To get married Çeviri Fransızca
5,037 parallel translation
I can't make any promises, but my understanding is if you were to get married today that I.C.E. will have to back off.
Je ne peux rien promettre, mais je crois comprendre que si vous deviez vous marier aujourd'hui l'I.C.E. devra faire marche arrière.
Parents are supposed to be lame so their kids have something to rebel against by becoming cool just long enough to get married and have kids for whom they are lame.
Les parents sont supposés être nazes pour que leurs enfants aient quelque chose contre lequel se rebeller en devenant suffisamment cool pour se marier et avoir leurs propres enfants qui les trouveront chiants.
Aren't you going to get married?
Tu penses ouvrir une clinique?
- To get married.
- On veut se marier.
To get married.
On veut se marier.
But I've always sworn to myself to get married and have kids there.
Mais je me suis jure de me marier et d'avoir des enfants la-bas.
You want us to get married?
- Tu veux qu'on se marie? - Ben...
A princess who didn't want to get married, so she ran away.
Une princesse qui ne veut pas se marier et qui s'enfuit.
But as easy as it was for my mom to get married...
Mais, tant que c'était facile pour ma mère qu'elle se marie,
You don't want to get married?
Tu veux pas se marier?
I don't ever want to get married.
Je ne veux pas me marier.
Now, I don't think I would want to get married, just because in my experience, the marriage didn't work out.
Je ne pense pas que j'aimerais me marier, parce que d'après ce que j'ai vu, ça ne fonctionne pas.
I want to get married, but I am divorced.
Je veux me marier, mais je suis divorcé.
I don't want to get married someday. No, not really.
Je n'ai pas envie de me marier.
Harada and I were planning to get married.
On voulait se marier.
Here's the thing, we both really want to get married, but- -
On a très envie de se marier...
To get married?
Pour se marier?
Maybe I should have asked her to get married.
J'aurais peut-être dû la demander en mariage.
In spite of what we both know, I'll ask you to get married in white.
- Et je te demanderai, malgré ce que nous savons tous deux, de te marier en robe blanche.
I think I'm going to get married.
- Oui? - Je crois que je vais me marier.
All right, sooner or later, you're going to get married.
- Voilà. Un jour ou l'autre, tu finiras bien par te marier.
- I don't want to get married!
- Parce que j'ai pas envie de me marier.
Want to get married and whatever?
Tu veux te marier ou n'importe?
I'm about to get married.
Je vais me marier.
I don't even want to get married.
Je ne veux pas me marier.
My second lie was that we wanted to get married to each other.
Le second est que nous allons nous marier.
I're not going to get married.
Attendez. Je ne vais pas me marier.
If I'd told them we were taking a bunch of gays out there to get married, they'd have thrown me a parade.
Si j'avais dit qu'on emmenait des gays se marier, on m'aurait fait un défilé.
Let's tell them we were taking a bunch of gays to get married.
Disons-leur qu'on emmenait une bande de gays se marier.
It's still illegal for two girls to get married in India you'll have to go to New York, Aditi!
C'est toujours illégal pour deux filles de se marier en Inde, tu devras aller à New York, Aditi!
They say... there is no right time to get married. You're in trouble from the moment it happens.
On dit, qu'il n'y a pas de bon moment pour se marier et qu'une fois que tu l'es as des problèmes.
I really want to get married in the Church. And he's okay with that.
Je veux me marier à l'église, et il est d'accord.
We've decided, after a little bit of thought, to get married.
Nous avons décidé, après y avoir réfléchi, de nous marrier.
Right... where would you like to get married?
D'accord, um, Où souhaiterais-tu te marrier?
Hey Ram bhai, Keshav is going to get married soon, let him watch he needs bedroom lessons otherwise he will be clueless on his first night!
Hey Ram Bhai, Keshav va bientôt se marier, laissez-le observer il a besoin de leçons de chambre sinon il sera désemparés sur sa première nuit!
But I don't want to get married...
Mais je ne veux pas me marier...
Before Teacher Yang Baek goes back to Shanghai, I want to invite Teacher and get married to you.
Je veux t'épouser avant que le Professeur Yang Baek ne reparte pour Shangai.
How can I give this precious girl to anyone? When I get married, my husband would be so happy, right?
n'est-ce pas?
But I have a word of advice, find a man, don't let him get anywhere near your kitchen, get him married to you or your grandmother, and please just give me some peace.
trouvez un petit ami, ne le laissez pas approcher de votre cuisine, qu'il vous épouse vous ou votre grand-mère, et s'il vous plaît, laissez-moi respirer!
Either the distance gets to them and they break up, or it doesn't, and they get married, live a happy life, with you always on the outside looking in, quietly pining indefinitely.
Soit la distance a raison d'eux, soit ils se marient et vivent heureux. Toi, tu restes sur la touche, à te languir à jamais.
Look, the one thing I like about getting married is that you get to stand up in front of everyone you care about and state, for the record, that you believe in the best-case scenario.
Ce que j'aime dans le mariage, c'est que devant tous ses proches, on clame haut et fort qu'on croit au meilleur des cas.
And I'd love to see you get married and have children.
Et, j'aimerais bien la voir se marier et avoir des enfants.
My grandfather saved for months to get this ring, and he was married for 62 years.
mon grand-père sauvé pendant des mois pour obtenir cet anneau, et il était mariés depuis 62 ans.
They want me to stop messing around, settle down, get married with the next nice girl I meet.
Ils veulent que je mûrisse, que je me marie avec la prochaine.
But now that he does, I've gotta tell you... these people get married to it.
Maintenant, il le sait, et je dois te dire... Ces gens-là deviennent accro...
what about in primitive societies Where they get married early and just Wander off lying in the bush to give birth.
Dans les sociétés primitives, ils se mariaient tôt, et allaient accoucher dans la forêt.
That's why my father wants to get me married.
Voilà pourquoi mon père veut que je me marie
He decided to get her married off to TangabaIIi.
Il a décidé de marier Meena à Tangaballi.
The second you finish school, they want to get you married.
A la seconde où tu finis l'école, ils veulent te marier.
Better to never get married than do it 5-6 times.
Mieux vaut n'être jamais marié que l'être 5 ou 6 fois.
No matter what, Baa will get you married to Karsan.
Peu importe ce que, Baa va vous marier à Karsan.
to get back at me 18
to get by 20
to get there 20
to get in 18
to get 23
to get out 26
get married 162
married 735
to get by 20
to get there 20
to get in 18
to get 23
to get out 26
get married 162
married 735