Openly Çeviri Fransızca
812 parallel translation
Fight openly on the square against her!
Battez-vous ouvertement contre elle!
If she had gone openly, I would have understood.
"Si elle m'avait averti de son départ, J'aurais compris,"
The idea of bringing her out here to his summer home and living with her openly!
L'idée de l'amener à sa maison de vacances et de vivre avec au vu et au su de tous!
They were meeting openly, conspiring openly against your life... and Marcus wouldn't permit them to be killed.
Ils se rencontraient ouvertement, ils conspiraient contre votre vie, et Marcus nous a empêchés de les tuer.
She rides openly with him!
Elle se montre avec lui!
And then, I wouldn't confess this openly, but from one criminologist to another... we take credit in being inhumanly skillful.
D'un criminologue à un autre, on se réjouit d'être un génie inhumain.
You are accused of consorting openly with Pierre Cot who spoke slightingly of the revolution.
Tu es accusée d'avoir frayé avec Pierre Cot qui a critiqué la Révolution.
That isn't true! My mother never acknowledged me openly.
Ma mère ne m'a jamais reconnu ouvertement.
But any wrong I have done, I regret it more than I regret confessing it openly.
Mais enfin, le mal que j'ai fait, ça m'ennuie plus de l'avoirfait que de le raconter devant tout le monde.
She is obviously uneducated and openly mercenary.
Elle est inculte et visiblement intéressé.
As it has been openly mentioned here by my superior officer that restriction no longer applies, and I shall speak.
Mais puisqu il a été mentionné par mon chef, cette restriction tombe et je parlerai.
But it's not going to happen, because we're fighting openly... and honestly when we admit that you killed Otto Krayler.
Mais rien ne va t'arriver, car nous allons nous battre... ouvertement en admettant que tu as tué Otto Krayler.
Do you realize that you're the first dauphine of France ever to be spoken of openly as a wanton?
Savez-vous que vous êtes la première dauphine dont on dit qu'elle est dévergondée?
But you must live openly, without fear, without reproach, in sight of all.
Mais vous devez vivre ouvertement, sans peur, ni reproche, au vu de tous.
To confess that you and he, to admit openly without delicacy that you... why do you stop?
Confesser que vous et lui, admettre ouvertement sans délicatesse que... Pourquoi vous arrêtez-vous?
Full of pity for the wife left ill and deserted while her husband openly carries on...
Pleins de pitié pour la femme malade et seule, alors que son mari...
Revolution has broken out quite openly.
Pourquoi? La révolution a éclaté.
Jekyll, I wouldn't talk these experiments around very openly if I were you.
II vaut mieux ne pas discuter de ces choses.
Openly speaking, we're what you might call cattle separators.
On est ce qu'on peut appeler des séparateurs de bétail.
Few prima donnas would confess so openly they had anything to learn.
Peu de prima donnas avoueraient qu'elles en ont encore à apprendre.
I've been openly defied.
On a osé me défier.
Tried openly.
Si vous refusez...
You will present yourself to Buckingham, milady, openly as my negotiator.
Vous serez, Milady, ma négociatrice.
She often wished that some champion would appear and take the field openly against the boisterous Brom.
Elle souhaitait souvent qu'un champion apparaisse et entre en campagne ouvertement contre l'impétueux Brom.
"She doesn't dare rebel openly, so she gets a rash on her face!"
Elle n'ose pas la rabrouer alors elle a des plaques.
Now I'll stand by you openly.
Mais je resterai à tes côtés.
Not openly.
Pas au grand jour.
In my excitement and anger, I listened openly to their conversation.
Ma colère me fit écouter leur conversation.
Reports that rationed articles and export goods are being sold openly in Miramont Place continue to come in and are causing concern in Whitehall.
"La nouvelle d'un quartier vendant à prix d'export n'a cessé de rameuter des chalands. " Le gouvernement s'inquiète. "
I discussed it very openly.
J'en ai discuté très ouvertement.
" I could not leave this openly because to do so might do you hurt.
Je ne pouvais pas laisser cela aux yeux de tous car cela aurait pu te nuire.
But at the end of that time, I shall expect to have received an invitation to come here openly and be introduced to your family.
Mais à ce moment-là, j'exige d'être invité à venir ici ouvertement afin d'être présenté à ta famille.
But not talk openly of overthrowing the king.
Mais on parle ouvertement de déposer le Roi.
- You practiced openly?
- Vous exerciez ouvertement?
Did you ever have occasion to hear the Countess express sympathy for the Nazis, privately or openly?
Avez-vous jamais eu l'occasion d'entendre la Comtesse exprimer de la sympathie pour les Nazis, en privé ou ouvertement?
If they were important, they wouldn't be openly known.
Les têtes du parti restent dans l'ombre.
I hope, Cecily, I shall not offend you... if I state quite openly and frankly that you seem to me to be... the visible personification of absolute perfection.
Cecilia, j'espère que vous ne serez pas choquée si j'affirme tout à fait franchement et ouvertement que vous paraissez la personnification visible de la perfection absolue.
At West Point, before the declaration of war he openly sympathized with his home state.
A West Point, avant la guerre, il sympathisa avec cet Etat.
You don't believe it's necessary to live openly, Francois?
Est-ce que tu ne crois pas qu " il va falloir vivre ouverts?
What do you mean, "openly"?
Comment ça, "ouvert"?
I am not afraid to talk openly.
Je n'ai pas peur de vous parler ouvertement.
So are you. But I admit it openly
Mais moi, je l'admets.
Because no hand has ever been raised openly against a Pharaoh.
Un pharaon est intouchable.
If I were openly afraid now, some of the others might become so.
Si j'étais ouvertement effrayé, les autres le seraient aussi.
Mother will go to bed with a severe headache and the latest Mickey Spillane and Father will take to the bottle openly and smoke six Corona Coronas and then threaten to exile me to Larrabee Copper in Butte, Montana,
Mère ira au lit avec une migraine et le dernier Mickey Spillane, et père se soûlera et fumera six cigares Coronas et menacera de m'exiler au Montana chez Larrabee Copper,
People need to speak openly so that resentment doesn't build.
Quand on se confie à lui, les choses deviennent plus simples.
I openly admit that I do not tolerate pugs, lap-dogs cats or so-called old friends.
J'avoue ne pas supporter les toutous, les chats et les soi-disant vieux amis.
Tell the girls not to tackle men too openly today.
Dis-leur de ne pas racoler trop ouvertement, aujourd'hui.
We don't talk together openly. - You're not frank with me.
Tu n'es pas franche avec moi.
But I admit it openly
Mais je l'admets ouvertement.
I ask you now, openly
Je vous le demande en public.