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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ O ] / Off you go now

Off you go now Çeviri Fransızca

297 parallel translation
Well, we've failed, no point in making a scene, off you go now.
Bon... C'est manqué... Inutile d'avoir des drames, allez-vous-en.
Off you go now, persuade your fiancée.
II va à l'église, il ne voudra jamais.
- Off you go now.
- Allez va!
Excellent, now I suggest we go different ways and meet back at the furthermost point which is probably round the corner there somewhere, off you go, off you go now.
Excellent. Je propose que nous allions dans des directions différentes et que nous nous retrouvions au point le plus éloigné qui est probablement quelque part par là. Allez, allez à présent.
Off you go now, my dear.
Allez-y, ma petite.
Off you go now.
Off you go now.
Va-t'en maintenant.
You had said that it was good that I quit when you were paying off my debt of ten million won. Now that we are making a decent amount of money, if you want to go back to writing, you may do so.
Tu avais dis que c'était bien que j'arrête quand tu as payé ma dette de 10 millions de won. tu peux le faire.
Now why don't you go down to Saigon and... to blow the lid off?
Et si tu allais un peu à Saigon, histoire de te détendre?
Now, you ask the boss for the afternoon off and go to that match.
Demande congé à ton patron et va voir ce combat.
There now, off you go.
Et, maintenant, allez-y.
Gil Martin, I'm going to kiss you, so I'd better do it now, so you won't go off with the taste of a widow.
Je vous embrasse maintenant, pour que vous ne partiez pas sur le baiser d'une veuve.
Go on now. Get down that shaft if you want to keep off the dole.
Descends dans ce puits si tu veux éviter le chômage.
Now if you still want to go to that convention and shoot your trap off, you go ahead and do it.
Maintenant, si vous souhaitez tout dénoncer, allez-y!
Now, off to bed you go!
Au lit, mademoiselle!
Now off you go, Edith.
C'est le choc...
Come along now. Off you go.
Allez, filez.
Now, off you go. You're on your way.
Allons, maintenant, en route.
This is perfectly easy, isn't it? Now then, boys, when I give you the word "go", start off with the right foot.
Quand je vous le dirai, commencez du pied droit.
Now you want me to tell them it's no go, deal's off.
Et vous me dites - que le contrat est annulé!
Now, off you go, Esmie.
Allez, va t'en, Esmie.
Now go off with Group Captain Whitworth and he'll help you to get things going.
Le Group Captain Whitworth vous aidera à tout mettre en oeuvre.
Off you go now.
Allez maintenant, sauve-toi.
Yes, it's a game. But if you back off now, if you let it go at good-enough, that's the kind you'll be later on.
Ce n'est qu'un jeu, mais quand on renonce, on devient un lâche.
You remember? Now, we don't wanna go back to the post feelin'worse off than when we came out, do we?
On ne va pas rentrer plus déprimés qu'on l'était en partant.
Now, off with you. Go steer your course elsewhere.
Partez, mettez le cap ailleurs.
Now, I want you to go in there and take the steel tips off the arrows.
Maintenant tu vas enlever les pointes d'acier des flèches.
Nan, darling, I still don't see why you have to go off to this Whitewood place. Now...
Ann chérie, je ne vois toujours pas pourquoi tu veux aller dans ce village.
First of all, Sally, would you mind telling me, without shouting, please, why you think it's necessary to go rushing off to the police, right now, in the middle of the night?
Tout d'abord, Sally, peux-tu me dire, sans crier, s'il te plaît, pourquoi tu penses que c'est nécessaire de se précipiter à la police, maintenant, au milieu de la nuit?
Now, in place, off you go..
Parfait. Alors, en place.
But I'm telling you all right now, don't go sneaking off in the middle of the night.
Mais je vous demande une chose : ne partez pas sans prévenir, en pleine nuit.
Now, go on, off you go.
Allez, file.
- Now off you go!
- Tu as perdu!
You better let go off me now.
Mais lâche-moi! Tu veux me plaquer!
Now come on, chaps, off you go. Come on, carry him out.
Allez les gars, il faut partir.
Now you'd better go, otherwise we'll end up by running off to Paris.
Maintenant, il vaut mieux que tu partes. Nous pourrions encore nous enfuir.
Now, off you go, both of you. - And meet me back here in three hours.
Allez-y, vous deux, et on se retrouve ici dans trois heures.
- Thank you, my dear. Now, off you go.
Merci, très chère, allez-y!
- Now, look, Adam I realize you hesitate to ask for time off on your first day at work and I appreciate your conscientiousness but I insist that you go home.
- Écoutez, Adam, je comprends que vous ayez des scrupules pour votre premier jour et j'apprécie votre conscience professionnelle, mais j'insiste pour que vous rentriez.
It's too dangerous for you to stay here. Now off you go, child.
C'est trop dangereux de rester ici.
Go-on off you kid, now vamoose!
- On discute pas, la gamine, du balai.
Now, you boys want to be satisfied with the skim off the gambling and the girls and the numbers, go ahead!
Si vous voulez vous contenter de gains de vos casinos et de vos filles, allez-y!
Now off you go and rest.
Allez vite vous reposer.
All right, Mister. We've got a nice, quiet jail in town... Where you can cool off, now let's go!
Nous avons une belle prison tranquille en ville... où vous pourrez vous calmez.
Now, you go off and see matron, yes?
Allez voir la gouvernante.
I bet you she's worried right now and lookin'for you, so why don't you just back off of me and go get her?
Je parie qu'elle est inquiète et qu'elle vous cherche, alors si vous me laissiez pour aller la chercher?
You'd better tell them now! They'll go off like a firecracker!
Mais quand on le saura, ça explosera comme un feu d'artifice!
You didn't hear it go off then, just like you didn't hear it go off now. I'm sorry, Mr. Clayton, but along with all the other trivial evidence that we've talked about, the murderer in this case just had to be a deaf man.
Quand on pousse un homme dans une machine à broyer pour le tuer et que la machine s'arrête soudain, pourquoi ne pas la remettre en route?
Now off you go.
Vous pouvez disposer.
Now off you go, go!
Maintenant va-t-en! File!
All right, now, that's I drop you off at the small door and go around to the wharf side.
Oui, oui... je te laisse à la petite porte et je vais sur le quai... près de l'entrepôt.

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