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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ S ] / Singh

Singh Çeviri Fransızca

1,171 parallel translation
Puran Singh!
Puran Singh!
Elizabeth, His Highness Puran Singh Chawla of Champaner.
Elizabeth, Son Altesse le rajah Puran Singh Chawla de Champaner.
- But the temple is in the land ruled by Rajah Diler Singh, your cousin and your enemy.
- Mais ce temple est sur les terres... du rajah Diler Singh, votre cousin... et ennemi.
I'm sure if you speak to Diler Singh, he won't say no.
Je suis sûr que si vous lui parlez, Diler Singh ne dira pas non.
You eat this meat and I'll talk to Diler Singh.
Si vous mangez cette viande, je parlerai à Diler Singh.
Orders of Rajah Puran Singh, your liege and master. This year you shall pay twice the amount of wheat, rice and maize.
Par ordre de votre maître le rajah Puran Singh... vous nous devrez cette année une double quantité... de riz et de maµiµs.
- Ram Singh, can I trust you?
- Ram Singh, je peux compter sur toi?
Ram Singh taught me.
Ram Singh me l'a apprise.
No need, Ram Singh.
C'est inutile, Ram Singh.
All right, Ram Singh.
Très bien, Ram Singh.
Rajah Puran Singh himself blessed them enhancing Champaner's status even more.
Le rajah Puran Singh bénit leur union... ce qui donna à Champaner encore plus de prestige.
Captain Vivek Singh spreads his field towards the boundaries and the two batsmen take their positions.
Le Capitaine Vivek Singh couvre son terrain jusqu'aux limites et les deux batteurs prennent leurs positions...
My name is Dev Singh.
Mon nom est Dev Singh.
Quick! Before it disappears.
Ram Singh!
- Thank you.
Merci, Ram Singh.
Elizabeth, His Highness, Raja Puran Singh Chala of Champaner.
Elizabeth, Son Altesse le rajah Puran Singh Chawla de Champaner.
The temple is in the land ruled by Raja Diler Singh who is your cousin and enemy.
- Mais ce temple est sur les terres... du rajah Diler Singh, votre cousin... et ennemi.
I'm sure Diler Singh won't say no if you talk to him.
Je suis sur que si vous lui parlez, Diler Singh ne dira pas non.
You eat this meat... and I'll talk to Diler Singh.
Si vous mangez cette viande, je parlerai a Diler Singh.
Orders of Raja Puran Singh, your liege and master. This year, you shall pay twice the regular amount of wheat, rice and maize.
Par ordre de votre maitre le rajah Puran Singh... vous nous devrez cette année une double quantité... de riz et de ma : i : s.
Ram Singh, I want you to tell them that I would like to help them learn the game.
Dites-leur que j'aimerais leur apprendre a jouer.
Ram Singh, can I trust you?
- Ram Singh, je peux compter sur toi?
Deva Singh Sodhi. I've come from Dhaulpur.
On m'a dit que tu t'étais juré de combattre les Britanniques.
All right, Ram Singh.
Tres bien, Ram Singh.
Raja Puran Singh himself came to bless the newly-weds enhancing Champaner's status even more.
Le rajah Puran Singh bénit leur union... ce qui donna a Champaner encore plus de prestige.
My name is Mohan Singh Bhamra.
Je suis Mohan Singh Bhamra.
Bhagat Singh... - Long live
Longue vie à Bhagat Singh!
- l'm Kishen Singh... I'm Bhagat Singh's father.
- Je suis Kishen Singh
Let me talk to the superintendent
Je suis le père de Bhagat Singh. Laissez-moi parler au commandant.
- They killed Bhagat Singh
- Ils ont tué Bhagat Singh.
"Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru... you could've saved them!"
Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru... vous auriez pu les sauver!
- l admired Bhagat Singh's courage I salute his sacrifice and applaud his patriotism
- J'admirais le courage de Bhagat Singh Je salue son sacrifice et applaudis son patriotisme.
Bhagat Singh... - Lives forever!
Bhagat Singh... vit pour toujours!
Kishen Singh-ji... terrible news!
Kishen Singh-ji, terribles nouvelles!
Bhagat Singh. That's his name.
Bhagat Singh.
- Bhagat Singh!
C'est son nom.
- Yes, Teja Singh is here "
- Oui, Teja Singh est là.
"Well said, Roshan Singh"
Bien dit, Roshan Singh!
Hello Bhagat Singh I'm Ram Prasad Bismil. I read Professor Vidyalankar's letter
Salut, Bhagat Singh. Je suis Ram Prasad Bismil. J'ai lu la lettre du professeur Vidyalankar.
"Kartar Singh, the martyr is my ideal"
Kartar Singh, le martyre est mon idéal.
Roshan Singh!
Roshan Singh!
"He's our new comrade, Bhagat Singh. - This is Chandra shekhar Azad!"
C'est notre nouveau camarade, Bhagat Singh.
He has many aliases... but his real name is Bhagat Singh
Il a beaucoup de noms, mais le vrai est Bhagat Singh.
Sardar Bhagat Singh himself!
Sardar Bhagat Singh lui-même!
I'm a new member of your group. Azad-ji has sent this letter... for Bhagat Singh. HRRA.
Je suis un nouveau membre de votre groupe, HRRA.
Ram Singh!
Ram Singh!
Deva Singh Sodhi.
I've come from Dhaulpur.
Deva Singh Sodhi. Je viens de Dhaulpur.
Captain Russell, sir.
Le rajah Puran Singh... vous attend. Capitaine Russell!
And you are...?
Deva Singh Sodhi.
"Bhagat Singh, our new comrade!"
Mes amis, notre nouveau camarade, Bhagat Singh!

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