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Trenwith Çeviri Fransızca

11 parallel translation
Elizabeth will make a fine Mistress of Trenwith.
Elizabeth fera une excellente Maîtresse de Trenwith.
You will be Mistress of Trenwith.
Tu seras la Maitresse de Trenwith.
A letter come from Trenwith.
Une lettre venant de Trenwith.
- Geoffrey Charles Poldark, heir to the great Trenwith estate.
Geoffrey Charles Poldark, héritier du domaine de Trenwith.
Not a Poldark... Ooh! .. THE Poldark of Trenwith House.
Pas un Poldark Le Poldark de Trenwith House.
'Tis Mistress Poldark from Trenwith.
C'est Madame Poldark, de Trenwith.
Old John Trenwith
Le vieux John Trenwith
And you'll favour me by never setting foot on Trenwith land.
Et je vous saurais gré d'éviter de mettre le pied à Trenwith.
- Your Trenwith duties will remain unchanged, but in addition you'll be deployed on certain public errands.
- Vos charges à Trenwith demeureront, mais outre cela, vous serez chargé de certaines missions publiques.
Your man sent this from Trenwith, sir.
Votre homme a fait parvenir ceci de Trenwith, monsieur.
But Cap'n Ross said, "On no account..." Must you venture on Trenwith land?
Cap'taine Ross a dit qu'"en aucun cas"... il fallait s'aventurer sur les terres de Trenwith?

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