Stuff like that Çeviri Fransızca
2,593 parallel translation
I take him out to get snacks and to plays, stuff like that, while he has time.
On va manger un morceau, jouer, des trucs du genre, tant qu'il a encore le temps.
Well, you don't have to worry about stuff like that any more, OK?
Eh bien, tu n'as plus à t'en faire pour ce genre de choses, OK?
- So, guys, get pots, pans, stuff like that, okay?
- Attendez! - Allons chercher des casseroles.
Mother, please. We don't want shoddy stuff like that, do we?
Maman, on ne va pas envahir la maison avec une telle camelote.
Since when did you care about stuff like that, Ziegler?
Depuis quand tu t'intéresses à ces choses-là, Ziegler?
We go to group homes, take kids on trips. You know, stuff like that.
On va dans les foyers, on emmène les enfants en voyage...
And that entailed needing to get up in the morning and caffeinate myself with cokes and red bulls and stuff like that, uh, before I could even think or start to work.
Le matin avant que je puisse commencer à travailler ou même penser j'avais besoin de boire beaucoup de caféine sous forme de Coca-Cola, de RedBulls ou de choses comme ça.
Oh, you know what? Just call anytime with stuff like that. That's...
N'hésite pas à appeler pour ces trucs-là.
You can still kiss under waterfalls and stuff like that.
Les baisers sous les cascades, c'est encore possible.
It helps cabbies map out the best place to troll for fares, stuff like that.
Ça indique aux taxis les bons coins où prospecter. En tout cas,
Pick up laundry, go to the bodega, stuff like that.
Aller au pressing, à l'épicerie, des trucs du genre.
I know that all the kids in the glee club- - they fight, and they steal each other's boyfriends and girlfriends, and they threaten to quit, like, every other week, but weird stuff like that happens in families.
Je sais que tout le monde de la chorale, se dispute, se pique les petits amis, menace de partir chaque semaine, mais, ça arrive dans une famille.
I haven't even focused on stuff like that.
Je ne m'intéressais pas à ça.
Like I won like chambers of commerce and stuff like that.
Comme j'ai gagné comme des chambres de commerce et des trucs comme ça.
You know, with global weirding and everything, stuff like that could totally happen here.
Avec le machin truc global, ça pourrait arriver ici.
Of course. I'm just a little surprised. I assumed Avery would have a terrifying best friend she'd do stuff like that with.
Je suis étonnée, je pensais qu'Avery aurait une affreuse meilleure amie pour l'accompagner.
I understand that a Russian write lyrical stuff like that.
Je comprends qu'un Russe écrive des trucs lyriques, comme ça.
Who says stuff like that?
C'est vraiment nul.
Stuff like that.
Quelque chose comme ça.
I don't think you have to worry about stuff like that.
Je ne crois pas que tu doivent t'en faire pour des choses comme ça.
Um, my parents told me that I can't talk to this guy, and I just want to still be able to text message and stuff like that without worrying that they're like...
- Oui, pour quoi? Mes parents m'ont dit que je pouvais pas parler à ce mec. Et je voudrais pouvoir continuer à lui envoyer des textos sans avoir peur qu'ils...
And so when Sally breaks out the Polaroid camera well, shoot, I get confused. Ha, ha. Normally, I'm the technological one when it comes to stuff like that.
Et quand Sally n'a pas le Polaroïd, ben merde, ça me perturbe, voyez, c'est moi le technicien normalement pour ce genre de choses.
You probably shouldn't leave stuff like that on her voicemail.
Tu devrais pas laisser ce genre de message.
They always do stuff like that,
Ils font toujours ce genre de trucs.
Yeah, I mean, guys in turbans pulling up in vans and stuff like that. "
"Des types enturbannés, qui conduisent des fourgons."
We pick up money, check on things, stuff like that.
Nous ramassons de l'argent, vérifier sur les choses, des trucs comme ça.
SITREPS of covert ops. Stuff like that.
Rapports d'opérations d'infiltrations.
I surfed in P.B. one morning after work and went and recorded it, like, literally with the sand still on my feet and stuff and just sent it up that day.
Un matin, après le travail, j'ai surfé à P.B. et je l'ai enregistrée en revenant, j'avais encore du sable sur les pieds. Je l'ai envoyée le jour-même.
You know, looking back, I realize, like, we all got together in that room at that time, and you know, I was still thinking about stuff with, like, my dad and loss and all that, and then what they were thinking about, having been through the situation with Andy and everything, so...
Avec le recul, je me rends compte que quand on s'est rencontrés, je pensais toujours à des choses comme la mort de mon père, et qu'eux, ils pensaient toujours au décès d'Andy, à cette situation...
He's channeling stuff that sounds like it's coming from the fucking heavens, but I think it's coming from inside.
Il arrive à jouer des choses qui semblent venir des cieux, mais ça vient de lui, en réalité.
Look, I know you say he's cute and all that stuff, but it makes you feel like shit, you know?
Je sais que tu le trouves mignon, mais il te fait sentir comme une moins que rien.
Like all that bird singing stuff does.
L'oiseau chanteur, c'est pas mieux.
People want stuff that's fast, people want stuff that's quick, and they like the stuff that's salty, and they like the taste of something fried.
Les gens ont envie de quelque chose de rapide, salé, et ils aiment ce qui est frit.
The problem is, if you don't share stuff with me, like the fact that you were with Geneva, it keeps me in the dark.
Le problème, c'est que tu ne me dis rien, comme ta nuit avec Geneva. Tu me caches des choses.
The day you start paying rent like the rest of us you can play whatever you want, but if you're gonna bump this time of night you're gonna pump out the stuff that we like. Okay?
Quand tu paieras ton loyer comme tout le monde, tu mettras la merde que tu veux mais si tu veux faire la teuf, on va mettre ce qu'on aime.
You really like doing that stuff, huh?
T'aimes vraiment faire ce genre de ce truc, hein?
I'm not one of your chipmunks that you can just boss around and stuff into a cage whenever you feel like it.
Je suis pas un chipmunk que tu mets en cage à ta guise.
It really is a shame that you're like this, because if you had a good personality, none of this other stuff would bother people.
Dommage que tu réagisses comme ça. Si t'avais meilleur caractère, le reste gênerait personne.
Stuff like that makes a federal prosecutor
Et le fait qu'on ait retrouvé plus de 150 000 $. Ces trucs-là excitent les procureurs fédéraux comme moi.
I found this jewelry store that sells stuff, you know, that girlfriends like... necklaces, charm bracelets.
Ce n'est peut-être pas lui. Pourtant, le voilà.
I mean that it feels like you're only here because you're trying to avoid some stuff that's going on in your real life, you know,'cause you're supposed to be at college.
Je veux dire qu'on dirait que tu es ici seulement parce que tu essaies d'éviter des choses qui ont lieu dans ta vraie vie, tu sais, parce que tu es censée être à la fac.
Yeah, I mean, I think we can get away with that as long as we don't do stuff like this.
Tout se passera bien tant qu'on ne fait pas ça.
Okay, Kelly, this time capsule isn't just a barrel full of stuff that people like.
Cette capsule est plus qu'un tonneau plein de trucs personnels.
I want to treat April like a queen, and queens deserve flowers and massages, chocolate, booze, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, them treasure chests full of scarves, different kinds of lubes that warm up when you rub'em on stuff.
Je veux la traiter en reine. Les reines méritent des bouquets de fleurs. Et... des massages, du chocolat, de l'alcool, des diamants, des rubis, des émeraudes, des coffres aux trésors, plein de foulards, des huiles qui se réchauffent quand on les frotte.
Yeah, but I really like that crumbly stuff on the top.
L'apparence. Mais j'aime beaucoup le truc friable du dessus.
The microphone and the sound and the lights and stuff, you're gonna get very, very nervous, and I just feel like you're kind of choking on that.
Tu seras stressée et tu vas buter là-dessus.
Well, the magazine says it wants to be all about sort of that handmade, homemade sensibility, you know, like D.I.Y. stuff.
Le magazine dit être sur les tendances des choses faites maison, ce genre de sensibilités. Les trucs à faire soi-même.
I like that "swinging from the chandelier" stuff.
J'adore ce swing du Chandelier.
Go to the jungle or whatever and they got like actual chemists like cartel chemists asking me chemistry stuff that I don't know how to answer because I'm not you.
S'ils ont des vrais chimistes, des chimistes du cartel avec des questions de chimie, je ne saurai pas répondre parce que je ne suis pas vous.
It's amazing that you guys didn't have all these computers and stuff, and you solved cases, like really complicated cases.
C'est épatant que sans ordinateurs et tout, vous ayez résolu des enquêtes, vraiment compliquées.
That armor stuff has to be some sort of exoskeleton that's been growing for, like, 100 years.
Sa peau ressemble à un exosquelette vieux de plus d'un siècle.
like that 1389
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19