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Salman Çeviri Fransızca

126 parallel translation
Salman Rushdie.
Salman Rushdie.
- Yeah, right. Salman Rushdie.
C'est ça, Salman Rushdie.
That is not Salman Rushdie.
Ce n'est pas Salman Rushdie.
- There's Salman.
- Voilà Salman.
- To Sidra? - If that's Sidra, she's talking to Salman.
Si c'est Sidra, c'est Salman.
- I don't think that's Salman.
Ce n'est pas Salman.
- I gotta know. I'm talking to Salman.
- Je parlerai à Salman.
Look, you idiot, first of all, it's "Salman," not "salmon."
Ecoute, espèce d'idiot. C'est Salman, pas Saumon.
Let's do a Salman Rushdie-type thing.
Faisons un truc à la Salman Rushdie.
The man is our answer to Salman Rushdie.
C'est notre Salman Rushdie.
Karim Nanva, Ali Mandegar, Salman Najafi.
Karim Nanva, Ali Mandegar, Salman Najafi.
Oh, Salman.
Oh, Salman.
Are you okay, Salman Hayek?
T'es d'accord, Selma Hayek?
My resume lists Julia Roberts, Salmon Rushdie, Posh Spice.
À mon actif, j'ai Julia Roberts, Salman Rushdie, Posh Spice.
So how autobiographical is your work, Salman?
Dans quelle mesure votre oeuvre est-elle autobiographique, Salman?
Anyway, I don't recommend "actual" stalking. That's best left as a threat. You know, with your real unapproachables, like Loraine Kelly and Salman Rushdie.
De toute façon, il suffit de laisser planer la menace de les suivre, ça marche avec les inabordables comme Salman Rushdie.
Salman Rushdie?
Salman Rushdie?
Salman Afkham was wheeled into surgery 15 minutes ago.
Salman Afkham a été transféré au bloc opératoire il y a 15 minutes.
Marwan Salman Nationality : Undefined
Nationalité indéterminée
No problem, except the bride is the daughter of Hammed Salman who's pro-Syrian, out on parole,
Pas de problème, sauf que la mariée est la fille de Hamed Salman. Il est prosyrien, en liberté conditionnelle.
But one muslim, a persian convert by the name of Salman, was able to think outside the box.
Mais un Musulman, un Perse converti du nom de Salman, a vu les choses autrement.
Salman wants to come over for dinner this weekend.
Salman veut venir dîner ce week-end.
Would you be so up in arms about me dating if my boyfriend was named Salman.
Tu serais aussi remonté si mon copain s'appelait Salman?
- Well, what about Salman?
- Et Salman, alors?
- Salman?
- Salman?
- What about him?
- Quoi, Salman?
- Maybe Salman could come out and help you for a while.
- Il pourrait peut-être venir t'aider un peu.
I'll call Salman and leave him a message.
J'appelle Salman pour lui laisser un message.
That is nice Cameron, but I'm talking to uncle Salman right now.
C'est joli, Cameron, mais je parle à tonton Salman.
Salman, look just go down there and talk to them.
Écoute, Salman, va leur parler.
But it is Salman, not Trout.
Mais c'est Salman, pas Saumon.
- Salman.
- Salman.
Like Salman Rushdie.
Comme Salman Rushdie.
You mean, "Salman Rushdie"?
Vous voulez dire "Salman Rushdie"?
Salman? Hello?
Tu es là?
Salman Umar we interviewed him yesterday at Kertek Computing.
Salman Umar, nous l'avons interrogé hier à Kertek Computing.
- It wasn't a right for Salman Rushdie.
Et Salman Rushdie?
The demonstrators set off from Hyde Park, bringing much of central London to a standstill. Their hatred focused on Salman Rushdie and his book.
Les manifestants ont quitté Hyde Park et quasiment paralysé Londres en invectivant Salman Rushdie et son livre.
Salman Rushdie must be killed.
Salman Rushdie doit mourir.
See, Salman Rushdie was there to provoke, insult, and he did it intentionally, right?
Salman Rushdie a fait de la provocation, il a insulté. C'était intentionnel.
- Salman Rushdie?
- Salman Rushdie?
- "Salman Rushdie?"
- "Salman Rushdie?"
Salman Rushdie? "
Salman Rushdie? "
- Salman Rushdie.
- Salman Rushdie.
Well, you can't fire someone who loves Salman Rushdie.
On peut pas virer quelqu'un qui aime Salman Rushdie.
Nothing local on Jones but found some financial records for Salman Kohl, Jones'attorney.
Rien sur Jones mais on a trouvé des rapports financiers de Salman Kohl, l'avocat de Jones.
Name :
Marwan Salman.
Mona Salman Nationality :
Mona Salman.

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