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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / That was a long time ago

That was a long time ago Çeviri Fransızca

965 parallel translation
That was a long time ago, last week.
C'était la semaine dernière!
After all, that was a long time ago, and we should...
Et c'est vieux, alors on devrait...
Well, that was a long time ago, wasn't it Dearest?
- C'est très vieux!
That was a long time ago.
II y a longtemps de ça.
Of course that was a long time ago.
- Mais ça fait un certain temps.
Well, there may have been a time when you were an honest newspaperman, when free press really meant something to you, but that was a long time ago.
À une époque, vous avez peut-être été un journaliste honnête, quand la liberté de la presse vous importait. Mais c'était il y a longtemps.
That was a long time ago.
C'était il y a longtemps.
That was a long time ago. It's all forgotten.
Tout ça c'est loin, oublié.
- That was a long time ago.
- C'était il y a longtemps.
Yes, well that was a long time ago.
Ça ne marche pas.
Man, that was a long time ago.
Ça fait longtemps.
That was a long time ago.
- C'était il y a longtemps.
No one should marry out of loneliness. But that was a long time ago.
On ne devrait pas se marier pour fuir la solitude.
Well, I flew in the war, but that was a long time ago.
J'ai volé durant la guerre, mais c'était il y a longtemps.
That was a long time ago.
C'est loin en arrière.
That was a long time ago, Miss smith.
C'était il y a bien longtemps.
That was a long time ago.
Ça fait un petit bout de temps.
That was a long time ago.
Il y a longtemps de cela.
But my dear Sir Allan, that was a long time ago ; now... you will have found many beautiful daughters in France. Roughly.
Plus ou moins.
That was a long time ago.
Il y a si longtemps.
Oh, well, that was a long time ago when I was a kid... and even then I was more a passenger.
C'est vieux! Et j'étais une sorte de passager.
That was a long time ago.
C'est loin, tout ça!
But that was a long time ago.
Mais c'était avant.
But that was a long time ago, and I...
Mais c'était il y a longtemps et je...
That was a long time ago when all this was prairie.
Il y a longtemps. C'était encore une prairie ici.
That was a long time ago.
Il y a longtemps?
I had, but again, since it was a long time ago, every record back then had been erased. I've also contacted some people in that site, but he said it can't be restored.
J'ai aussi contacté plusieurs personnes de ce site mais ils ont dit que ça ne pourra être restauré.
When was that... such a long time ago.
Quand était-ce... il y a si longtemps.
- That was a long time ago.
C'était il y a longtemps déjà.
AII that was a very long time ago.
II y a bien longtemps de ca.
Miss Belle was a mighty fine white lady that lived in this big house a long time ago when I was no bigger than what you is, scarcely.
C'était une femme blanche d'une grande beauté qui vivait dans cette maison il y a longtemps, quand je n'étais guere plus grand que toi.
- That was a long time ago, wasn't it?
- Il y a longtemps, non?
Well, it seems that somewhere a long time ago, that line was used before.
Il se trouve qu'il y a longtemps, on m'a menti de la sorte.
That was a long, long time ago.
Il y a très, très longtemps.
That was a long time ago.
Ca remonte a loin.
That caper was a long time ago. Come on, Dum-dum.
C'est loin tout ça.
It was such a long time ago that you left.
Il y a si longtemps que vous nous avez..
No, not at all. I  s just that it was a long time ago.
Non, mais c'était il y a si longtemps.
Perhaps that was true a long time ago, before the Ice Age.
C'était peut-être vrai il y a très longtemps, avant l'âge de glace.
But I just would like to say that for the first time since I started flying... which was a long time ago... I don't know where I've been.
J'ajouterais que pour la première fois depuis que je vole, et ça fait une paie, je ne sais pas où je suis allé.
That was long time ago.
C'était il y a longtemps.
There was a time not so long ago when learned men thought that was flat.
Il fut un temps où les savants croyaient la Terre plate.
It was a long time ago. It was high school stuff, that's all.
Il y a longtemps, une amourette de lycée, c'est tout.
Even at my age, I couldn't help but reflect on my younger days although that was such a long time ago.
J'ai pourtant été frappé par la différence avec mon époque.
I thought that was settled a long time ago.
Je croyais que tout ceci était réglé.
You knew him? Well, not since I was at school, that's a long time ago.
- Vous avez une explication?
If I'd have known what this was all about, I'd have told the people that did this a long time ago.
Si j'avais su quoi que ce soit, je l'aurais dit depuis longtemps à ceux qui ont fait ça.
It was because that happened a long time ago in Burma.
C'est à cause de ce qui à dû se passer en Birmanie.
That was a... long time ago, sir. When?
Il y a 20 ans.
- That was a very, very long time ago.
- C'était il y a très longtemps.
The property that Tohachi wants is very good land, and a long time ago it was my family's property.
La terre que veut Tohachi est une très bonne terre, et il y a longtemps, elle appartenait à ma famille.

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