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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / Too many questions

Too many questions Çeviri Fransızca

432 parallel translation
I think you ask too many questions.
Tu poses un peu trop de questions.
Your father was a César too? And your grandfather? I wouldn't ask too many questions, if I were you.
Ton père aussi tenait ce bar? Et ton grand-père? Ne recherche pas trop loin dans la famille.
My wife tells me I ask too many questions.
Ma femme me dit que je pose trop de questions.
- Don't ask too many questions.
- Ne pose pas trop de questions.
We don't ask too many questions when a man joins the Rangers.
On pose peu de questions à ceux qui s'engagent.
Higgins was a valuable man and a clever cracksman. But he had your unfortunate habit of asking too many questions and now all that's left of him is one boot.
Higgins était un homme de valeur et adroit, mais il avait votre mauvaise habitude de poser trop de questions.
Too many questions to suit me.
Il pose trop de questions.
There are certain members of her court that are asking too many questions... about your latest trading expedition up the Nile.
Certaines personnes de la cour posent beaucoup de questions au sujet de votre expédition en Égypte.
Too many questions.
Tant de questions!
I don't like it when they ask too many questions.
Je déteste ces questions!
You kids ask too many questions.
Vous posez trop de questions.
And they always start by asking too many questions.
Ils commencent toujours par poser trop de questions.
I like a man who takes what he wants, doesn't ask too many questions.
J'apprécie les hommes qui se servent sans poser trop de questions.
And they didn't want too many questions asked.
Et ils ne veulent pas qu'on demandent trop de questions.
- Women ask too many questions.
- Les femmes parlent trop.
Too many questions, Duke.
Vous m'en demandez trop, Monsieur le Duc!
Yes, except that he's asking too many questions.
Oui, sauf qu'il pose trop de questions.
Stevens is asking too many questions.
Stevens pose trop de questions.
You ask too many questions.
Vous posez trop de questions.
Somehow I thought she was grateful that I didn't ask too many questions.
Elle appréciait que je ne la questionne pas.
I'm sorry, honey, but that's one too many questions.
Désolé, mais c'est assez de questions.
That landlady's been asking too many questions.
La propriétaire pose des questions.
But then I never asked too many questions about it.
Mais je n'ai pas trop posé de questions.
- You ask too many questions.
- Tu poses trop de questions!
- Am I asking too many questions?
- Je pose trop de questions?
- You ask too many questions.
- Tu poses trop de questions.
How much farther? You ask too many questions.
 Ecoutez,  vous n'êtes qu'un homme de main
Too many questions!
Tu poses trop de questions.
Miss, if my outfit's asking too many questions, you just say so.
Si mes gars sont trop curieux, dites-le.
Here it's hot, but it's a boarding house where we are not asked too many questions.
Il fait chaud ici, mais c'est un petit hôtel discret.
You pose too many questions.
Vous posez trop de questions.
You ask too many questions.
Pose pas tant de questions.
Too many questions would have been necessary... Too many explanations.
Il aurait fallu trop de questions, trop d'explications.
Too many questions and not enough answers.
Trop de questions et pas assez de réponses.
Vous posez trop de questions.
The coroner comes once a month, he won't ask too many questions. He'll say he died of heart failure.
L'officier ne posera pas de questions et parlera d'arrêt du cœur.
Right now there are too many questions unanswered.
Il me faut d'abord quelques réponses.
You ask too many questions.
Tu poses trop de questions.
I've things to do, but I don't want you, you ask too many questions.
- J'ai à faire mais je ne veux pas de toi, tu poses trop de questions.
You say I ask too many questions, but there are times when I can't do otherwise.
- Tu dis que je pose trop de questions, mais il y a des moments où je peux pas faire autrement.
- Now don't ask too many questions.
- Ne pose pas trop de questions.
You ask too many questions, Sue Ann.
- Cessez de poser ces questions.
It's not wise to ask too many questions.
Ne posez pas trop de questions.
You always ask too many questions.
Quand on pose trop de questions,
Like Max says, you ask too many questions.
Comme dit Max, tu poses trop de questions.
You ask too many questions.
Tu poses trop de questions. Tu le donneras à celui qui viendra.
You ask too many questions.
Tu te pose trop de questions.
Coney, you ask too many questions.
T'es trop curieux, Cohen.
Johnny North choked to death on one question... too many.
On meurt vite quand on pose trop de questions...
There are many questions in my mind, too many perhaps, about the actor Karidian and his daughter.
Beaucoup de questions me traversent l'esprit, trop, peut-être, concernant Karidian et sa fille.
Oh, you ask too many questions,
J'essaie de vous aider.

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