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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Q ] / Quoi

Quoi Çeviri Fransızca

745,388 parallel translation
Are you out of your mind?
Tu es maboul ou quoi?
Is there something else?
Quoi d'autre?
- What are you going to do?
Tu vas faire quoi?
Don't give me that shit.
C'est quoi, ces conneries?
What about your dad?
Tu fais quoi, pour ton père?
What's with all the amps?
C'est quoi tous ces amplis?
- Listen to what? - Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh!
Écouter quoi?
What's that?
De quoi tu parles?
You know what?
Tu sais quoi?
What's this down here again?
C'est quoi ça par terre encore?
- Yeah, well, you know what, don't worry because
- Oui, bien, tu sais quoi, ne t'en fais pas parce que
Then what the hell's your problem?
Alors c'est quoi ton problème?
- What were we doing?
- On faisait quoi?
What are you thinking about?
À quoi tu penses?
And we were all there anyway, so, you know, what's the frickin'point, yeah?
Puis on y était tous, alors... à quoi bon?
What's the rush?
C'est quoi l'urgence?
What are you talking about?
De quoi tu parles?
Then what is it?
Alors, c'est quoi?
Ugh, the day I don't pack double-sided!
Le jour où je prends pas du double face! À quoi tu pensais, Carol?
That voice is insulting.
Cette voix est insultante. Quoi?
Wait, what?
Attends, quoi?
Okay, you each need to take a leg, and I'll tell you what to do after that.
Chacun de vous doit prendre une jambe, et je vous dirai quoi faire après.
What else?
Quoi d'autre?
What is this place?
C'est quoi cet endroit?
What's he talking about?
De quoi parle-t-il?
Rau, you know what to do.
Rau, vous savez quoi faire.
So what are you trying to say?
Tu essaies de me dire quoi là?
I... really don't know what you're talking about.
Je... ne vois vraiment pas de quoi vous parlez.
I-I'm at a loss for what to do next.
Je me demande quoi faire de plus.
Well, I'll be in my office if you need anything.
Je serai dans mon bureau si vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit.
What are you talking about?
De quoi vous parlez?
- What is it?
- C'est quoi?
Too late for what?
Trop tard pour quoi?
So, you ready to go back... to whatever's waiting for us in Miami?
Tu es prêt à rentrer... Quoi qui nous attende à Miami?
Handle what?
Gérer quoi?
What's this?
C'est quoi?
Um... for what?
Pour quoi?
I don't know what to do with that information.
Je ne sais pas quoi faire avec cette information.
You were what now?
Tu avais quoi?
Besides, the odds of us surviving on this island are so low, what's the point of caution?
De plus, les chances de survie sont si basses, à quoi servirait la prudence?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Je ne sais pas de quoi tu parles.
I'm taking orders.
Todd, je t'apporte quoi?
Okay, you know what,
Vous savez quoi, je vais juste...
Yeah, we all do, but you know what?
Il nous manque tous, mais tu sais quoi?
What are you listening to?
Tu écoutes quoi?
What's a prolapsed anus?
C'est quoi un prolapsus rectal?
So what do you say?
Alors, t'en dis quoi?
- but we're out of the woods now.
- Quoi?
- What?
- Quoi?

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