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Talking to yourself Çeviri Fransızca

308 parallel translation
You're talking to yourself, my friend.
- C'est vous qui parlez tout seul.
I only heard you, talking to yourself.
Je vous ai entendu parler toute seule.
Talking to yourself now?
Tu parles tout seul, maintenant.
Talking to yourself?
Vous parlez tout seul?
I wish you'd stop talking to yourself.
Cesse de te parler à toi-même.
I'd swear I saw you talking to yourself.
Je jurerais t'avoir vue parler toute seule.
Here, this one will start you talking to yourself.
Tiens, avec ça tu vas te mettre à parler tout seul.
- Talking to yourself, Max?
- Tu parles tout seul, Max?
What, are you talking to yourself?
Quoi, tu te parles?
- What are you doing, talking to yourself?
Tu parles tout seul?
I don't know what you're talking about at the moment, but it does seem like you're talking to yourself and going too far.
J'ignore à quoi vous faites allusion, mais vous m'avez l'air de vous parler et d'aller trop loin.
- Keep talking to yourself, loudly.
A voix haute.
Talking to yourself?
Tu parles toute seule?
What are you doing, talking to yourself?
Que faites-vous, vous parlez tout seul?
What are you talking to yourself for?
- Non. Ça va.
Talking to yourself, that's all. Get off, go home or something... All these years
Toutes ces années et...
Takuan-san... why are you talking to yourself?
Takuan... Pourquoi parlez-vous tout seul?
Was that you talking to yourself, Uncle Fester?
Tu parlais tout seul, oncle Fétide?
Are you talking to yourself?
Tu parles tout seul.
Are you talking to yourself, dear boy, hmm?
DOCTEUR : Vous soliloquez, mon garçon, hum?
Hey, Jenny, you talking to yourself?
Jenny, tu parles toute seule?
Talking to yourself?
Tu parles tout seul maintenant?
Are you talking to yourself, friend?
Tu fais un peu de conversation?
This habit you have of talking to yourself.
Cette habitude de vous parler à vous-même.
All itchy, twitchy, talking to yourself.
Vous vous agitez et parlez tout seul.
You wasn't talking to yourself, was you?
Tu devrais pas parler tout seul, John.
Look, mate, you start talking to yourself, and as far as I'm concerned, the part...
Écoute, tu commences à parler tout seul et en ce qui me concerne...
He will think you're crazy... if he comes in and hears you talking to yourself.
Il te croira folle... s'il te surprend à parler toute seule.
Talking to yourself - that's actually more like listening than speaking.
Se parler à soi-même, ça consiste plus à écouter qu'à parler.
" One makes two when you're talking to yourself
"et me parler à moi-même"
Talking to yourself?
Tu parles tout seul?
Everybody's staring. You look crazy, talking to yourself and waving your hands around.
On dirait une folle qui se parle toute seule.
You like talking to yourself?
Parler seul t'amuse?
Talking to yourself?
Vous parliez tout seul?
Like talking to yourself with a gang.
On radote mais en groupe.
Blackadder, started talking to yourself I see.
Alors Black Adder, on parle tout seul?
You know, you're saying to yourself, this man is, um, talking to his hat. Oh, no.
Vous vous dites que je raconte n'importe quoi.
You must control yourself if you expect me to understand what you're talking about.
Contrôlez-vous si vous voulez que je comprenne ce que vous dites.
Watch yourself, there's the captain of the Hole talking to Pete.
Le responsable du trou parle à Pete.
That's just who you are talking to - part of yourself - the part you never let come out.
La partie de toi-même que tu ne laisses jamais paraître.
Can't you imagine yourself as Cleopatra talking to an asp?
Ne peux-tu pas t'imaginer en Cléopâtre parlant à un aspic?
You yourself, uncle. I saw you talking to the sergeant at the road-block.
Je t'ai vu de mes yeux, à la barrière, parler avec le sergent.
Where are you? I wish you'd manifest yourself a bit. It's so hard just talking to thin air.
Ne prenez donc pas Vos grands airs avec moi!
- You don't strain yourself when it comes to talking, do you?
C'était son mari. Vous n'êtes pas du genre causant.
Well, if you'd like to see for yourself, you can because they're together right now as we are talking.
Si vous voulez vérifier, vous pouvez parce que... ils sont ensemble en ce moment même.
Don't restrict yourself to talking.
Ne te limite pas à la parole.
Actually, Mr. Maloney, by talking to me, you could make yourself some money.
En fait, me parler pourrait... vous rapporter de l'argent.
Why don't you come to one death therapy session? Just talking to people like yourself
Pourquoi n'assistes-tu pas à la Séance des Mourants?
Sounds just like you. You're getting back to yourself again, talking like a lawyer.
C'est bien toi, le côté avocat reprend le dessus.
I'm talking about you taking £ 20 off me to keep the chef on, letting him go, cooking the meal yourself, then pretending he's still out there!
M'extorquer £ 20 pour que le chef reste, le laisser partir, cuisiner vous même, en prétendant qu'il est toujours là.
Very strange talking to yourself.
C'est très étrange, de parler toute seule.

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