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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ P ] / Pauly

Pauly Çeviri Fransızca

174 parallel translation
- Hello, Pauly.
- Bonjour, Pauly.
You've been drinking alone, Pauly.
Vous buvez en suisse, Paul.
Pauly, it's a fact.
Paul, il faut bien le dire.
Pauly, you are a good lawyer.
Paul, vous êtes un bon avocat.
That was a kind word, Pauly.
C'est un mot trop gentil, Paul.
- Hello, Pauly.
- Bonjour, Paul.
This is Pauly Biegler.
M. Paul Biegler.
This is the bucko, Pauly.
Voilà le militaire.
Pauly, we got lunch served for the jail.
Le déjeuner va être servi pour les gardiens.
Pass the salt, Pauly.
Passez-moi le sel.
Come on in, Pauly.
- Okay, Pauly.
- De rien.
Hi, Pauly.
Bonsoir, Paulo.
Pauly? That's a crazy name for a crazy lawyer.
Un drôle de nom pour un drôle d'avocat.
- Hi, Pauly.
- Salut, Paulo.
- Sure, Pauly.
- Bien sûr.
I loved that, Pauly.
C'était épatant.
I liked yours much better, Pauly.
Moi, j'ai encore mieux aimé votre plaidoirie.
I like you, Pauly.
Cher Paulo.
Pick me up at my house, would you, Pauly?
Tu me prends chez moi, Pauly?
Hey, Pauly, would you ever sign one of them for us?
Eh, Pauly, tu m'en signes une?
No, Pauly. Don't mock the afflicted.
On se moque pas des monstres
We just finished, Pauly.
On vient de finir
Pauly, they're trying to fob you off with this musical charlatan but I gave him the test.
Ils voulaient vous refiler ce charlatan mais je l'ai démasqué
- I must see Pauly.
- Je veux voir Pauly
Pauly, come in. This is Sergeant Wallace.
Pauly, tu me reçois, ici le sergent Wallace.
Yeah, this is Pauly.
Ouais, ici Pauly.
Thanks, Pauly.
Merci, Pauly, on arrive tout de suite.
Pauly, this is Saunders.
Pauly, ici Saunders.
About a half a mile, Pauly.
Environ un kilomètre.
Will do, Pauly.
D'accord, Pauly.
I'll hold him here in the middle of the bridge, Pauly.
Je vais les retenir au milieu du pont.
Hi, Pauly.
Salut, Pauly.
Hey, Pauly.
Hey, Pauly.
Yo, Pauly.
Dis donc Pauly...
Pauly, do you know where the hell Rick is?
Pauly, sais tu où Rick est?
You okay, Pauly?
Ça va, Pauly?
Pauly, we've been very concerned about you.
Nous étions très inquiets à ton sujet.
Where's the money, Pauly?
Où est l'argent, Pauly?
Where is the money, Pauly?
Où est l'argent?
Well, Pauly...
Bien, Pauly...
The funds Pauly misappropriated are beginning to nettle me.
Les détournements de Pauly m'embarrassent.
Hi, my name is Pauly.
- Salut. Mon nom, c'est Pauly.
Hi, my name is Pauly.
Mon nom, c'est Pauly.
What do you say, Pauly?
What are you going to make me do, Pauly?
Où veux-tu en venir?
It's a little sentimental, but that's what PBS wants.
J'ai toujours aimé Pauly. Surtout par rapport aux autres numéros qu'elle a ramenés.
Come on. Let's eat.
Non, Pauly, crois-moi, c'est bien trop compliqué pour toi.
- Pauly!
- Paulo!
- Look, put it this way, Pauly...
- Tu l'as perdu!
Here, Pauly.
Je suis là

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