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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ S ] / Seriously

Seriously Çeviri Fransızca

28,321 parallel translation
Are you seriously suggesting that I should move into a dead girl's apartment?
Tu suggères que je déménage? dans l'appartement d'une fille morte?
Why can't you take anything seriously, Lucifer?
Pourquoi tu ne prends rien au sérieux?
Okay. Seriously?
Lucifer, seriously, whatever you're going through...
Lucifer, sérieusement, qu'importe ce que vous traversez...
You need to take me seriously.
Vous devez me prendre au sérieux.
Seriously. Tell me, what do you actually want?
Dites-moi, que voulez-vous vraiment?
Something's seriously bothering her.
Quelque chose la dérange sérieusement.
Can't you take anything seriously, man?
Pouvez-vous être sérieux?
I assure you I'm taking this very seriously.
Je vous assure que je prends ça très au sérieux.
I'll have you know I take the School of Dan quite seriously, even if it does involve skinny-fit jeans.
Tu sais que je prends l'école de Dan très au serieux. Même si cela implique un jeans taille basse.
I need you to stop playing around and take this seriously.
Tu dois arrêter de t'amuser, et prendre ça au sérieux.
I'd seriously consider answering the question, mate.
À votre place je répondrais, l'ami.
Seriously. He knows.
- I've been practicing. Seriously?
C'est sérieux?
You're not seriously gonna leave me here with this guy, are you?
Vous n'allez pas m'abandonner ici avec ce gars, si?
Seriously, that was as impressive as it was painful, ow.
Sérieusement, c'était aussi impressionnant, que douloureux, aïe.
Seriously, I am... I'm so sorry.
Vraiment, je suis... je suis désolée.
Seriously, I don't think that we should.
Sérieusement, c'est une mauvaise idée.
It took me a while to admit to myself that I had moved on, but the minute I did, I just seriously felt like a weight had been lifted.
Il m'a fallu un moment pour comprendre que j'avais avancé, mais dès que j'ai compris, j'ai tout de suite senti comme un poids en moins sur mes épaules.
Do you guys seriously eat this shit?
Vous bouffez vraiment ça?
Seriously, if you get a photo of anything that they're working on, that's a fuckload more money than four pound signs.
Si tu peux prendre une photo de n'importe quoi sur ce projet, ça te rapportera bien plus que quatre signes £.
Okay, seriously, drop the knife, Sonja.
Sérieux, pose ce couteau, Sonja.
- Sérieux?
Seriously, though, she's often a psycho.
Sérieux... Elle est souvent hystérique.
Hey, seriously, for a second, though, like, what would she do without me? You know?
Non, mais sérieusement, elle ferait quoi sans moi?
Seriously, I mean, yeah, he's like... he's like a lawyer or something.
Sérieusement, il est... il est avocat ou je sais pas quoi.
Duke, seriously?
Duke, t'es sérieuse?
But after you'd left, we discovered there is an unexploded Second World War bomb, seriously, right where the track was, so we had to go round it.
Mais après ton départ, nous avons découvert une bombe de la Seconde Guerre mondiale qui n'a pas explosé, sérieusement. Là ou passait la piste. Nous avons du la contourner.
Seriously, you know Carol Vorderman?
Sérieusement, tu connais Carol Vorderman?
- Seriously? - Yes!
- Sérieusement?
Seriously. But also, if you just get a job and get by, you're still gonna love your life.
Et en plus, même si tu ne fais pas d'études, tu aimeras toujours la vie.
No, not really. Not, like, seriously.
Pas vraiment, pas sérieusement.
No, seriously, Mom, I hate you.
Sérieux, maman, je te déteste.
Stay down here. Oh, no, Mom, seriously.
On va juste bosser.
She's seriously gifted, very, very gifted.
Très douée. Je sais.
But seriously, though, Trieste, this is making me so happy because Frankie really needs...
Sérieux, Trieste, c'est à moi que ça fait plaisir. Frankie a vraiment besoin...
I'm happy to give you these, because, seriously, I don't know how to defrost.
Je suis contente de vous les donner. Parce que, sérieusement...
- Seriously, it's really nice.
Sérieusement, c'est vraiment bon.
- Seriously?
- Pour de bon?
Seriously, you're fine.
- Vous allez très bien.
No, but seriously, can you...
Sans rire...
Seriously, that show killed us.
On adorait la série.
Because, I mean, what do I do ever? - Seriously? - I never do anything.
J'ai jamais rien fait.
No, seriously, what do you... what do you...
Sérieusement, vous en pensez quoi?
Seriously, do you have a plan?
Tu voudrais quoi?
I hurt my foot, seriously.
Seriously, where are your friends?
Sinon, t'as des amis?

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