Tights Çeviri Fransızca
575 parallel translation
"You've forgotten your tights."
Tu as oublié le collant.
Yancey Cravat... you let that hussy in black tights have your claim... after having been gone a whole month, away from your wife and child.
Yancey Cravat, tu as laissé cette dévergondée en bas noirs avoir ce que tu voulais après t'être absenté un mois entier, loin de ta femme et de ton fils.
I don't suppose you'd recognize the lady without her black tights.
Je suppose que tu ne reconnaîtrais pas cette femme sans ses bas noirs.
- Bring me a pair of tights.
- Apporte-moi des bas.
Why not pink tights? You know. With spangles all around.
Des collants roses... avec des paillettes.
Nein. No tights.
Pas de collants.
Without tights.
Sans collants.
I'm only wearin'a tuxedo instead of tights.
Non.J'appelle ça troquer mes collants pour un smoking.
Ah, monsieur. I did so want to see you in tights.
Le collant va si bien à Monsieur!
"Our actor was garbed from head to foot in black velvet tights, with black gloves and a black headpiece rather like a diver's helmet."
"L'acteur revêtait des collants de velours noirs, des gants noirs et un masque noir semblable à un masque de plongée."
You ain't got one in tights, have you?
Vous n'en auriez pas une un peu plus dévêtue?
That's the tights for the girls and all stuff like that.
Soit les collants des filles et les choses comme ça.
I went to see a circus, and there was a beautiful lady in pink tights.
Au cirque, j'ai vu une belle femme en collants roses.
Whatever it was, here I am, no horse, no job, not even the pink tights.
Et me voilà. Sans cheval ni rôle ni collants roses.
- Possibly wearing tights.
- Et elles portent des collants!
The little girl has never wrestled before. They're wearing tights this season, dear.
Les lutteuses mettent des collants, cette année.
- And look, there's his tights.
le caleçon!
Not a sign of a dancer in tights.
Aucune trace de danseuse en collants.
- Not unless Fifi puts on tights.
- Si Fifi enfile des bas.
It goes down like God in red velvet tights.
- Une merveille que ce vin chaud.
I'd have heated up their tights! You're being despicable.
Les sans-culottes auraient eu chaud aux fesses!
Not the tights!
Pas mes chausses!
Look at your tights.
Regarde tes bas.
She won't turn up in tights.
Elle n'arrivera pas en collant.
She sings a song or two. You know, in tights.
Elle chante des chansons, en collant.
And don't worry, I'll send the tights back in the morning.
Je renverrai le collant.
The kid in blue tights isn't too bad.
Le gars en bleu n'est pas mauvais.
The lights on the lady in tights
Les lumières sur les filles en collants
Them is tights, Calam.
C'est un collant.
He likes it when I pose in tights so he can capture my natural shape.
- Ça m'est égal. Il préfère les collants pour retrouver la forme pure.
Purple tights.
Collants violets.
You haven't heard me sing. Consuela thought these tights might help, but you don't like them. My legs aren't so bad.
Consuelo dit que ce maillot m'avantage pour chanter.
Put on these tights, ask a lot of questions, start to walk out.
Ce collant, des tas de questions... J'ai cru que vous ne le diriez jamais.
These tights, now why didn't you want me to wear them?
Pourquoi ne voulez-vous pas que je porte ce maillot?
If I'd known we were going to a beatnik joint for coffee and word-jazz, I'd have worn my black tights.
Si j'avais su qu'on allait dans un café hippie pour écouter de la poésie, j'aurais mis mes collants noirs.
But skip the black tights.
Mais laisse tomber les collants noirs.
It looked like I was wearing shimmering tights, remember?
On aurait dit que je portais des collants chatoyants, n'est-ce pas?
He had on tights and a plume in his hat and a big sword.
Il avait des collants et une plume au chapeau et une grande épée.
Well, first he had on these fancy tights and a big sword like Richard Burton.
D'abord, il avait ces jolis collants et une grosse épée, comme Richard Burton.
She has red tights and a white blouse with short sleeves... and a blue pinafore dress.
Elle porte des collants rouges, une blouse blanche à manches courtes, une robe-tablier bleue.
I used to do it in tights.
Moi, on voyait mes bas.
And did you notice the one in the black tights with the boots?
Et celle avec des fuseaux noirs et des bottines?
You have to have the figure for those tights.
Il faut le physique pour se le permettre.
He is showing all his limbs in his pink tights.
Ne voyez-vous tous ses membres émerger de son tricot? Ne voyez-vous pas que son tricot est rose?
Now put on Ernie s tights for another performance. A crowd is waiting!
Enfilez la culotte d'Arnostek et nous organiserons un autre spectacle car il y a foule, dehors.
With the combination of elastic-sided boots and tights.
Bonne chance, alors.
He had on tights... and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bells.
Il portait un vêtement collant, et sa tête était surmontée d'un bonnet conique.
why is it that these new lurex dancing tights go baggy at the knees after only a couple of evenings'fun?
comment se fait-il que ces nouveaux collants sexy fassent des poches sous les genoux après seulement deux soirées?
- You'll ruin your tights.
- Tu vas ruiner tes collants.
That diamond's worth 1,200 pairs of tights.
Ce diamant vaut 1200 paires de collants.
We've got corsets, stockings, suspender belts, tights, bras, slips, petticoats, knickers, socks and garters, sir. Fine, fine.
Très bien.