They don't like it Çeviri Fransızca
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Monoculture crops have been dominating all agriculture research for hundreds of years and even now you know mainstream agriculture scientists they don't like looking at more than one crop in one place, it makes things very complicated for them.
Les espèces de monoculture ont dominé toute la recherche agricole pendant des centaines d'années et encore maintenant, les chercheurs en agriculture conventionnelle ils n'aiment pas étudier plus qu'une plante à un endroit donné, ça leur rend les choses très compliquées.
And if they don't - if it looks like that snitch might rat on us - one single phone call and this whole place gets blown sky-high.
Et pourquoi pas? Si cet indic nous surprenait, il passait un coup de fil et toute la combine était grillée.
People don't like it, shooting humans away to hard, frozen darkness. They're murmuring.
Ça ne plaît pas aux gens... envoyer des êtres humains dans l'obscurité rude et froide... les gens parlent.
Let those bourgeois take a jump in the lake, and if they don't like it,
- Moi, les bourgeois, " ... j'leur bouffe les foies! Et s'ils sont pas contents, contents,"
You shoot it out with'em and for some reason or other, I don't know why... they get to look like heroes.
Si on leur tire dessus... pour une raison ou une autre ils en ressortent en héros.
It isn't that they don't like you as a person.
Ce n'est pas une question de personne.
- They don't talk like it.
- Ils se gardent bien de le dire.
They don't like it when our brothers get lucky.
On n'aime pas quand notre prochain a de la chance.
It's what they're doing to people like us all over the South, what they'll do to Missouri too if we don't stop them.
C'est ce qu'ils nous font partout dans le Sud! Et ce qu'ils font au Missouri.
No, they don't write it against drivers like you.
Pas contre les chauffards comme vous.
They found Farnsworth's body just like you said. I don't get it.
Ils ont trouvé Farnsworth, comme tu l'avais dit.
Don't worry, Pop. Take it easy. Look them in the eye like they were tigers.
Regarde-les dans les yeux comme s'ils étaient des tigres.
I don't know much about this gentleman stuff they're handing out about you, but maybe you're bringing something new to the fight game, something it needs and never got from fellas like me.
Je ne connais pas grand-chose à ce... titre de gentleman dont on vous affuble, mais vous apportez peut-être une chose nouvelle à la boxe. Une chose dont elle a besoin et que je n'aurais pu lui apporter.
I don't know what they got and I don't know what they want. But I don't like it.
J'ignore ce qu'ils ont et ce qu'ils nous veulent, mais ça ne me plaît pas.
It means "they couldn't help it." Doesn't sound like it. Indian names don't.
Les noms indiens sont bizarres
I don't like it when they ask too many questions.
Je déteste ces questions!
They don't like it.
Ils n'aiment pas ça.
- They don't like to talk about it.
Ils n'en parlent jamais qu'entre intimes.
And if they don't like it, well, that's just too bad.
Et si ça ne lui plaît pas, tant pis!
I don't pretend to like the idea of killing a bunch of people but it's the case of drop a bomb on them or pretty soon they'll be dropping one on Ellen.
L'idée de tuer de nombreuses personnes ne me plaît pas. Si je ne largue pas une bombe sur eux, ils largueront une bombe sur Ellen.
- And it's true. He's going down to visit his folks, they don't like drinking.
Vu qu'il va chez ses parents.
But they tell it to you all mixed up, like pieces of a puzzle that don't fit.
Mais ils vous le racontent de manière confuse, comme des pièces de casse-tête qui ne s'imbriquent pas.
How can people like a song if they don't hear it?
On n'aime pas une chanson qu'on n'entend pas.
What I don't want is that others get me, that they interrogate... that they judge me, that they treat me like scum, even if it's true.
Ce que je veux pas, c'est que les autres me possèdent, qu'ils m'interrogent qu'ils me jugent, qu'ils me traitent de dégueulasse, même si c'est vrai.
I don't like the tone of it. They're gonna make a political issue out of this.
Ils en font une affaire politique.
Well, they don't act like that when I do it.
Elles se comportent différemment quand c'est moi qui le fais.
I don't like it when they show you with the number on.
Pourquoi? II y a un numéro dessus.
They don't like it, Heinrich.
Ils n'aiment pas ça.
They don't know why they're running around for but they keep it up. There are a lot of people like that.
Les hommes font de même :
They might at that but I don't like it.
Oui... mais ça ne me plaît pas.
It looks like they've decided to send home the ones who don't have a union contract.
Ils vont liquider toutes celles sans contrat.
They don't like changes. It scares them.
Ils ont peur du changement.
They don't like it, I'm told.
Il paraît qu'ils ne l'aiment pas.
Of course, some of the tracks don't help us any but... We've got ways of getting the information out whether they like it or not.
Bien sûr, certains hippodromes ne nous aident pas mais... nous passons par d'autres moyens que ça leur plaise ou non
I like our viewpoint, Jim. But there are those here who won't see it. They don't even understand it!
Ton point de vue me plaît, Jim... mais plusieurs ne pensent pas de même, ils ne comprennent pas.
It isn't true. They don't have pearls for teeth like it says.
C'est pas vrai qu'elles ont des perles à la place des dents!
It's not that I've just arrived, the truth is I don't like to be with those people that have a right to look at you just because they've paid.
En vérité, je n'ai pas travaillé tard. Je ne veux pas être parmi ces gens, qui ont le droit te voir juste parce qu'il paie.
They don't like it when we bother them for nothing.
Ils n'aiment pas venir pour rien.
Why don't they keep it like that?
Pourquoi les abîmer?
They don't like it, and they don't trust us! I know all that!
Ils ne nous aiment pas et ne nous font pas confiance Tout ca je le sais
They're playing it like they don't know each other, but it's an old act any cop could spot, so I listened.
Ils prétendent ne pas se connaître, mais j'ai ouvert grand les oreilles.
I don't know, but it looks like they're gonna lynch him.
Ils ont l'air de vouloir le lyncher.
They don't make it like they did when your father was drinking.
On ne les fait plus comme à l'époque où ton père buvait.
Funny it isn't on the map. Maybe they don't like publicity.
Pourquoi n'est-il pas marqué?
I have clients who like to have me speak in French, but it's not the same thing when they don't understand it.
J'ai des clients qui tiennent à ce que je cause en français, .. mais c'est pas pareil, quand on se sent pas comprise.
If they don't like it, let them leave.
Elles n'ont qu'à partir.
Sure, you forced them, but they don't like it.
Tu leur as forcé la main, ils font traîner.
It looks like they don't ask questions here.
Ici, on ne demande rien.
I mean, now wait a minute. Suppose they don't like it? The records.
Et si vos élèves ne les aiment pas?
It was terrible being alone Frankie... and my legs when they hurt, she don't massage like you.
C'est terrible d'être seule. Et quand mes jambes me font mal, elle les masse pas comme toi.
Don't tell me he didn't mean it. Anybody says it like that, they mean it!
Quand on le dit comme ça, c'est qu'on le pense.
they don't 727
they don't like me 19
they don't exist 52
they don't work 32
they don't give a shit 20
they don't listen 19
they don't know yet 28
they don't understand 42
they don't get it 22
they don't hate you 16
they don't like me 19
they don't exist 52
they don't work 32
they don't give a shit 20
they don't listen 19
they don't know yet 28
they don't understand 42
they don't get it 22
they don't hate you 16