did with those people when they cut their fuckin'heads off.
Comme les gens à qui ils ont coupé la tête.

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